Let Go的乐评 (20)

back in the days
Avril was so freaking cool back in the days with this album. I loved this alum in high school and can still sing most of the songs. It is so sad that she is making all these cheap music now in hollywood.

每首歌都很不错,以前每天晚上都会听两遍,体会到了真正的朋克摇滚范,但最喜欢的还是这首《tomorrow》: And I wanna believe you, When you tell me that it'll be ok, Ya I try to believe you, But I don't When you say that it's gonna be, It always turns out to be a ...

在豆瓣电台听到这张专辑 很喜欢 艾薇儿,并不陌生 不过一直都是取笑老弟喜欢金发小女孩玩摇滚,是爱音乐还是迷恋金发美女 不过这张02年的专辑,听来却很有感觉 或许是最近太累,听的都是舒缓的轻音乐,突然来这么几首歌,仿佛强心剂 又好像喝惯了白开水然后猛灌一口混合...