This Is Hardcore的乐评 (8)

乐评 《help the aged》pulp
Help the aged, one time they were just like you, drinking, smoking cigs and sniffing glue. Help the aged, don't just put them in a home, can't have much fun in there all on their own. Give a hand, if you can, try and help them to unwind. Give them hope &...

This is hardcore 入门Pulp选的这张1998年的专辑 1. The Fear的吉他以及最后的效果器(还有合成器?)也太完美了。 2. 盘子,深沉声音,没有什么太大惊喜。 3. Party hard,贝斯和riff好听,前奏一起就有感觉了。(感觉主场太深沉了,这首歌有后朋克的氛围了… 4. 帮助老人唱的...