由 Drew LRK 翻译的歌词
《Indescribable night》 《夜色迷离》 A veilhas lifted that shrouded my eyes 笼罩我双眼的面纱被轻轻挑起 The foldsthat lay over me no longer lie 如梦往事 豁然清晰 Yourinfinity is revealed to me 你绝世的容颜于眸中浮现 It shinesin your infinite smile 动人的笑靥如星光般耀眼 It waslike a gift floating down through the dark 犹如一件珍宝 浮沉辗转于黑夜之间 A dovefinding rest in the leaves of my heart 月下那白鸽把心头旧伤温柔抚慰 A feelinginside, an invisible guide 于无形之中将迷茫的我轻轻牵引 Had shownme a way to survive 穿越夜幕 宁静如初 一如当年 Indescribable night 夜色迷离 Indescribable night 夜色迷离 Indescribable night 夜色迷离 Is it you? 仿如是你 从未稍离 You and me in the circle of everyday life 你我被禁锢在各自生活的漩涡之中 Climbingthrough moments of death and delight 却同样期盼逾越世间的悲欢种种 Now I’vefound my good night in the spiral of light 而今沉醉于静谧夜晚的斗转星移 Thatshines in your intimate smile 你动人的笑靥如星光般耀眼 Indescribable night 夜色迷离 Indescribable night 夜色迷离 Indescribable night 夜色迷离 Sailor ohsailor won’t you be proud 漂泊的人啊 你为生活引以为豪吗 To nowfind a light in the deadliest cloud 终于在密布阴云中发现一丝光芒 Thewisdom you’ve found, a surrendering sound 你对生活的诠释 回声嘹亮 Singsthrough the surrendering night 也在星云中悠悠回响 Indescribablenight 夜色迷离 Indescribablenight 夜色迷离 Indescribablenight 夜色迷离 Indescribablenight 夜色迷离 Indescribablenight 夜色迷离 Indescribablenight 夜色迷离 Indescribablenight 夜色迷离 Indescribablenight 夜色迷离 Indescribablenight 夜色迷离 Is it you? 仿如是你 从未稍离