Urban Hymns的乐评 (38)

Bittersweet Symphony 苦乐交响曲
'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony this life 因为生活就是一首苦乐交响曲 Try to make ends meet You're a slave to money then you die 你为钱做体面的奴隶然后死去 I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down 我带你沿我唯一走过的路走走 You know the one th...

Ghost Story
I watch the Western sky 我望着西方 The sun is sinking 那一抹斜阳 The geese are flying South 让迢递秋雁 It sets me thinking 引心绪彷徨 I did not miss you much 这并非思念 I did not suffer 亦非为感伤 What did not kill me 那所有过往 Just made me tougher 足令我...

《Bitter Sweet Symphony》版权官司始末
1965年,Rolling Stones发表第一支原创单曲《The Last Time》(词曲:Mick Jagger+Keith Richards) 同年,Rolling Stones最早的经纪人及制作人Andrew Loog Oldham以“The Andrew Oldham Orchestra”(实际并不是真的管弦乐队,只是Andrew邀请一些音乐人做的side project)的...

The Verve:在飘渺迷幻的音墙后,是最优雅的英伦味道。
1996年早些时候,刚离开The Verve的Richard Ashcroft正安安静静地在Bath享受着新婚生活,创作源泉在此期间也持续迸发。当时,音乐制作人John Leckie正好也在那附近的Real World录音室工作。他之后接到了Ashcroft的电话,邀请他有空去听听新近创作的一些曲子。回想起那时,Lecki...

The drugs don't work
有许多东西,并不是第一眼就能被你的感动捕捉到。不仅仅是想谈一首歌那么简单,或者不需要为此谈一首歌那么复杂。一首歌只是一类情绪延续的起点,也可能是附着在某类感动的轮廓外的一种氛围。像这么一首歌曲,the Verve乐队的The drugs don't work,对我而言正是如此。 在聆听...

The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony
'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony this life Trying to make ends meet, you're a slave to the money then you die I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down You know the one that takes you to the places where all the veins meet, yeah No change, I ...

Imaging The Past
兴致来了,继续贴个十年前的老文o( ̄▽ ̄)d 一起期待《Urban Hymns》的remastered版出街吧! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Richard Ashcroft曾在1993年说过,“我们将会在音乐史上占一重要地位, 或许需要三张大碟的时间去完...

The last drugs left
The verve is a great band i have neglected, the other one is blur. In these unoccupied days in library(just 2 days), i turned my ears to this album.I used to think their music dull and make people sleepy(because of the first impressions on the album S...

专辑《Urban Hymns》中的经典歌曲推荐
专辑中的经典歌曲推荐: 1.Bitter Sweet Symphony 2.Sonnet 3.The Drugs Don't Work 4.Lucky Man 5.One Day 6.Velvet Morning 7.Space and Time 8.Weeping Willow --------------------------- “这个世界里,还有那么多美的音乐、电影、书籍没有来得及去听、去看、去读,可...