The Journey of Hope
2012 年是末世最具爭議性, 最具敏感性的年份。
2012 is a controversial and critical year.
人們都對世界末日的猜疑, 都顯得人心惶惶、前路迷惘之時, 劉以達以音樂帶出嶄新的正面思想, 只要懷着希望前行,就算終結,都只是開始!
When people are feeling perplexed and starting to doubt about the end of the world, Tat Lau uses his innovative sounds to bring people positive values and most importantly----Hope. As long as having hopes and looking forward, it is not an end, but just a beginning.
希望之旅專輯結集4首歌曲及7首純音樂作品,以搖滾、 迷幻、實驗、電子及流行樂帶給聽眾一個嶄新的音樂旅程!
The Journey of Hope has spanned genres ranging from rock, psychedelic, experimental, electronic and pop, bringing the brand-new music journey to audience. In this album, 7 songs have been recorded as instrumental with 4 vocal songs included.
1. 從前一個小女孩的禱告 - 由糖兄妹主唱一首童謠作品。一個小女孩的禱告,一份單純的真摯情懷, 對祖國的祝福, 禱告力量之大,可美好地改變一切! 只要抱著信心及沒有私心地向上天祈求, 願望都可成真!
A while ago a little girl’s pray - Performed by 糖兄妹, is a country folk song. A little girl prays earnestly to God for the blessing of our mother land where we can see the power of prayer. The lord will always promise when you go to him with faith.
2. 我的天使 - 真摯情感,祝天下有情人互為天使,情繫一生!對男女之間的愛情,作出歌頌!
My Angel- To sing the praises of the earnest love, wishing all the couples lots of love. The flame of love will stay forever alight, becoming an angel to each other.
3. 純愛 - 若生命可以重來,你願意保存那顆小孩子純真的心嗎? 童真的愛是沒有紛爭、私欲、仇恨的。
Pure Love- If life can restart, are you willing to hold your pure heart like a child? There are no arguments, selfishness and hatefulness in pure love.
4. 敘利亞沙漠 - 戰火、吶喊、亡魂、悲泣、不公平等等……敘利亞沙漠可有一滴活水?
Syrian Desert – Flames of war, battle cry, souls of deceased people, unrighteousness, weep and sorrow…Are there any flowing water in the Syrian Desert?
5. 你要救世界 - 世界只得一個,環境迅速蒸發,不論 「祢」或「你」, 請出手救亡!支持環保,反戰爭,是你我都需要重視的。
God saves the World- Whoever you or the eternity Lord, please save our world----our one and only world. With love and anti-war, be kind to our environment, are what we must all do in our power to save the planet.
6. 罪惡城 - 繁華之都竟成罪惡温床, God save our city !
Sin City- The bustling and flourishing city is only the hotbed of crimes. God, please save our city!
7. 穩基底森林 - 昔日的所多瑪、俄摩拉的遺址 - 穩基底,現在是一片荒野的鹽田。比喻說只要我們抱着希望及信心行事,鹽田都可變森林!
The Forest of Jordan- Jordan, is the former site of Sodom and Gomorrah and now becoming a salt pan. It tells when people have hope and faith, a salt pan can also be a forest.
8. 蒙福地 - 以色列乃是上帝賜福之地,聖經裏所記載的 - 都一一實現, 如在大戰後復國,而且越來越强大、富裕。
Blessing Land-Israel is having the blessing of God. What the Bible writes have all becoming true. After the independence of Israel, the blessing land has getting stronger and stronger.
9. 甦醒 - 沉澱過錯,經歷萬千的歷程、越過沙漠,穿過森林,心靈漸覺蛻變。
Awakening-Faults have been settled as time goes by; our souls have gradually changed by undergoing millions of journey from dessert to forest.
10. 希望之旅 - 全碟的主題曲,一切看似終結,其實這是開始……….
The Journey of Hope- The main theme of whole album; it is just a beginning of an end.
11. 下半場的開始 -人生上半場的結算, 劉以達歌者自道,自傳式作品。
The beginning of the Second half –Tat Lau made a precious attempt to write his memoirs through music, a reflection of his first half of life.
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