又名: 所有隨你吃飽
表演者: K.d. lang
流派: 民谣
专辑类型: Import
介质: CD
发行时间: 1995-10-10
出版者: Warner Bros / Wea
唱片数: 1
条形码: 0093624603429
表演者: K.d. lang
流派: 民谣
专辑类型: Import
介质: CD
发行时间: 1995-10-10
出版者: Warner Bros / Wea
唱片数: 1
条形码: 0093624603429
以下豆列推荐 · · · · · · (全部)
- 那些耐听的东西 (tlmgt)
- 中国元素唱片封套 (meiconte)
- K.D.Lang——她光着脚上了舞台 (。光本)
- K.D.Lang's Discography (Propertydo)
- 我的二手CD专卖 (米亚嘟嘟)
订阅关于All You Can Eat的评论:
feed: rss 2.0
0 有用 etvoid 2015-07-23 21:52:33
1 有用 陈小萌克 2011-04-20 16:30:02
0 有用 LadyHoney 2009-05-16 09:15:54
0 有用 Y 2010-01-05 16:33:17
0 有用 5566qinlin 2012-10-13 20:32:22
哈哈 在一部电影的书架里见过。
0 有用 漫游银河系 2023-04-03 00:46:36 山东
3.5 多年前买了这张封面酷似谢霆锋的专辑,却因为意外看94Grammy颁奖礼才特意认真听了一遍专辑。独特的感觉,颇有辨识度,音乐中也带着一丝硬朗的味道,一如K.D.Lang现场给人的感觉
0 有用 心猿 2017-11-28 12:51:40
杰作,Infinite and Unforeseen,诗化的歌词,柔柔软软的梦境;If I Were You渐隐的几声余韵是个欲说还休的美丽收梢,没听清是竖琴还是吉他拨弦。
0 有用 Rain_ 2021-06-19 05:14:13
1 有用 驾兔 2021-12-26 03:40:33
This becomes one of my favorite albums. Slow and chilling rhythms along with the smooth melodic vocals are nothing but simplicity and neatness, yet the ups and downs of the melodies convey a sense of ... This becomes one of my favorite albums. Slow and chilling rhythms along with the smooth melodic vocals are nothing but simplicity and neatness, yet the ups and downs of the melodies convey a sense of broadness and emotionality. (展开)
0 有用 jesusatan 2020-06-12 11:16:27