这张专辑Stabat Mater源于圣母颂Stabat Mater dolorosa(圣母悲伤矗立着)。英文译文如下:
[21*] Stabat mater dolorosa
The most famous Marian hymn (1200s), formerly attributed to Iacopone da Todi (see Nos. 96, 97). Strong end and interior rhyme throughout, which the translation attempts to approximate. Set to music by Verdi, Rossini, Palestrina, and Pergolesi, Tape of chant: Philips 420879-2.
*Original text appears in Section IX, taken from Analecta Hymnica, 54, no. 201.
1. There stood the Mother deeply sorrowing
At the Cross-side, tears outpouring,
As they hanged her Son, Her Christ;
How her heart was gravely groaning,
Wracked with pain and full of moaning,
As the swords inside her sliced.
2. Ah, the grieving, great affliction
Heaped on this maid of benediction,
Mother of the Chosen One;
Full of suffering, filled with pining
She stood shuddering while divining
The penalties for her great Son.
3. Where’s the man who is not weeping
As he sees Christ’s Mother keeping
Watch upon such bitterness?
Who’s not filled with agitation
In the Virgin’s contemplation
Of her Son’s most dire duress?
4. She sees Jesus stretched on the yoke,
Paying for the sins of other folk,
Handed over to the whips;
There she sees her Boy-Child mild
In the death-grip, alone, defiled,
As his man-soul from him slips.
5. Eia, Mother, fount of loving,
Let me bear with you the groveling,
Let me suffer woe with you;
Let my heart be filled with burning;
For the Lord Christ set me yearning,
Make your child love me too.
6. Holy Mother, please abide me –
Let the nail-blows pound inside me,
Let them strike within my heart;
As I spy those sundering blows
That your loved one undergoes
Let me also share a part!
7. Let me with you stand there crying,
Lending comfort at the crucifying
For as long as I have breath;
At the Cross-side let me stand
Offering you a kindly hand
As we keen the dirge of death.
8. Maiden, foremost among maidens,
Let me not be overladen,
Let me mourn along with you;
Let the Christ-death be my ration,
Make me consort to his Passion,
Let me bear the beatings too!
9. Let me feel the flails aflying,
Make me drunk in the crucifying
In the blest love of your Son;
Save me from the Hell-flames’ kindling:
Virgin! Save this sinner spindling
When the judgment Day has come!
10. Let the Cross attend my breath,
Stay with me until my death
And the grave of princely prize;
When this body knows it’s dying,
Let this soul go upward flying
To the praise of Paradise.
James J. Wilhelm, Lyrics of the Middle Ages: An Anthology
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