David Pajo,一名来自美国肯德基州路易斯纳尔的结他手。他从不是甚麼高姿态乐手,然而却毋庸置疑他是美国Indie音乐界所不可多得的传奇性名字。
最广为人知,是Pajo曾任Slint和Tortoise这两支美国Post-Rock界举足轻重乐团的成员;近年又加入过前The Smashing Pumpkins主将Billy Corgan领军的新乐队Zwan。在其履歷上,他还活像打游击般跟The For Carnation、King Kong、Royal Trux、Palace、Bonnie Prince Billy、Stereolab等等音乐单位合作过,其活跃程度也可想而知,相识满天下。
当Pajo还是Tortoise一员时,他早已在1995年间开始单飞发展,先是化身M Is The T...(展开全部) David Pajo,一名来自美国肯德基州路易斯纳尔的结他手。他从不是甚麼高姿态乐手,然而却毋庸置疑他是美国Indie音乐界所不可多得的传奇性名字。
最广为人知,是Pajo曾任Slint和Tortoise这两支美国Post-Rock界举足轻重乐团的成员;近年又加入过前The Smashing Pumpkins主将Billy Corgan领军的新乐队Zwan。在其履歷上,他还活像打游击般跟The For Carnation、King Kong、Royal Trux、Palace、Bonnie Prince Billy、Stereolab等等音乐单位合作过,其活跃程度也可想而知,相识满天下。
当Pajo还是Tortoise一员时,他早已在1995年间开始单飞发展,先是化身M Is The Thirteenth Letter,然后又再改名为Aerial M以及大家较熟悉的Papa M。随著他在98年退出Tortoise,便正式宣佈他要自立门户、全力专注个人发展。
早期M/Aerial M/Papa M等「M字派」单位的作品,正正是从其Post-Rock风骨引伸出来,去年出版的1993至2000年作品精选专辑Hole Of Burning Alms,正是为Pajo前期的纯音乐后摇滚作品所带来之总结。直至2001年发表了迷你专辑Papa M Sings,那亦标誌著Pajo的一个重大蜕变——走向Song-Based/Lyric-Oriented姿态,令他实行躋身Alternative Country-Folk唱作人之列。
在2003至04年间,Papa M曾一连发表了六款Audio Tour Diary系列EP,歌曲分别在芝加哥、路易斯维尔、布隆明顿、洛杉磯、纽约市等地方收录,实行「去到边、录到边」,看到是Pajo爱上了这种简便而流动性的公路音乐製作方式。那麼Pajo裡的歌曲,感觉正跟Audio Tour Diary时期为之一脉相承。
由他一人包办所有演奏下,一把歌声一支木结他再加上点点电音声效、Microbeat节拍与Treatment,开场曲Oh No No己示范了这种製作手法。但其歌曲仍是如斯简朴而Folky,却泛著灰濛濛的音质,就像封套内那辑拍摄出一股幽悒氛围的照片般。
像让鏗鏘木结他与电音节拍水乳交融地衬托出Pajo温柔歌声的High Lonesome Moon,凄美惨白而窝心的Let Me Bleed,抑或青葱怡人、简朴无华的民歌曲目如Ten More Days、Manson Twins,都是其美得叫人心动、縈绕心头的歌曲,堆积著如细水长流的情感。Mary Of The Wildmoor开首更表现出他那寂寥悽凉的清唱,连歌曲也用甚Lo-Fi的录音以打造出萧条落寞的氛围。而Baby Please Come Home大可称之为一首电气Lo-Fi Folk-Rock,其调子是很The Byrds的呢!
还教人期待,是Pajo现跟Todd Cook(Slint/June Of 44/Retsin/The For Carnation/Aerial M)、Michael McMahan(Slint/The For Carnation/Starkiller/Phantom Family Halo)和Tony Bailey(Anomoanon/The Party Girls/Aerial M)组成的新乐队Dead Child呢!
The first thing you will hear about when you read a review anywhere else on this record, is how it sounds like Elliott Smith. So, I figured that this review needed to be different than...oh wait, well too late now. Anyway, yes this record is reminiscant of Elliott Smith, especially Either/Or, and it is also reminiscant of Simon & Garfunkel, Nick Drake, Bill Fey, Tim Buckley, Scott Walker, Kings of Convenience...hell every album that has a guy with an acoustic(原生) guitar and voice. However, I don't think that making a simple comparison(比较) to another artist does this record justice, but it is unavoidable. I have been a fan of David Pajo for quite sometime and always felt that he was just short of making a record like this. Fans of his Papa M records will not be disappointed with this. Although the recording is low-fi, the song structure does not suffer. In fact, the simplicity(简单,朴素) often brings the melody up to the surface on which the instrumentation quietly and beautifully floats. This album does something that most albums try and few are able to do, it maintains a mood. Somewhere in each of these songs is the ghost of Simon & Garfunkels' "Bookends". This is not a reinvention(革新) of the wheel, nor is it a reinvention of an artist, but it is a fine addition to a genre that was critically wounded almost two years ago with the loss of one of it's finest. I don't really believe in star ratings, but if giving this a 5 will influence someone to purchase this record, then what does it matter. This is a great record, easily one of the best of 2005.
http://www.cokemachineglow.com/reviews/pajo_2005.html http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/record-reviews/p/pajo/pajo.shtml http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0009MAPAO/103-0005958-4041438?v=glance
0 有用 獴 2007-06-18 23:34:47
ten_more_days - manson_twins
0 有用 吃掉黑暗的怪兽 2011-05-29 21:35:22
0 有用 掩杀 2009-12-10 02:41:31
声音..有够飘逸的...其实我蛮想说.连听三张感觉跟一个制作人似的...David Pajo.2005
0 有用 toni 2012-04-13 10:47:40
0 有用 【半注销】 2007-09-07 19:49:54
0 有用 铁皮 2011-09-18 19:14:15
0 有用 toni 2012-04-13 10:47:40
0 有用 【半注销】 2007-09-07 19:49:54
0 有用 meiconte 2010-03-15 08:54:18
0 有用 寺内酒徒对倒 2012-02-25 17:56:44
民谣 美国肯德基州路易斯纳尔