最后一首ball and chain,唱完后她说了一大段话,听得我非常感动和激动, you got one day ,that one day better be your life. that's it man, you got today ,you don't worry about tommorrow man,cause you don't need it......tommorrow never happens man , it's all t...
比起Move over,Piece of my heart,Cry Baby等,Ball and chain显然更有资格在Janis的经典里稳坐第二的位置,甚至去和Me and Bobby McGee碰面: 近十分钟的迷幻史诗在这里一气呵成,Janis暗哑的假声、支离破碎的颤音和酸涩质感金属光泽的电吉他融在一起,如同闪电划过黑暗。 ...
I think when Big Mama Thornton wrote this song, she was alluding to the enslaved past of her race in America, a past that she herself did not experienced, in the title ‘Ball n Chain.’ Yet the pain that stemmed from restrained freedom was so real, and it g...
0 有用 兰波不是兰博 2014-12-01 09:48:41
Just a lit bit harder
0 有用 无耻不混蛋 2012-06-20 23:13:04
7 有用 ztlpoppy 2012-02-24 08:36:15
要么 我27岁的时候 要是还那么迷茫 我就跟着她一起去好了。
0 有用 彰 2011-08-08 14:03:01
0 有用 luc1en 2008-03-29 19:17:38
0 有用 M 2023-03-06 22:12:29 北京
0 有用 hola-koko 2023-07-04 18:21:46 河北
0 有用 一月清晨. 2023-01-09 17:27:37 北京
每首歌都好得不得了。乐队时期她是“大哥控股公司”里最强悍的器乐,单飞后她是一生流浪质问上苍的“时代之声”;90年再版的两首加曲"maybe"和"mercedes benz"好到像亘古不变的美式民谣,告诉你什么是真正的“质朴纯粹”。A+
0 有用 Roulake 2024-01-11 20:13:17 陕西
真好,对在cheap thrills的唯一一点小抱怨在这里得到完善了,选的好棒
0 有用 ? 2023-03-30 11:22:18 江苏