Come Away with Me的乐评 (98)
Highly recommended.
Discovering that Norah Jones is in fact the real-life daughter of Indian classical maestro Ravi Shankar was what initially got me interested in her music. As an active Anoushka Shankar fan (for those of you who don't know yet, shes Norah Jones' sister, and ...
买这张专辑的时候是在一个阳光慵懒的下午,但是现在已经忘记了当时买这张的冲动,或许是你因为你那真诚的眼神,或许是看了介绍上那一连串的荣耀。 真正来听这张专辑是在过了一年以后,记得当时高考失利,正在复读,整个人都情绪都很浮躁。突然心血来潮,翻出这张...
画出旧情 -- NJ Painter Song
If I were a painter I would paint my reverie If that's the only way for you to be with me 如果我是一个画家, 我就会画出我的幻想, 这样你和我才会在一起。 We'd be there together Just like we used to be Undertneath the swirling skies for all to see 我们...
Come Away with Norah...
对她的第一印象是《蓝莓之夜》里面那个出走找寻真爱的女子。戴着草帽在热烈阳光下开车。迷茫的大眼睛。眼神落在远方。一个善良好奇容易相信的女子。我一厢情愿地相信这就是真正的Norah Jones。 第一次听到她的音乐。十分惊喜。与她精致外表十分不符的沧桑沙哑声音。...
Seven years for a girl
那杆从弟弟那骗来的自动铅笔用了七年 那把妈妈不用的阳伞被我拿来遮雨也有七载 然而,就在前些日子,他们统统舍我而去 七年前,她,款款走进我的心底 她是那样一个女孩 eyes wide open always hoping for the sun and shell sing her song to anyone that comes along crooke...
Norah Jones适合任何心情
最近itouch里面反复听着Come Away With Me。NJ略带流行的jazz的情感共鸣区真的异常广阔 一首Don't Know Why可以随着心情的变动,演化出轻快,解脱,迷惘,平静,喜悦,忧愁。 Shoot The Moon让我想起了Paris,Je t'aime 里面那个盲人的故事,It was just the season So much ...