回顾 Fever Ray十月发布的新专辑 "Plunge"

Plunge 专辑
01. Wanna Sip
02. Mustn’t Hurry
03. A Part Of Us
04. Falling
05. IDK About You
06. This Country
07. Plunge
08. To The Moon And Back
09. Red Trails
10. An Itch
11. Mama’s Hand
“Plunge”这张专辑是关于自由和好奇,主要包括了几个主题 - 性别,爱情,情绪,感觉。其实Karin Dreijer在谈论关于性和她的家庭生活等亲密话题都一直是比较开放的, 这也不难理解她用很直接的词语在她的音乐歌词里面提到很多关于更加现实的话题。Karin Dreijer说,“我一直在Tinder。在过去的一年中,我通过一些聊天软件有过一些关系。
'Plunge' is about freedom, and curiosity. include several themes—sex, love, sensation, perception. Karin Dreijer says she is open to talk on intimate topics such as sexuality and her family life. So its not hard to understand that why the lyrics more outward-looking and direct .Dreijer says “I’ve been on Tinder. I have had many relations in the last year or so via apps.”
专辑中的歌曲”A Part of Us“是关于同性恋的保护屏障,特别是那些同性恋酒吧。 她说“其实这也是关于在出柜前和出柜后之间的区别”,
A Part of Us – is more about the safe cocoon of queer spaces, specifically nightclubs. Karin Dreijer says “But it’s also about the difference between being inside and then outside,”
在她的第二张专辑“Fever Ray”中,Karin Dreijer更加矛盾,更狂躁,而且有更多爱的情感在里面。
On her second album as Fever Ray, Karin Dreijer is more conflicted, more manic—and more in love, too.
从一开始,Karin Dreije的音乐就有那种超自然的传述:她的音高转化的唱法和平行的五分音符足以让你的手臂上的毛发站立起来,有点像遇到鬼魂一样。 “Fever Ray”专辑里面将这种超然情绪音乐的想法在“维京传奇”中主题曲的“If I Had a Heart”更加的增强。
From the beginning, Dreijer’s solo music has carried a supernatural charge: Her pitch-shifted voice and chiming parallel fifths are enough to make the hairs on your arm stand on end, as though you had been visited by a ghost. The idea of Fever Ray as a kind of transcendental mood music was reinforced by the use of “If I Had a Heart,” the opening song from Dreijer’s 2009 solo debut, in the opening titles of the History Channel series “Vikings.”
回顾 Fever Ray十月发布的新专辑 "Plunge"
更加音乐资讯详请大家关注 我的微信公众号:BELLACROSSMUSIC
01. Wanna Sip
02. Mustn’t Hurry
03. A Part Of Us
04. Falling
05. IDK About You
06. This Country
07. Plunge
08. To The Moon And Back
09. Red Trails
10. An Itch
11. Mama’s Hand
“Plunge”这张专辑是关于自由和好奇,主要包括了几个主题 - 性别,爱情,情绪,感觉。其实Karin Dreijer在谈论关于性和她的家庭生活等亲密话题都一直是比较开放的, 这也不难理解她用很直接的词语在她的音乐歌词里面提到很多关于更加现实的话题。Karin Dreijer说,“我一直在Tinder。在过去的一年中,我通过一些聊天软件有过一些关系。
'Plunge' is about freedom, and curiosity. include several themes—sex, love, sensation, perception. Karin Dreijer says she is open to talk on intimate topics such as sexuality and her family life. So its not hard to understand that why the lyrics more outward-looking and direct .Dreijer says “I’ve been on Tinder. I have had many relations in the last year or so via apps.”
专辑中的歌曲”A Part of Us“是关于同性恋的保护屏障,特别是那些同性恋酒吧。 她说“其实这也是关于在出柜前和出柜后之间的区别”,
A Part of Us – is more about the safe cocoon of queer spaces, specifically nightclubs. Karin Dreijer says “But it’s also about the difference between being inside and then outside,”
在她的第二张专辑“Fever Ray”中,Karin Dreijer更加矛盾,更狂躁,而且有更多爱的情感在里面。
On her second album as Fever Ray, Karin Dreijer is more conflicted, more manic—and more in love, too.
从一开始,Karin Dreije的音乐就有那种超自然的传述:她的音高转化的唱法和平行的五分音符足以让你的手臂上的毛发站立起来,有点像遇到鬼魂一样。 “Fever Ray”专辑里面将这种超然情绪音乐的想法在“维京传奇”中主题曲的“If I Had a Heart”更加的增强。
From the beginning, Dreijer’s solo music has carried a supernatural charge: Her pitch-shifted voice and chiming parallel fifths are enough to make the hairs on your arm stand on end, as though you had been visited by a ghost. The idea of Fever Ray as a kind of transcendental mood music was reinforced by the use of “If I Had a Heart,” the opening song from Dreijer’s 2009 solo debut, in the opening titles of the History Channel series “Vikings.”
回顾 Fever Ray十月发布的新专辑 "Plunge"
更加音乐资讯详请大家关注 我的微信公众号:BELLACROSSMUSIC

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