【歌词翻译】N.Y. State of Mind
背景介绍【在"NYSM"中Nas以两句一韵的格式展开叙事(本人翻译也是遵循这一格式),鲜活无比的细节使听众张大双眼,密不透风的韵脚却让人停止呼吸,Nas手持重机枪以最强大火力向听众扫射,而beats小节中密实的鼓点、降音拨奏的低音提琴和突然出现的钢琴和弦,让人脖子一紧,给人一触即发的紧张感,而自己也仿佛变成了歌词中的Nasty Nas,在纽约皇后区的街道亡命奔跑。】
【这种尖锐的声音采样了Donald Byrd的"Flight Time" ,前面几句是Nas和自己对话,让他自己兴奋起来】 Yeah, straight out the fuckin dungeons of rap Yeah,地牢大开直面地下 Where fake niggaz don't make it back 装逼的都得死不用计价 I don't know how to start this shit, yo, now 草,有点紧张,开始吧 【传闻第一段的歌词是DJ Premier的beats在Nas面前完成后,Nas现场写词,并且第一次在录音室里录制歌曲,才会说出"I don't know how to start this shit",而这一段直接奠定了Nas之后在纽约的地位。】
【此处的低音提琴和钢琴采样了Joe Chambers的"Mind Rain"】 Rappers I monkey flip em with the funky rhythm I be kickin 一个放克筋斗,我已干翻一票说唱歌手 Musician, inflictin composition 所谓音乐家,哦,你的大作令人作呕 of pain I'm like Scarface sniffin cocaine 疼痛稀释着可卡因,疤面煞星 Holdin a M-16, see with the pen I'm extreme, now 附体,笔头喷射火舌我丧失理性,草! Bulletholes left in my peepholes 子弹穿透一切毫无保留 【peephole谐音people,90年代的黑人贫民区没有和平】 I'm suited up in street clothes 球衣加身,我开始巡游 Hand me a nine and I'll defeat foes 欢迎猎手前来交手,我是猎头 【foe谐音four,指44毫米口径的玛格南左轮手枪,威力巨大,可一枪穿透大象。而Nas用9毫米战玛格南,在此标榜其枪法老道。】 Y'all know my steelo with or without the airplay 无需公放,哥们的风格就是这么脆 I keep some E&J, sittin bent up in the stairway 醉卧楼梯,阿尔·卡彭懂我买的是什么醉 【俗称"Easy Jesus",嘉露酒业(由Ernest & Julio兄弟于1933年创立)的白兰地品牌,传闻Ernest Gallo和当时的芝加哥王Al Capone做过葡萄酒交易,这也是嘉露酒业前期发展的重要契机】 Or either on the corner bettin Grants with the celo champs 整把四五六,那些死人头谁能带走 【1.Grants指的是50元美钞,背后印有第18任总统尤利塞斯·辛普森·格兰特的头像。2.cee-lo,“骰宝”,用三颗骰子玩,有很多种玩法】 Laughin at baseheads, tryin to sell some broken amps 烂针头当给老子破音器,真他妈秀逗 【basehead,俚语瘾君子,amp-->amplifier,扩音器】 G-Packs get off quick, forever niggaz talk shit 铁打的瘾流水的兵,打烊,兄弟们开始打屁 Remeniscing about the last time the Task Force flipped 上次条子清剿的画面已经浮现,是如此的清晰 Niggaz be runnin through the block shootin 兄弟们亡命逃出火力攻击 Time to start the revolution, catch a body,head for Houston 草这帮狗娘养的!我们朝着营地跑去准备反击 【Houston,俚语,指大本营、基地,源于NASA在休斯顿的航天控制中心】 Once they caught us off guard, the Mac-10 was in the grass and 枪声四起,措手不及!绝对的冷酷我豹一般冲去 I ran like a cheetah with thoughts of an assassin 将草地中的机枪猎取 Pick the Mac up, told brothers, "Back up," the Mac spit 上膛,“撤!”说了最后一句,枪管扫出霹雳 Lead was hittin niggaz one ran, I made him backflip 一个还妄想冲出追击,一枪秒了人已倒地 Heard a few chicks scream,my arm shook, couldn't look 几个妞吓得尖叫,我的手是抖的,只能死盯着前面 Gave another squeeze heard it click,"yo, my shit is stuck" 又甩出一梭子弹,“咔嗒”一声,枪卡住了心凉了半截 Try to cock it, it wouldn't shoot now I'm in danger 我弄着扳机,此时死神就在我的左右 Finally pulled it back and saw three bullets caught up in the chamber 终于拉回了原位,竟然三颗子弹卡在了弹膛里头 So now I'm jetting to the building lobby 我飞快拐进一栋楼的大厅 and it was filled with children probably couldn't see as high as I be 里面竟然全是孩子,喧闹下一秒突然死一般的寂静 (So whatchu sayin?) It's like the game ain't the same (那老话怎么说的?)计划永远赶不上变化 Got younger niggaz pullin the triggers bringing fame to they name 年轻人扣下扳机以为自己变得更加强大 and claim some corners, crews without guns are goners 又罩了几条街,没有枪械的只能滚粗 In broad daylight, stickup kids, they run up on us 光天化日,几个小痞子抢劫了我们就像宰猪 Fo'-fives and gauges, Macs in fact 被“枪”劫了更加贴切 【枪的顺序为:点四五口径,霰弹枪,Mac-10】 Same niggaz'll catch a back to back, snatchin yo' cracks in black 还有些当面称兄道弟,阴着吸你的血 There was a snitch on the block gettin niggaz knocked 罗布眼线,送你多少年的牢饭 So hold your stash until the coke price drop 囤货居奇,涨买跌卖,金玉良言 I know this crackhead, who said she gotta smoke nice rock 还有个溜冰女,说她喜欢来点好货 And if it's good she'll bring ya customers in measuring pots, but yo 你要是让她飞了下次给你介绍超多新客 You gotta slide on a vacation 停,你有时得低调些冷静 Inside information keeps large niggaz erasin and they wives basin 有些大佬就是被内鬼换了赏金,他们的女人哭到天明 It drops deep as it does in my breath 那东西流在我的血液伴随我的呼吸 I never sleep, cause sleep is the cousin of death 我从不休息,因为“眠乃死之所栖” 【Nas本人说原句是一句古老的非洲谚语,他家人常挂在口边,下面列几个其他相关的出处。 1.《荷马史诗》中的《伊利亚特》将睡神修普诺斯和死神塔那托斯描述为兄弟。 2.犹太教法典《塔木德经》说睡眠是六十分之一的死亡。】 Beyond the walls of intelligence, life is defined 高墙内外,你我仿佛机器般精确 【1.以欧洲中心论为核心的社会本身就不公平,并且纽约就像一个压榨机使得每个人都要拼命去生活,这可以说是纽约的原罪。 2.每人的选择都基于他自身的思维模式,所以各自的生活都早已限制在自己所能看到想到的,这就像一个无形的监狱,这就是为什么约翰·杜威说“学习即自由”。】 I think of crime when I'm in a New York state of mind! 当纽约在脑海嘶嚎我喝下那血!
("New York state of mine" -- Rakim *repeat 4X*) 【该段人声采样了Eric B. & Rakim的《Mahogany》】
Be havin dreams that I'm a gangsta 我有一个梦想 Drinkin Moets,holdin Tecs,makin sure the cash came correct 千金不愁枪在手,慢品佳酿 【TEC-DC9冲锋枪,俗称tec-9】 Then I stepped,investments in stocks, 更上层楼,坐看股市风云 Sewing up the blocks to sell rocks, winnin gunfights with mega cops 点石成金白“吗啡”马,万卒不敌笑将军 【此段为Nas脑中意淫,翻译风格文雅了些,以示区别】 But just a nigga,walking with his finger on the trigger 但我只不过是个亡命屌丝 Make enough figures until my pockets get bigger 赚满荷包之前哪有金盆洗手的事 I ain't the type of brother made for you to start testin' 我不是你能捏的柿子,假如你要挑衅 Give me a Smith and Wessun,I'll have niggaz undressin' 我的左轮会让你一贫如洗菊花一紧 【Smith and Wessun是美国最大的手枪制造商,Nas在这里可能指的是点三八和玛格南,两者是该公司最受欢迎的产品,且都是左轮,威力强大】 Thinkin of cash flow, buddah and shelter 能让我上心的只有钱、草、窝 【钱:物质享受,草:神经快感,窝:随时保证自己安全,Nas的匪帮生活三元素】 Whenever frustrated I'ma hijack Delta 当我不爽时脑袋就被劫机,你最好别是乘客 【Delta,达美航空】 In the P.J.'s, my blend tape plays, bullets are strays 我的 mixtape 放着,房子宅着,流弹飞着 Young bitches is grazed each block is like a maze 小妞被擦着,在哪个街区都能走迷了 full of black rats trapped, plus the Island is packed 黑耗子各种被耍都趴,号子里他妈的人都站不下 【island,Riker's Island,瑞克斯岛,纽约市最大的监狱】 From what I hear in all the stories when my peoples come back, black 这些个大老黑啊,刚放出来的都爱说话 I'm livin where the nights is jet black 我住的地儿夜里伸手不见五指 The fiends fight to get crack I just max, I dream I can sit back 那些混世魔王为了粉在干架,我可真是乏了,幻想着时间静止 and lamp like Capone, with drug scripts sewn 能像卡彭那样在监狱,水床烟酒,遥控全国 Or the legal luxury life, rings flooded with stones, homes 又或者是个合法款爷,鸽蛋钻石戒指,豪宅辽阔 I got so many rhymes I don't think I'm too sane 我脑子搅着,韵脚缠绕我感觉还算良好 Life is parallel to Hell but I must maintain 生活是与地狱平行的一辆高铁但我还是得熬 and be prosperous, though we live dangerous 直到我出人头地,尽管我们每天都呼吸着危险,瞧 cops could just arrest me, blamin us, we're held like hostages 条子会抓住我,辱骂我们,我们就像随时要被撕票 It's only right that I was born to use mics 麦克风是专为我准备的,这是唯一对的 and the stuff that I write, is even tougher than dykes 而从我笔下倾泻的,岩石一样坚硬干脆 【谐音双关,指代了MC Lyte的专辑:http://www.xiami.com/album/156099】 I'm takin rappers to a new plateau, through rap slow 不凭快嘴,我巧舌如簧让说唱坐上蹦床 My rhymin is a vitamin, Hell without a capsule 押韵直切心脏,在你的体内肆意冲撞 The smooth criminal on beat breaks 三寸不烂切换节拍,文字惯犯 Never put me in your box if your shit eats tapes 卡盘的哥们别听我的磁带,不然我干 The city never sleeps, full of villians and creeps 这城市永不眠,害虫们繁衍蔓延 That's where I learned to do my hustle had to scuffle with freaks 成长于斯,与变态们抢食,被钱钓着被身后的压力驱赶 I'm an addict for sneakers, twenties of buddah and bitches with beepers 球鞋、大麻、姑娘随叫随到,这些永远是我心头大好 【Nas的街头三享受,球鞋,大麻,随时随地能被满足的性需求】 In the streets I can greet ya, about blunts I teach ya 碰见,撞肩,叶子?有见识!我是大麻主教 Inhale deep like the words of my breath 深吸一口,它就是我气息中的词语 I never sleep, cause sleep is the cousin of death 我从不休息,因为“眠乃死之所栖” I lay puzzle as I backtrack to earlier times 我留下一个迷,清醒即将取代混沌 Nothing's equivalent, to the new york state of mind 再无任何能与之媲美,纽约之魂... 【此处大麻的虚幻与第一段的现实对应,并且也让人看到在90年代纽约贫民区中生活的异常残酷,也就能理解人们为什么依赖于大麻对自身的麻痹,当然不能否认的是Nas对于纽约的爱,这观察者和参与者两种身份混杂着的无奈,爱恨交织着的纽约之魂】 ("New York state of mind" -- Rakim *repeat 4X*) ("Nasty Nas" -- cut and scratched 8X) 【Nasty Nas是Nas的外号。】