
这是Kamelot经由Roy改造的分水岭之作,标志Kamelot巅峰期Khan时代的起点专辑。 Kamelot此前是一个纯粹的美国乐队,1991年正式成立于弗罗里达州坦帕(出了一个包含三首歌的demo),最初名为Camelot(亚瑟王的都城,真善美的所在地),为了便于搜索改为Kamelot,1995和1996年各发行了一张专辑,基本就是在模仿前卫金属的先锋乐队Crimson Glory。前主唱名Mark姓Vanderbilt(不知道是不是范德比尔特家族的),与前鼓手一起在演出前因无组织无纪律被踢出(乐队没有巡演过,很可能是也没有正式演出过),第三张专辑 Siege Perilous写完后仍然没有主唱,直到乐队创始人之一吉他手Thomas Youngblood找到挪威前卫金属乐队Conception主唱/词作者Roy Khan的电话号码邀请他帮忙。 成立于1989年的Conception,比当时的Kamelot成功很多,在整个前卫金属领域,Conception也可以位列于先驱阵营。乐队发行了4张专辑、2张单曲和1个MV(1991-1997),多次到德国日本等地演出过,与Gamma Ray、Rage等乐队同台过(收录于合集Power of Metal等),此时(1997-1998)由于原定与Stratovarius一起的巡演被取消,且乐队成员都在忙于各自项目或在其他乐队工作,以及最后一张专辑可能太过前卫导致销量不好等原因,已经处于搁置状态(乐队成员并非想解散,而是想无限期搁置,时机恰当再重组,2005年他们确实实现了这个想法,进行了重组演出)。Roy此时正忙于一个未完成也一直没有得到时间和精力去实现的solo项目,已经有34首歌可以录制,风格略偏爵士和前卫,当他正在Oslo寻找公寓时接到了Thomas的电话。 起初他并不想全职加入Kamelot,只是想尝试和帮忙,去美国之前他听了乐队的前两张专辑,并非是他喜欢的风格但也认为有一些很cool的元素。由Roy担任主唱发行于1998年的Kamelot第三张专辑销量好于前两张,但对于最终效果包括后期混音等,他和乐队其他成员都并不满意(出于对作品和创作自由的重视,他比较喜欢全程把握创作和制作过程,他后来也并不是太喜欢在别人的专辑里参与客串),不过在此期间对Thomas等人的好感以及他们共同创作一首bonus track《One Day》时的化学反应还是促成了Roy的正式加入。(Kamelot为了拉他入伙,还特意公关了一下,几个人一起玩了把跳伞。)此后他们开始了跨越大西洋的合作,通过邮件传递MP3和电话沟通等方式,一起在挪威、美国等地创作和排练等,Roy也曾考虑搬到美国定居几年,但由于气候等原因放弃了。 第四张专辑名为The Fourth Legacy,同名曲创作初衷是象征乐队的过去、现在和将来。“It was the first album to credit vocalist Roy Khan as a writer on all tracks, establishing him as the main songwriter of the band together with founder and guitarist Thomas Youngblood”(wiki)。并且他们找来了大牌制作人Sascha Paeth和Miro,开始了此后的合作(Miro长期兼任键盘录音)。创作上,Roy负责旋律、和声与歌词,Thomas负责吉他和鼓点部分,Sascha负责编曲和结构,Miro负责键盘交响效果。此外,Kamelot有几张专辑得到了Conception吉他手/曲作者Tore Østby等人的帮助。所以Khan时代的专辑既有Conception的前卫元素,又增加了交响元素,音乐开始有了层次与人文内涵。亮点之一是一段节奏强烈的演奏桥段(solo)紧接一段柔美抒情的演唱桥段,从而达到力量与唯美的融合;以及男女声和声的运用非常有特色,以和声、不同唱法的叠加、人声与提琴等乐器的融合来增加层次感。虽然乐队从未特别标明作者,但其实对比Conception和Kamelot的专辑,基本就可以对创作风格和分工心中有数了。专辑封面设计由Thomas的妹妹换成了插画艺术家Derek Gores,包括后面几张专辑的封面都是他的作品,Thomas表示还是更倾向于他妹妹的作品,但对于一些改变他都可以接受。此专辑封面可能是寓意亚瑟王传说中的女神与石中剑。此后,乐队专辑封面一直延续女性主题。同时因为新鼓手Casey Grillo(2018年离队)的加入,乐队的鼓点快了很多。 这张专辑打造出了大家喜欢的Kamelot,受到乐迷高度评价的不仅是动听的旋律和歌喉,还有Roy的创作才华,例如《the legacy of Roy Khan》这篇文章就赞扬了二人迸发火花的合作和Roy歌词方面的创作。二人的创作风格受到Queensrÿche等乐队的一定影响,Roy的创作来源很广泛,包括古典音乐、文学和电影等。歌词方面,专辑同名曲目基本就是Roy告别在Conception的成就,加入大西洋彼岸的Kamelot的心情写照,明亮激昂的同时也提到了代价,对比前后期作品可以看到他的心路历程,包括爱情与亲情,对人生的感悟,对事业的激情与踌躇,对信仰的思考与转变。旋律方面,可以看到Khan时代的6张专辑与乐队早期的3张专辑差异很大,Roy定义为具有前卫元素的旋律力量金属。主题内容方面,一改从前单调的“tower power”钢铁直男画风(详见乐队早期歌词),而是以哲学为主,并且开始有了吸引女性乐迷的浪漫气息。
The Fourth Legacy之后的几张专辑越发经典,可以说Roy的个人魅力是乐队受欢迎的最大原因(Kamelot从来都不是一个以演奏技术见长的乐队,而是以主唱为标志形成了自己的特色),乐迷们爱他的嗓音与技巧、他对音乐的忘我沉醉、与音乐融为一体的表现力,爱他的创作及表现在作品中对内在精神世界的专注,很多乐迷称其为诗人。“音乐与给人以快感的思想结合便是诗”,以Roy多次在音乐中致敬过的爱伦坡的名言来概括他的音乐也并不为过。然而后期大量密集的巡演等对他的嗓子造成很大损耗,更减少了他与家人共聚及恢复能量的时间,并最终造成他因burnout(职业倦怠)而决定退出乐队和整个音乐产业(2011),他也一直没能得到自己的时间和精力去实现他的solo专辑。Roy退出后,Thomas多次表示过不想怀旧,然而音乐和视觉方面可以看出还是有想要延续风格的意图,但是水平上仍有很大差距,旋律上有些回归初期三张专辑的直线式画风,容易令人感到乏味无聊,而最为致命的是欠缺了精神内核,例如2018年的专辑TST,虽然引入了心理学概念,但内容较为空泛肤浅,因此更像是一个噱头。可以说Roy加入时对Kamelot改造了多少,他离开时乐队就失去了多少。值得一提的是,由Mark Jansen组建(2002)、受Kamelot最著名专辑《Epica》影响而由Sahara Dust更名为Epica的乐队,在2005年开始与Kamelot合作、跟随其一起巡演,倒是在一定程度上延续了Khan时代的一些思想理念和前卫性。 对比Khan时代的几张专辑,Roy这张专辑时期真是年少气盛,明显比epica时期生猛激情,透过他从Conception到这张专辑的一些曲目,都可以看到探索世界与未来的豪情壮志;声音堪称华丽,仿佛能让人看见光,尤其是在The Fourth Legacy和Nights Of Arabia里。这是他在Kamelot唱得最高的一张专辑,他的音域可能属于次高音,音高随年龄而下降得非常明显,与他的唱法也有一定关系。他自己说过,唱金属比唱歌剧艰难。而他还是在歌剧与金属之间选择了后者。 A Sailorman's Hymn一曲,在《The Expedition》(2000)里的现场版唱得特别高,Roy退出后在朋友婚礼的手拍视频版,高音略显吃力,但更为婉转悠扬,情感更加细腻深沉,特别打动人心,尤其是垂目而立的时候,不知道他是否心事苍茫。 2001年给《Karma》预热的现场,高音部分还能升key唱,也有时声音打不开,估计是看状态,或者是音域的下降从那时就已经初现端倪。那时,Roy跟Thomas的互动很有爱,2009年在家乡的现场,他玩的很开心,还给Thomas来了个生日惊喜。反观Roy退出时的新闻,就不得不让人气愤Thomas Youngblood的自私和冷血。 以下是Roy Khan的退出声明: "Dear fans and friends, There have been a lot of speculations around why I am not touring with KAMELOT and I want to make a statement although it may not prevent further guessing as to what's actually going on. It is a fact, however, that I told the guys in the band already last fall (well after my burnout) that I was leaving the band. Naturally enough, they were shocked (as was the label and everyone else working with KAMELOT). In addition to risk of dropping ticket sales, they wanted to give me time to think things over, and so I did. My decision still stands; it is finished. I am currently spending time with my family in Norway taking it easy and wondering profoundly what the future is going to bring. Communication with the outer world has been so and so, but I have had several talks with Thomas along the way, although I am still called in sick. I am terribly sorry that my decision is affecting so many others and I want you to know I wish the band and associates all the best for the future and that I enjoyed every second in the spotlight. How could I not?! They were nourished by the best fans in the world! I am eternally thankful for everything you and KAMELOT have given me and equally sorry that it has to end here. The good news is; God was there after all... Love you to death!!! All the best & so long, Roy Khan” 再来看看Thomas Youngblood的回应: In a recent interview with PowerMetal.cl, KAMELOT guitarist Thomas Youngblood stated about the band's decision to recruit Lione to fill in for longtime KAMELOT frontman Roy Khan, "I've heard some songs with Fabio singing — some KAMELOT songs like 'Ghost Opera' — and he sings quite different than he does with RHAPSODY for KAMELOT, which also, of course, makes sense, because it's a different approach to vocals. "The idea [to hire Fabio for the tour] came from Sascha Paeth, our producer, who also produces RHAPSODY. He suggested it because he has worked with Fabio and knows his abilities. But, obviously, the high range that he can do with songs like 'Center Of The Universe' or 'Nights Of Arabia', these are songs that we… I think over the years, Roy, his range has dropped, so a song like 'Nights Of Arabia' is no problem for Fabio to sing. So we're gonna add some songs [to the upcoming tour's setlist] that we haven't been able to play over the past few years that I think fans have been wanting to hear." When asked about the rumor that Roy Khan's "religious conversion" played a major part in his decision to sit out KAMELOT's current world tour, Youngblood said, "This is what we do, this is what we love doing — the band loves performing, we love touring. And I don't know if Roy has lost that… in his heart, in terms of what he likes doing. I know that there are some other issues. I know that there is a religious aspect to it now that I can't really 100 percent explain. Obviously, we were disappointed, and I'm not gonna lie, I was a little bit pissed off about it, but at the same time, we — the whole band, together — decided, 'Listen, we're not gonna slow down! We've got this new album and we wanna come to South America.' And that's what we're doing." "Whenever we had a day or two off in Europe [on previous KAMELOT tours], [Roy] needed to fly home, which I thought was kind of extreme, to fly home, but that kind of was a sign was that I should have noticed that maybe the touring part was not for him. But the religious aspect of it is something that I want him to kind of talk about, but I know that he had been going to religious classes, for whatever reason. Obviously, over the years of working together and being, at times, best friends and things like that, we have discussed all kinds of topics about religion, so it's actually very surprising to me that this is where we are at now with him. But I don't really wanna talk too much more about it, because that's really something, I think, that he should come out about, in terms of what he believes or doesn't believe or whatever. All I can say is right now the band is unified and we're just not gonna slow down." Regarding the possibility that KAMELOT may need to look for a new permanent singer, Youngblood said, "I don't really wanna think about that until this touring cycle is over. All I can say is we're not gonna fire him; that's not my position and I... It is my position, but I'm not gonna do that. . . If Roy decides that he doesn't wanna do this anymore, he has to make an announcement. But right now, I think the smartest thing for us, and the most compassionate thing, is to just give him the time until the next record, until we start really working hard on the next album, and if by that time he is not ready to work and doesn't wanna work, then we have to look at the possibility of getting another singer, which is, obviously, something we are willing to do, if we have to do that." Read more at http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/singer-roy-khan-officially-announces-his-departure-from-kamelot.html#9CjwFCYmMSDZoCjV.99 加之Thomas后来的采访中一些话说得很过分,令一些乐迷感到气愤和心凉。Roy全身心投入和奉献于自己的乐队,直到自己再也撑不下去了才不得不放弃,却得不到应有的理解。而且把他累的身心疲倦,应该很大程度上是因为Thomas太功利,相比Roy多次采访中说音乐是嗜好,Thomas则说过音乐只是工作,很多乐迷都认为他是重视商业多于音乐本身的商人。 Khan时代的最后两张专辑,不仅嗓音低沉判若两人,歌词更是痛苦纠结,似乎处处透露着停下还是继续的矛盾,采访中也可以看出他的疲惫(多次提到时间和精力不够用),后期的巡演对于他来说可能是对乐队和歌迷的责任义务多于对音乐的兴趣,站在他的立场去看,其实他早就该停下来,站在乐队的立场去看,他的退出确实对乐队及背后的整个商业团体造成了很大影响(毕竟可以说他是乐队真正的灵魂),但既然是他挽救且成就了Kamelot,他做到了Thomas要求的画面感,他给了乐队十几年,给乐队留下了宝贵的财富,当他不得不选择把自己的健康和家庭放在首位的时候,又有什么不可被商人伙伴谅解的呢? Roy在多年后表示过当时一年中有半年的时间在巡演,即便在家时也没有精力陪家人,没有一日不在为那段时期后悔,那段经历使他成为了基督徒,而教会人员这样的普通工作对他帮助很大(2016)。他在2018年的复活节/愚人节这一天发布了阔别多年后的第一首单曲《For All》,内容关于他的信仰、获得救赎的心路历程等。Kamelot的专辑《The Shadow Theory》于4月6日发行。4月底,Conception乐队宣布原班人马重组。随后的采访中,Roy谈到在Kamelot的巅峰期选择离开从方方面面来说都很艰难,但仍然是他最正确的决定(当初加入乐队也同样如此),并深入讲述了那段时期的经历(https://media.weibo.cn/article?id=2309404250956635203148)。Kamelot乐队粉丝们终于在时隔8年后,解开了对于当年内情的疑惑与心结,一些站在乐队角度此前一直对他有误解的粉丝也表示如果Thomas不能理解他那将是Thomas的损失。我个人也尝试过站在Thomas的角度理解他的愤怒,希望他已经放下芥蒂,希望Roy和Kamelot都能在各自的方向上各得其所。 关于专辑曲目: 1 New Allegiance 基于rené dupéré的作品Eclipse改编。
2 The Fourth Legacy 歌词本中写道,"Fortune assists the bold"。
3 Silent Goddess "Faith, like a jackal, feeds among the tombs, and even from these dead doubts she gathers her most vital hope."
4 Desert Reign
5 Nights Of Arabia "The art of being a slave is to rule one's master."这句话道出了这首歌的精髓。
6 The Shadow Of Uther. "Desire, man's ultimate friend or foe." Uther(尤瑟)为亚瑟王之父 ,亚瑟王的陨落源自其父种下的苦果。这首歌与The Inquisitor均有贝斯手Glenn Barry参与主创。
7 A Sailorman's Hymn "Hope springs eternal life."
8 Alexandria "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
9 The Inquisitor "Fear of things invisible is the natural seed of that which everyone in himself call the religion." Inquisition为“宗教审判所”, inquisitor为审判官,这首大概是Roy写过的最色气的歌,歌词中的女巫还是复数。
10 Glory "The paths of glory lead but to the grave."
11 Until Kingdom Come "Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives." 12 Lunar Sanctum "Ther is something haunting in the light of the moon; it has all the dispassionateness of a disembodied soul, and something of its inconceivable mystery." Roy独自创作,所以风格很接近Conception,也是整张专辑里他唱得最高的一首,虽然这首名气不大,却是被很多乐迷奉为经典的一曲。
13 Can You Remember? "Dedicated to Yumiko" 日版bonus,Roy写给一个日本女孩的歌,只唱过这一次。
一些采访资料: http://kamelotkarma.weebly.com/interviews.html http://www.metalcrypt.com/pages/interviews.php?intid=198 http://www.darkside.ru/interviews/interview.phtml?id=347&dlang=en(可以看到Roy和Thomas对同样问题的回答) http://rockindude.homestead.com/int53.html 关于专辑的乐迷评论: https://www.metal-archives.com/reviews/Kamelot/The_Fourth_Legacy/1106/ http://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/26227/Kamelot-The-Fourth-Legacy/ http://www.xiami.com/comment/27793?spm=a1z1s.6659513.0.0.0F68QD 考古过程中惊异地发现了前人的考古文: http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_4fd2873f0100phnc.html 本文修改过程中汲取尤希同学意见并进行了引用。