Moonlight Sonata 短评

  • 0 羊腰子 2012-02-20 18:50:13


  • 0 月之森的Pega妹 2012-02-19 22:01:27

    part 3用电吉他弹出来就是新古典金属的架势啊》《嗷嗷嗷嗷嗷!!!!!

  • 0 A不要变叔叔 2012-02-19 03:03:33

    Moonlight Sonata - Movement 1,2&3 ! Who knew Beethoven can be such great metal music?These songs are absolutely entrancing, especially like this. I hope everyone knows that Dean was the one who played all the guitar in this.

  • 0 格林先生 2012-02-16 19:16:55


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