Pink Moon的乐评 (18)

品红色的月:浅谈Nick Drake
《Pink Moon》,一个人究竟要有多么庞大的忧郁才能写出这样的作品。若是深究的话,《Pink Moon》一定是属于那种“感性式的忧郁”,该有谁能够说服如此忧郁的灵魂呢?如果在我焦虑、难过的时候,我的面前有两至四面玻璃墙的话,Nick Drake一定有几十面甚至上百面玻璃墙阻隔着。...

听Nick Drake《Pink Moon》
谣史上的神作。 After two albums of tastefully orchestrated folk-pop, albeit some of the least demonstrative and most affecting around, Drake chose a radical change for what turned out to be his final album. Not even half-an-hour long, with 11 short songs a...

终于遇见这样的歌词 parasite-nick drake
parasite lifting the mask from from a local clown feeling down like him seeing the light in a station bar and travelling far in sin sailing downstairs to the northern line watching the shine of the shoes and hearing the trial of the people there who's to ...