
能力有限,只能为Funeral里面容易被忽视(且没那么复杂)的几首写写解读 ……
Haiti, mon pays(Haiti, my country)
wounded mother I’ll never see.
Ma famille set me free(My family set me free)
Throw my ashes into the sea.
Mes cousins jamais nes(My never-born cousins)
hantent les nuits de Duvalier(haunt the nights of Duvalier)
Rien n’arrete nos espirits(Nothing stops our spirits)
Guns can’t kill what soldiers can’t see.
In the forest we are hiding,
unmarked graves where flowers grow.
Hear the soldiers angry yelling,
in the river we will go.
Tous les morts-nes forment une armee(All the stillborn form an army)
soon we will reclaim the earth.
All the tears and all the bodies
bring about our second birth.
Haiti, never free,
n’aie pas peur de sonner l’alarme(don’t be scared to ring the bell)
Tes enfants sont partis(Your kids are gone)
in those days their blood was still warm.
-Une Annee Sans Lumière
Une Annee SansLumière是一首温柔的歌。但从2:44以后的歌词没找到,心塞。
Hey, the streetlights all burnt out.
Une annee sans lumieres(A year without light)
Je monte un cheval(I mount a horse)
qui porte des oeilleres(that is wearing blinders)
Hey, my eyes are shooting sparks
la nuit, mes yeux t’eclairent(At night my eyes light you up)
Ne dis pas a ton pere(Don’t tell your father)
qu’il porte des oeillieres(he carries blinders)
Hey, your old man should know,
if you see a shadow,
there’s something there.
So hey! my eyes are shooting sparks,
la nuit mes yeux t’eclairent(At night my eyes light you up)
ne dis pas a ton pere(Don’t tell your father)
qu’il porte des oeillieres(he carries blinders)
Hey, your old man should know,
if you see a shadow,
there’s something there.
Une Annee Sans Lumière很好听。
-My Buddy (Alvino Rey Orchestra)
The night is long since you went away
I dream about you all through the day
My buddy, my buddy, no buddy quite so true.
(Hey that's a wrong note,
And that's a wrong note,
And tune up that G string,
And that's better, that's better, that's better)
Miss your voice, the touch of your hand
I long to know that you understand
My buddy, my buddy, your buddy misses you
这首短词也简单。最开始听只觉得很好笑,故意做旧的电子音,像是懒洋洋地在海滩上晒太阳,只有G string那一段似乎有些深意。最开始我的解读是一个冷漠的人(所以会有机器人的感觉)假装有朋友,但不小心露馅儿了。后来再听就难受极了。
My Buddy(Alvino Rey Orchestra)很好听。