2020-06-21 22:15:02WalrusTuTu☮ (Live and let live)
Genius : One of the album’s last entreatments is love in a sexual manner. It is never requested by the singer; it is only invited. This illustrates a distance between the two partners; the two do not share desire, but instead it is an invitation and reception. Dissolution of the individual happens in the “middle of the celebrations,” causing a breakdown of the individuation between partners.
This could be used to discuss The Beatles as they approach their finality; Paul cannot force the band to stay together, as he attempted through the Let It Be period, but rather must accept that he can only request their staying.
When he fails, boy, he’s gonna carry that weight. They all are.
& It’s a nod back to “You Never Give Me Your Money” from earlier on Side B.
Genius :
One of the album’s last entreatments is love in a sexual manner. It is never requested by the singer; it is only invited. This illustrates a distance between the two partners; the two do not share desire, but instead it is an invitation and reception. Dissolution of the individual happens in the “middle of the celebrations,” causing a breakdown of the individuation between partners.
This could be used to discuss The Beatles as they approach their finality; Paul cannot force the band to stay together, as he attempted through the Let It Be period, but rather must accept that he can only request their staying.
When he fails, boy, he’s gonna carry that weight. They all are.
It’s a nod back to “You Never Give Me Your Money” from earlier on Side B.
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