Carissa 卡丽萨

Carissa 卡丽萨
演唱者:Sun Kil Moon 作词:Mark Kozelek 专辑:《Benji》
Oh Carissa, when I first saw you 噢卡丽萨,我第一次见到你的时候
you were a lovely child 你还是一个可爱的小女孩
And the last time I saw you 到我们最后一次见时
you were fifteen and pregnant and running wild 你十五岁了,怀了孩子,过着没人管教、放放荡荡的日子
I remember wondering could there be a light at the end of your tunnel? 有段时间我一直考虑着,这样的你能否顺利健全地长大成人,有幸福的家庭和生活呢?
But I left Ohio then and had pretty much forgotten all about you 但后来我离开了俄亥俄老家,关于你的事情我差不多都忘光了
I guess you were there some years ago at a family funeral 我想几年前的一个家族葬礼上你应该也到场了
But you were one of so many relatives I didn't know which one was you 但那天我没能够从那么多的亲戚当中认出你来
Yesterday morning I woke up to so many 330 area code calls 昨天大清早我就被一连串的铃声叫醒,全都显示着是区号330俄亥俄州的来电
I called my mom back and she was in tears and asked had I spoke to my father? 回电给老妈问她发生了什么事,她在电话里哭了出来,问我这件事跟你爸说过了没呢
Carissa burned to death last night in a freak accident fire 卡丽萨在昨晚一场离奇的事故中葬身火海
In her yard in Brewster her daughter came home from a party and found her 就是在布鲁斯特的那栋房子,她自家后院里,她的女儿出去参加聚会等散场后回到家才发现了尸体
Same way as my uncle, who was her grandfather 我的叔叔,也就是卡丽萨的祖父,在这场火灾中一并丧生
An aerosol can blew up in the trash 是一个喷雾剂的罐子在垃圾堆里爆炸失火
goddamn, what were the odds? 老天爷哪,这种事发生的概率有那么高的吗?
She was just getting ready to go to her midnight shift as an RN in Wadsworth 她是华兹沃斯一所医院里的注册护士,事情发生的时候她正准备出发去上夜班
And she vanished up in flames like that 接着她就那样被熊熊火焰吞噬掉了
but there had to be more to her life's worth 她被匆匆划下句点的人生本来还要书写更多篇章的
Everyone's grieving out of their minds, making arrangements and taking drugs 带着这痛彻心扉的悲伤,大家也还是把葬礼的各种事宜安排妥当,服用药物让情绪平复下来
But I'm flying out there tomorrow because I need to give and get some hugs 我则是明天飞回老家,回去和我的亲人们分享、交换安慰的拥抱
Cause I got questions that I'd like to get answered 这里边有着让我非常在意的疑问,等着我去寻求解答
I may never get them 然而这些关于生死的问题恰恰又是永远无解的
but Carissa, I gotta know how did it happen? 但至少我想要知道你的遭遇里究竟有着怎样的来龙去脉
Carissa was thirty-five 卡丽萨今年35岁
you don't just raise two kids 是两个孩子的母亲
and take out your trash and die 有一次在她去倒个垃圾的时候碰上了一点意外,就这么死去了
She was my second cousin 她是我的表妹,亲缘隔得比较远的那种
I didn't know her well at all 我根本不怎么了解她这个人
but it don't mean that I wasn't meant to find some poetry 即便如此我仍想要用这首歌中的诗词语句来试着讲述你的故事
to make some sense of this, to find a deeper meaning 搞清楚其中的缘由,弄明白蕴含的道理
In this senseless tragedy 实际上这场悲剧的发生既无缘由,更没有道理
oh Carissa, I'll sing your name across every sea 噢卡丽萨,请允许我为你而歌唱,让你的名字随这歌声漂洋过海吧
Were you doing someone else's chores for 'em? 有时间的话你是否会帮别人做些家政之类的零工呢?
Were you just killing time, finding things to do all by your lonesome? 还是说你都是一个人待着,随便做点什么来打发空闲日子的呢?
Was it even you who mistakenly put flammables in the trash? 是你一时大意把易燃物扔进了垃圾堆里吗?
Was it your kids just being kids? 或者是你的孩子们还不太具备防火意识才酿成灾祸?
And so oh the guilt they will carry around forever 若是如此那等待他们的将是一生都无法释怀的负罪感啊
Well I'm going out there to get a look at the landscapes 我动身踏上回乡的旅程,去再看一看那熟悉不过的景致
To get a look at those I'm connected by blood and see how it all may have shaped me 去感受这片孕育我的土地如今已将我塑造成为了怎样的一个人
Well I'm going out there though I'm not really needed 我出发朝老家赶去,但其实也并不是那么迫切
I'm just so broken up about it, how is that this sad history repeated? 我只是对卡丽萨的死感到痛心不已,为什么总有人会如此莫名其妙又轻而易举地被夺去性命呢?
I'll return to Ohio, to the place I was spawned 我将回到俄亥俄州,这个生养我的地方
Gonna see where I hung with my cousins 回忆起和我的表亲们一起在这里度过的年少时光
and played with them in the snow and fished in their ponds 眼前闪过那些在雪地里嬉戏打闹的身影,耳畔响起从池塘里钓起鱼儿时的欢笑
Gonna see how they've grown 有的人随着岁月长大了,去看看他们现在都过得怎样
visit some graves and say, "Hey, I've missed you" 有的人被岁月带走了,去问候一下对他们说声“很想念你啊”
Gonna find out as much as I can about my little second cousin Carissa 我多么想尽可能地去了解关于我的小表表妹卡丽萨,了解关于她这一个体存在于这世上的一切的一切啊
Gonna go to Ohio, where I was born 到俄亥俄州去,那是我人生开始的地方
Got a 10:45 AM flight, I'm leaving tomorrow morning 明早10:45的航班,我将启程离开飞往那里
Gonna see my aunts and uncles, my parents and sisters 去拜访一下叔叔阿姨们,回去再见一见父母和姐姐们
Mostly I'm going to pay my respects to my little second cousin Carissa 而最重要的是亲自为我的小表表妹卡丽萨,为她的死致以最诚挚的哀悼
Going to Ohio, where I feel I belong 这就往俄亥俄州去了,那是我的心所归属的地方
Ask those who know the most about Carissa for it is her life and death that I'm helplessly drawn
Carissa was thirty-five 卡丽萨35岁了
raised kids since she was fifteen years old and suddenly died 从15岁时开始养育孩子的她就这么突如其来地死去了
Next to an old river, fire pit, oh there's gotta be more than that to it 在一条年岁已久的河流近旁,那噬人的火堆,把一个人的生命结束得这般潦草
She was only my second cousin 她只是一个与我亲缘相隔甚远的表妹
but it don't mean that I'm not here for her or that I wasn't meant to give her life poetry 即使是这样我也要为了她再回到此地,执意要为她的生命写下诗篇,赋上歌声与音韵
to make sure her name is known across every city 愿她的名字随着这首歌传遍世界的每一个角落吧