听了那么多年才发现那首写思乡之情的Green Green Grass of Home里面的这段歌词:Then I awake and look around me, four walls surround me, and I realize I was only dreamin', there's a guard and a sad old pardre...Yes, they'll all come to see me, in the shade of that old tree...太悲伤了...
1 有用 Jessy.Sedgwick 2012-07-22 16:22:02
a man without love's only half of a man,but a woman is nothing at all
0 有用 LV 2022-08-29 11:15:04 北京
Today is everyday.
0 有用 阿基拉明 2022-06-02 23:12:23
听了那么多年才发现那首写思乡之情的Green Green Grass of Home里面的这段歌词:Then I awake and look around me, four walls surround me, and I realize I was only dreamin', there's a guard and a sad old pardre...Yes, they'll all come to see me, in the shade of that old tree...太悲伤了...
0 有用 非金属外壳 2023-06-28 02:19:28 山东
And I Love You So😭