去了一线城市生活的基佬,你们过的快乐吗? 年纪轻轻的你好不容易走出县城摆脱三姑六婆和父母的唠叨正在实现人生抱负的路上或者坐在最早一班的地铁上,你或许在全市暴雨黄色预警的星期一还要赶去公司开会于是在耳机里单曲循环不烂泥的《Work Bitch》鞭策自我,你或许因为周末约不到半个男人预感后半生即将孤独终老而借酒浇愁,你或许在老佛爷新光恒隆王府井万象城狂刷了一堆卡之后再度萌生自剁双手的念头,你或许被家长在电话催婚找不到合理的措词疲于应对的同时惊讶的看见自己抬头纹更深了眼角细纹也更长了发出一声惨叫赶紧涂了一层紧肤眼霜……? 生活中烦恼重重,只要还可以跳舞,这些都不是问题。
比起异性恋们要承担的结婚成本、子女教育等负担,同性恋们只要有时间去健身房有钱买化妆品保证自己在年逾三十之际不像同学一样中年谢顶凸起啤酒肚就好了。钱和工作都好说,再不济也要攒钱保障自己的养老问题,进一步考虑创业、投资或者买理财,实现人生的价值;至于自己优良的基佬基因如何得到传承,……,再不成还能去国外领结婚证办婚礼。不管未来有什么打算,走出山区就是摆脱了父母的管制约束,不再依赖于谁,外观肌肉看起来像个男人还不够,自强自立才是真男人。走出家门就意味着掌控了自由的第一步:接下来你还将不断摸索,怎样实现更多的自由? 迷茫,谁都会有一时的难过和不顺。关键的关键取决于你自己的内心是否认同了自己,是否能像个成年人那样思考,以及是否对未来有个大致的规划呢? 自怨自艾比坎坷和意外可怕,另外,穷才是基佬最大的敌人啊。凡事要解决问题,我出生就是基佬了,哭也改变不了现状。当感到悲伤了,就听听音乐跳个舞。不信你们听一首堪称基佬励志歌曲的,来自‘乡村基佬组合’Village People的《Y.M.C.A. 》! Village People《Y.M.C.A.》 “我说,年轻人,站起来吧!” “我说,年轻人,我以前也和你一样的遭遇感到绝望无助。” “我说,年轻人,不必沮丧!好歹你进城了!” “你可以穿戴整齐,快乐无比,尽情享受那里的一切!” “我说,年轻人,去吧,去YMCA!我说,年轻人,你将会梦想成真!” ——Village People《Y.M.C.A.》 歌词真素励志厚厚厚!
贾樟柯《山河故人》电影插曲Pet Shop Boys “宠物店男孩”的《Go West(走西口)》原唱就是他们:Village People(乡村基佬组合)。Village People凭借《Y.M.C.A.》此歌夺得白金唱片认证,不但全球出现众多翻唱版本,《老友记》等美剧和电影也播过(一些同志电影自然少不了插播这首《Y.M.C.A.》),Village People《Y.M.C.A.》也是澳大利亚Mardi Gras同志狂欢节30周年“最受gаy欢迎的50首歌曲”第二名的位置,这个六七十年代的美国老歌因为其乐观励志的内容,没有自怜自伤,表达的是一种积极的人生态度恰好抚慰了许多感到孤独、人生茫然的同志青年,所以至今在同志群体呼声很高。YMCA是「The Young Men's Christian Association」的缩写形式,意为关怀年轻人的基督教青年会,后来成了基居多的娱乐场所。Village People像不像一群成熟帅气的大老哥们儿以他们过来人的口吻在鼓励你看开?洗脱烦恼,倍感亲切,振奋人心的《Y.M.C.A.》只要节奏一响起,全场登时闻基起舞。国外「同志骄傲」的一些同志社会活动为甚么总在强调一个「Pride」的字眼?很多人不理解:作为一个同志,本身就够压抑够不幸的了,有啥好骄傲的咧?其实,一姐是这么理解「Pride」的,它是积极把握人生、创造生活的骄傲,也是对勇敢认同自己、接纳自我而由衷产生的自豪。比起一片怨声载道,「Pride」更体现出一种乐观。Village People的《Y.M.C.A.》这首歌几乎成了同志版的广场舞,更与Gloria Gaynor的《I Will Survive》一同被誉为同志的圣诗。打错字了,不是Proud,是Pride,笔误。见谅。 正如歌词所说的那样,年轻人,你都已经进城了,别人还在父母襁褓中度日呢,不管你来自何方,你已经开始掌握自己的人生和自由了,所以你有啥好悲观的?连伟大的时装设计师嘉柏丽尔·可可·香奈儿都语重心长的说过:“自由,是我们必须要追求的。”进入一线城市的基佬,你们享受的是更为宽容的城市文明,你们享受的是更加丰富的物质条件,伤心难过的时候一起来跳个舞!殴耶!黑喂狗!同志自豪,庆幸咱们能够进城生活,举起酒杯一起干了手中的Caipirinha吧! Village People《YMCA 》MV Village People的《Y.M.C.A.》的MV骚(shuai)到不行,有的是警察,有的是飞行员,有的是建筑工人,有的是印第安酋长,有的是西部牛仔,乡村基佬大叔们个个能歌善舞,奇装异服简直仪态万千好有时尚大片的feel惹! 其中一个大胡子警察叔叔Glenn Hughes一定是圈里很多姐妹喜欢的款。
《Y.M.C.A.》歌词 作词:Henri Belolo / Jacques Morali / Victor Willis 作曲:Henri Belolo / Jacques Morali / Victor Willis 编曲:Henri Belolo / Jacque Young man, there's no need to feel down I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground I said, young man, 'cause your in a new town There's no need to be unhappy Young man, there's a place you can go I said, young man, when you're short on your dough You can stay there, and I'm sure you will find Many ways to have a good time. It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. They have everything For young men to enjoy. You can hang out with all the boys. It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. You can get yourself clean You can have a good meal You can do whatever you feel. Young man, Are you listeneing to me I said, young man, what do you want to be I said, young man, you can make real your dreams, but you've got to know this one thing. No man, does it all by himself I said, young man, put your pride on the shelf And just go there, to the Y.M.C.A. I'm sure they can help you today It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. They have everything for young men to enjoy. You can hang out with all the boys. It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. You can get yourself clean You can have a good meal You can do whatever you feel. Young Man, I was once in your shoes, I said, I was down and out with the blues I felt, no man cared if I were alive I felt the whole world was so jive That's when someone came up to me and said young man take a walk up the street There's a place there called the Y.M.C.A. They can start you back on your way. It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. They have everything For young men to enjoy. You can hang out with all the boys. Y.M.C.A. It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. Young man, Young man, there's no need to feel down Young man, Young man, pick yourself off the ground Y.M.C.A. just go to the Y.M.C.A. Young Man, Young Man, I was once in your shoes, Young Man, Young Man, I was out with the blues Y.M.C.A. Y.M.C.A. Y.M.C.A. Y.M.C.A.