Led Zeppelin II的乐评 (6)
No Quarter
(Bootleg版的东东豆瓣上没有,就把这几个破字帖此处吧,谁让Moby Dick收在这张里面了呢……您完全有理由认为,俺不知在评什么…… :P) 鼓手John Bonham在LZ中的地位是无人可替代的,否则LZ也不会在Bonham死后便告解散。听了一下午Bonham生前最后一次现场,1980年7月7日的柏...
费迪南德·冯·齐柏林伯爵(COUNT Ferdinand von Zeppelin)梦想他的超级飞艇在无助的城市完成整场轰炸,用漂浮的可怕主权恐吓整个大陆,侦察幽灵般的海洋、冰冷的荒原、包围的沙漠,穿透喜马拉雅山的迷雾。他的海盗团伙从未被认为是齐柏林飞艇乐队的象征,齐柏林飞艇可以说是乐...
Review by Stephen Thomas Erlewine
Recorded quickly during Led Zeppelin's first American tours, Led Zeppelin II provided the blueprint for all the heavy metal bands that followed it. Since the group could only enter the studio for brief amounts of time, most of the songs that compose II are ...
The Lemon Song
"The Lemon Song? Oh, that's an interesting story, that… Jimmy [Page] and I were drunk as lords and, erm… [laughs] the song is very sexual in nature. Jimmy gave me a handjob when we were both drunk, and I was about to cum but I started urinating. Only a li...