Jane B Best Of Jane Birkin的乐评 (3)

Yesterday - yes a day ?
Jane Brikin的歌曲 Yesterday - yes a day✨是我的随身听里经常播放的歌曲🎈 温柔纯净的声音带着空灵气息,轻快清新的曲调唱出少女心事的甜蜜和忧伤…▶️ yesterday yes a day - 昨天就好像是任何一天 🌙 在桔梗花开的日子,感受岁月的静好和光阴的流逝… 在夕...

nice singer
this is the first time i hear a singer to change some nice symphonic themes as her song! it's a good way to let young people know classic music. but her voice's a little bit over her rang sometimes.hopefully her music maker pays attention to.