rapzh 上的歌词翻译 直白通顺

Once again, now where do I start, dear love 再一次,我该从何说起,我亲爱的
Dumb struck with the pure luck to find you here 能在这里找到你真是无以言喻的运气
Every morn' I awake from a cavernous night, 每个从空荡的夜里醒来的清晨
Sometimes still pondering the previous plight, 我有时还是会想起之前的约定
Seems life done changed long time no speak, 这么久没有说唱 生活似乎确实改变了
Nowadays I often forget the day of the week 我常常忘记今天是周几 如果你能懂我 我会松一口气
Taking it by stride if you know what I mean, 如果你能懂我 我会松一口气
No harm done, no offense taken by me 别被我伤害 别生我的气
So let's rap, we'll catch up to par, what's the haps? 还是说唱吧,能抓住每一拍
Perhaps we're even closer now after all things considered on this side of the planet, 真是走运 在星球这边思索的这些事情 让我们更加亲密
Couldn't pick a better time even if we planned it! 我想不到可以与你相遇的更好的时机
To come clean and candid if I have to 非要如此 那么我选择干净坦诚
Oh what I wouldn't trade for your laughter 既然什么都无法换得你的笑容
Sweet and sour spice in my poetry pot melting, 甜蜜酸楚都融入我的诗里
Even better than the real thing! 仍好过现实世界
It's like the God in me saw the Devil in you 神圣如我遇见邪恶如你
I wanted to break myself in the worst way when I met you 我遇见你便已丢掉自己
Who would have thought, conversate by the river, celebrate birth, 想不到庆祝生日的方式是在河边聊天
Sit and delivered the lines that would prove to be the seeds of trust 我交付你全部的信任
Unsigned, yeah but destined to grow with sunshine 没有签署姓名,我却相信会命中注定
Self-assigned task piled on the desk of good works, 桌子上堆放着我要做好的事
Knowing hardship appreciate the best of both worlds! 知道了困苦是世间最好的恩赐
C'est la vie, as they say L.O.V.E evidently, see every song has a sequel 这就是生活,就像他们毫无迟疑得说出爱,每首歌都有一个结局
Never same, everything but the name, all fresh just like back then, how we do everyday 除了以爱为名外全都不同,每日重度依然新鲜如初
C'est la vie, as they say L.O.V.E eloquently, see every dream has a part two 这就是生活,就像他们滔滔不绝得表达爱,每个梦都有一个下集
Never same, you got to keep it tight, all fresh just like back then, now hear me out… 你开始紧紧守护这不同,如同当初,现在听我说完
Once together, now where do we go, dear divine 曾在一起,但我们又将走向哪里,上帝
I pray that you keep watching over us, 我祈愿你将守护我们继续
From the heavens where light is the nucleus 从充满圣洁光芒的天堂
To this space filled with darkness and negative matter 到这黑暗消极的人间
Anti-gravity pull is what I would rather feel when I leave this shell eventually 当我最终离开这躯壳会感受失重吧
Ties to the mother earth ground me mentally, 我与地球的纽带牵绊着我
Real vibes will keep me alive spiritually Real vibes让我的精神存活
Imagination brings bliss at no cost, when I blink blink I receive at no loss 空想带来的喜悦 我将全部收下
Victory comes in small packages like a leaf of an olive tree brought back by a dove 小包裹里的胜利如鸽子衔着的橄榄树叶子一样来临
From above, then I'm gonna rhyme love, 因为这所有 我为爱写诗
Well you saw that one coming ever since the beginning of the end 你见我的一切 从开始到结束
Well anyways, I am not a perfect being, yes I am a man full of sin 我不是完美的存在 是的 我有罪过
It's like the Devil in me saw the God in you, 邪恶如我遇见神圣如你
You epitomize the etymology of enthusiasm! 你是圣者的化身
Look it, up there lies the clouds that form the rain 看那天上化雨的云
That came from the ocean that flowed from the river 是河流汇成的海洋幻化
I'm a believer, firm with the first words, lyrical transceiver of our ancient roots 我是信徒,坚信最初的话语,那些古老根源的传语
(Science + Arts) * Faith / # of our Ethnic Race! 科学和艺术因信念倍增 却因种族而解离
Let me mention what I've been thinking 这就是我所想的
How to save the children, when the ship is sinking 如何解救沉船中的孩子
So I'm singing, no lip syncing to slogans, 我在歌唱 而非空喊口号
Political hooligans with tanks, missiles and guns! 全副武装的政治流氓 导弹和枪
Everything is relative when it's all in the family of man, 当它侵入到我们的家庭 每个人都息息相关
Understand the time has finally come to realize the great power of 1, 了解时间最终变成了了解它的威力
All formulas equalize under the Sun, Amen! 太阳下一切都是平等的,阿门
The rhymes will heal 'cause I believe in music, 旋律将我治愈 因为我信仰音乐
In times of need I won't be leaving you sick 困境中我不会离开你
The beat plus the melody's the recipe, 鼓点与旋律就是解药
Your vibe surely brings out the best in me! 与你共鸣我才有意义
The rhymes will heal 'cause I believe in music, 旋律将我治愈 因为我信仰音乐
In times of need I won't be leaving you sick 困境中我不会离开你
The beat plus the melody's the recipe, 鼓点与旋律就是解药
All good souls lost may they rest in peace! 失去的灵魂 愿他们安息
C'est la vie, as they say L.O.V.E evidently, see every song has a sequel 这就是生活,就像他们毫无迟疑得说出爱,每首歌都有一个结局
Never same, everything but the name, all fresh just like back then, how we do everyday 你开始紧紧守护这不同,如同当初,现在听我说完
C'est la vie, as they say L.O.V.E eloquently, see every dream has a part two 这就是生活,就像他们毫无迟疑得说出爱,每首歌都有一个结局
Never same, you got to keep it tight, all fresh just like back then, now hear me out… 你开始紧紧守护这不同,如同当初,现在听我说完
The rhymes will heal 'cause I believe in music, 旋律将我治愈 因为我信仰音乐
In times of need I won't be leaving you sick 困境中我不会离开你
The beat plus the melody's the recipe, 鼓点与旋律就是解药
Your vibe surely brings out the best in me! 与你共鸣我才有意义
The rhymes will heal 'cause I believe in music, 旋律将我治愈 因为我信仰音乐
In times of need I won't be leaving you sick 困境中我不会离开你
The beat plus the melody's the recipe, 鼓点与旋律就是解药
Hiphop worldwide we got to live in peace, like that! Hip-hop无处不在 我们现世安宁