Fly Away的乐评 (23)

别样的fly away,别样的爱
似乎总要落后于流行很久,才找到那些心仪的歌,然后一查专辑,出版年03,02,01…… 有时候瞬间的错过都能带来一世的相隔,何况一年,两年…我不知道在这些被遗落的时光里我在做些什么,更无法计算着一路下来我错过了多少。每每至此,大有少壮不努力的懊悔不已。但人的一个本能...

The sensitive melody
I found this new album in Iris's private profile.It comes from a new promising Singapore singer.Corrinne May,simply with her special voice,play in tune with piano,being identified with us by lightening speed.Her line is not always repetitve style like som...

========================== TrackList: 01.Fly Away 02.Same Side of The Moon 03.Something About You 04.Fall to Fly 05.If You Didn’t Love Me 06.Stay on the Road 07.Mr. Beasley 08.All That I Need 09.Walk Away 10.Will You Remember Me 11.Journey 12.Mr...

<fly away> <Mr. Beasley> moved me...
喜欢她的歌,很生活化,很有亲和力。特别是歌词,简单而富感情。 fly away应该是写给她母亲的,kind of heartbroken... Mr. Beasley则很幽默,很阳光。 另个专辑的《angel in disguise》也很有意思。