Multi-platinum pop-star MIKA returns with his brand new album 'The Origin of Love', released on Island Records on September 16th 2012. Following up his multi-million selling worldwide smash 'The Boy Who Knew Too Much' (which debuted in every single i-Tunes top ten around the world), 'The Origin of Love' is Mika's third album and will be preceded by an anthemic brand new...(展开全部) Multi-platinum pop-star MIKA returns with his brand new album 'The Origin of Love', released on Island Records on September 16th 2012. Following up his multi-million selling worldwide smash 'The Boy Who Knew Too Much' (which debuted in every single i-Tunes top ten around the world), 'The Origin of Love' is Mika's third album and will be preceded by an anthemic brand new single 'Celebrate', an epic slice of cool modern pop destined to be a global summer soundtrack, written by Mika and Pharrell Williams, produced by Nick Littlemore from Empire of the Sun and also featuring Pharrell on vocals. Completely self-created and self-imagined, 'The Origin of Love' has been a two-year DIY labour of love for Mika who has put together everything on the record himself, flying around the world under his own steam personally assembling an incredible roll call of collaborators - in addition to Nick Littlemore and Pharrell Williams Mika has also worked with William Orbit, Benny Benassi, FrYars, Greg Wells (Katy Perry, Adele), Klas Ahlund (Robyn's Body Talk) as well as working with some brand new unsigned musicians he found himself online. "This single is what happens when you combine a 22 year old you find online, Fryars, with an extra-planetary Nick Littlemore and Pharrell Williams!" says Mika of 'Celebrate'. "Written by me, Pharrell and Fryars and produced by Nick, this kind of collaboration is only possible when everyone throws themselves into it wanting to have fun and without any ego. This collective and open attitude was at the heart of 'The Origin Of Love'. It's an album about crazy love songs and tolerance. It was recorded in Miami and London but mostly in Fryars' north London bedroom studio!" A further Mika composition from the album writing sessions 'Gang Bang' features exclusively on Madonna's new 'MNDA' album, a track which she has widely praised as her favourite song on the record. Mika spent most of 2010 and 2011 on a massive Global tour playing over hundreds of shows to sell-out audiences across Europe, Asia and North America. He returns with a brand new live show, performing at Heaven in London on 26th July. Mika has now sold over 8 million records and Gold or Platinum awards in 32 countries worldwide across his previous two albums 'Life in Cartoon Motion' and 'The Boy Who Knew Too Much', winning Brit and MTV Awards in the process.
Origin of Love哦我的nolly最早磕的真人cp混剪用的歌(在很多首歌的评论里看见了各种cp混剪来的
Lola、Emily和Karen,好喜欢这两首名字作歌名的,lola好俏皮,Karen是法语有点忧伤但我觉得也蛮...Origin of Love哦我的nolly最早磕的真人cp混剪用的歌(在很多首歌的评论里看见了各种cp混剪来的
Emily的法语版Elle Me Dit(她对我说),虽然还是欢快的曲调,但感觉多了一点忧伤,因为劝说的话语更沉重吗
Love you when I'm drunk 可爱的甜
Step with me温柔低低的甜
Karen Karen a 20 ans mais Karen n'a rien d'autre Karen 20岁了,但她什么也没有 Et le temps file déjà entre ses doigts 时间在她指缝间溜走 Accoudée au bar rue des Martyrs Au 82 她把胳膊靠在Martys大街82...
2007年出道时的Mika,顶着一头棕黄小卷毛,眼睛总是炯炯有神又不时调皮。第一张专辑《Life in a Cartoon Motion》以轻快的电子曲风见长,加以娴熟的乐器技巧,很容易就从低靡的英国音乐市场中异军突起。再加上Gossip Girl在美国热播时用上了Mika偏抒情的“Happy Ending”,一时...
Karen Karen is twenty years old 凯伦二十岁了 Yes, but she has nothing but her age 她除了青春一无所有 And already time is slipping through her fingers 而且那青春也在一点点流逝 Leaning on the bar, on Martyr Street 烈士大街82号的酒吧 At the 82 凯伦斜靠着身子...
0 有用 Song³ 2012-09-17 11:40:42
Origin of Love
1 有用 金色面包机 2012-09-19 17:18:45
bore the shit out of me
0 有用 Samuca 2012-09-25 00:23:36
what a shit!又是摆上神坛后下不来的歌手所以逼只能越装越深
0 有用 MeetMeinaMaze 2012-09-15 21:12:07
爱若真实 有何不可
1 有用 齊克斯尼力佐飛 2012-09-17 11:53:53
0 有用 Ajwan 🌈 2022-03-04 22:40:17
0 有用 从前峰 2024-11-14 23:39:43 陕西
0 有用 普岚弥修斯 2021-06-29 11:04:02
0 有用 ShrikeKeats 2024-12-25 20:29:09 广东
Origin of Love哦我的nolly最早磕的真人cp混剪用的歌(在很多首歌的评论里看见了各种cp混剪来的 恶劣天气下的爱情,温柔的法语 Stardust这首更喜欢和莫文蔚的合唱版诶 Popular因为这首歌开始听专辑,好喜欢这首,合唱的女声好好听 Kids一首在阳光下的感觉的歌 Lola、Emily和Karen,好喜欢这两首名字作歌名的,lola好俏皮,Karen是法语有点忧伤但我觉得也蛮... Origin of Love哦我的nolly最早磕的真人cp混剪用的歌(在很多首歌的评论里看见了各种cp混剪来的 恶劣天气下的爱情,温柔的法语 Stardust这首更喜欢和莫文蔚的合唱版诶 Popular因为这首歌开始听专辑,好喜欢这首,合唱的女声好好听 Kids一首在阳光下的感觉的歌 Lola、Emily和Karen,好喜欢这两首名字作歌名的,lola好俏皮,Karen是法语有点忧伤但我觉得也蛮好没有子女没有波澜没跟某个傻瓜同床共枕 Emily的法语版Elle Me Dit(她对我说),虽然还是欢快的曲调,但感觉多了一点忧伤,因为劝说的话语更沉重吗 喜欢她对我说和celebrate的mv Love you when I'm drunk 可爱的甜 Step with me温柔低低的甜 (展开)
0 有用 Infinite void 2022-03-06 21:06:09