Burn and Shiver的乐评 (7)

貓小三的意思其實是如果先生 2010-02-12 03:46:55


01-Favorite Cities So it's grey, well so are my favorite cities And we have, we have all the time in the world here We'll just stay tucked in the shade and our eyes they can't be blinded We'll just stay tucked in the shade So it's grey, well so are m...  (展开)
汪杨 2011-01-15 08:10:00

听Azure Ray《Burn and Shiver 》

一大早听听,顿时觉得耳根有味,有点想玩玩音响或者live的冲动 有一种音乐,作为背景音乐时毫无知觉,只觉得很轻缓、很好听,但让你很想放下手边工作,等你看看歌词,仔细听她们到底在唱什麼时,却不自觉让旋律一遍一遍至熟记为止,这些缓慢悲伤的曲子,有著心情净化的仪式效...  (展开)
Raijinial 2010-07-27 14:43:16


迷幻乐忧郁感颓废范儿虚无主义, 对于实在听不出词调的,直接打包丢进了背景乐,长夜的万籁俱静,与缓慢旋律 交相辉映 久而久之思想沉溺于自身的世界 虽然无关词藻华丽与否,Azure Ray总给我一份治愈系的味道,轻吟的忧伤,歇息的浮躁  (展开)
貓小三的意思其實是如果先生 2010-02-12 04:10:25


08 while i'm still young 09 your weak hands 这两首歌目前所有可听音频 都是音频跟名字颠倒的 CD是这样吗? 听歌词对比: 08-While I'm Still Young      With the brushing of our shoulders   I lived a life with you   We had a son or daughter who had ...  (展开)
cherrypie 2011-10-29 13:33:20


( A Thousand Years) Oh.write down the sunlight. Beautiful trees are whispering in the winds. Can you sleep without milk ? When did you lose the ability. Apples first. Coffee later. I like Mozart. Boys ended the game without any agreement. Ho...  (展开)
不知。不道。 2010-04-20 20:16:42


这张专辑还可以,其中较喜欢the new year 这首。 azure ray的音乐大多可以作为背景音乐,可以在看书或者一个人静静的时候听,前提是你不抑郁。  (展开)

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