The Lumineers的乐评 (3)

Charlie Boy 的故事
在Reign的第一集片尾听到这首歌,立刻就被吸引住了,百度之才发现原来跟每天占据车上广播的Ho Hey来自同一张唱片。相比起来还是更喜欢这种安安静静的,一遍一遍重复的旋律。 故事背景大概是40年代中期,二战的年代。其实说他是一个故事,不如说是家里人对儿子参军的劝叨。对的...

1、《Flowers in your hair》 When we were younger we thought Everyone was on our side Then we grew a little bit And romanticized the time I saw Flowers in your hair It takes a boy to live It takes a man to pretend he was there So then we grew a little and ...