Scarlet's Walk的乐评 (15)

soulmates come and go
At the end, though, you's us as individuals with our love for the land. For something untangible, that when soulmates come and go, you're never alone even when you're standing just you in your shoes, because you carry them with you.... People come...

Scarlet's Walk
Tori 讲述了一个叫做 Scarlet(猩红)的女孩从西海岸的洛杉矶出发,周游美国,最后在东海岸华盛顿定居的这样一段旅途。旅途中她遇到了形形色色的人物,追寻了很多对美国原住民残忍而血腥的历史事件,对信仰发生了多次的改变。从某种意义上讲,Scarlet 就是她自己的化身。专辑中...

soulmates come and go
At the end, though, you's us as individuals with our love for the land. For something untangible, that when soulmates come and go, you're never alone even when you're standing just you in your shoes, because you carry them with you.... People come...

we make it up as we go along
曾是我的入眠专辑,因为每一首歌都太相似了,以至于我听了无数遍任然没有分清楚哪首是哪首,我也完完全全没有在乎歌词的内容,只认为他们是一些简单好听的旋律词语。 直到今天循环了一整天后才略微听出一点意思来。 虽然有些歌词很碎片化,前言不搭后语,但是按照顺序听还是可...

最令美国人痛心疾首的一段历史成了Tori Amos这张新片的素材,它描述的是在纽约和华盛顿惨遭恐怖分子袭击之后的一段横穿祖国的步行之旅。在这3000英里和18首曲子里,这位深红头发的歌者与无情恋人对决(“A Sorta Fairytale”),感化色情明星(“Amber Waves”),赋予找寻一个...

非主流女声--her voice can talk to your heart
06年第一次听到她的歌声,从此便一发不可收拾,07年刚好有朋友去美国,于是托他从美国带回了她所有出版的专辑。。。 最喜欢的是Gold Dust (每次失眠的时候反复必听的曲目),Winter,Icicle, Blood Roses, Professional Widow 她的歌声,无需太多陪衬,只要一架钢琴,便足以攻...