首先表明立场,本人是从《Video Games》就入坑的Fanboy De Lana。 可以很骄傲的说,我是中国首批LDR歌迷之一,2011年VG大火,我初听就开始单曲循环。同年年底,BTD单曲首播,同样一耳朵就喜欢上,并正式入坑,时至如今,BTD都是我的最爱之一,这首歌对我来说,几乎是完美的,对,perfecto。 Sometimes love is not enough, And the road gets tough, I don't know why. 时光荏苒,首单《Love》泄露的时候,我即敏锐地察觉到,LDR不仅曲风变得仙气十足,词(主题)也是180度大转变,温暖治愈、积极阳光。就像Del Rey在Instagram上说的“Hey kids, thanks for listening. It’s OK that it leaked, because like I wrote up there, it really does come down to love and the intention behind the music. That’s why this is a perfect first single, because this one is for you and I luv you”,这首歌是献给她年轻歌迷们的真爱赞歌,它,似乎更预示着LDR一个全新阶段,可谓黎明的曙光。 Look at you kids with your vintage music Comin' through satellites while cruisin' You're part of the past, but now you're the future 随后推出的单曲《Lust For Life》也佐证了我的猜想,曲风继续仙,从歌名到歌词都在打脸。 They say only the good die young That just ain't right 专辑发行之际,线索便越来越明显了,封面虽然意料之中延续了香车美女的路线,但Del Rey首次露齿而笑了!歌词本上,独有《Love》一首歌的歌词,其序言写道“all you need is...”,“All you need is love”似乎就是全专的主题思想了。联想起《Sirens》的《All You Need》,LDR在这首歌里曾唱到:All you need is some peace while you are here/ Just let go of it all, dear.这张专辑,是要成为她Letting go的标志吗?仅仅如此了吗?嘿嘿,并不!图样图森破! The world is yours and you can't refuse it Seen so much, you could get the blues, but That don't mean that you should abuse it 正式首发后,整张专辑给我留下印象最深的两个词,一个是Finally,一个是Change。是的,那位众人眼里当之无愧的丧曲歌后,终于不再作茧自缚,褪去其Summer Sadness,迎来蜕变,金蝉脱壳。说到这里,我不得不想谈谈专辑末尾两首歌。压轴曲《Get Free》,我没想到这首歌会成为本专我的最爱之一,主歌与Radiohead《Creep》的相似度可以说是毋庸置疑了,其实它的副歌更是像极了弃曲《Back To Basics》。用这首歌收尾也是秒,直到最后,都不忘打脸,否定过去。并表明态度,她不会再只活在自己的小世界里,而是从小我走入大我。 Sometimes it feels like I've got a war in my mind I want to get off, but I keep riding the ride I never really noticed that I had to decide To play someone's game or live my own life And now I do, I wanna move Out of the black (out of the black) into the blue (into the blue) 至于《Change》,它是新专最后完成录制的一首歌,有多晚?它是在专辑完成最终母带制作之前的几小时临时加入的。在专辑收尾的前一天下午,Del Rey突然打电话给制作人说,她想再给专辑加一首Statement性质的歌曲,随后便紧急从晚上8点录到了第二天凌晨2点。这也是为什么《Change》的编曲如此朴素无华,简单到只有钢琴作为伴奏,宛如Acoustic赠曲。它好像在诉说,我已经在改变,我正敞开怀抱,迎接幸福的来临。真的只有这么简单吗?并不!《Change》其实暗喻着核能冲突。你能相信吗?那个唱悲伤情歌的小女子,现在开始关心国际时事了! Every time that we run, we don't know what it's from Now we finally slow down, we feel close to it There's a change gonna come, I don't know where or when But whenever it does, we'll be here for it 难以置信?都是我自己的戏太多(臆想)?那么,是时候聊聊《Coachella - Woodstock In My Mind》了。作为该专最后收入的歌曲之一,这首歌是Del Rey参加完Coachella音乐节(有她好朋友Father John Misty登台,该歌手即为Freak录影带中的男主角),在回家途中灵感迸发,坐在小树林里创作而成的。她通过这首歌,表达了自己对朝鲜与美国核能冲突事件的态度,还表达了自己对为了年轻人的担心,并把Coachella音乐节与1969年的Woodstock音乐节联系在一起,希望自己的音乐能像这些音乐节一样,虽然可能作用甚微,但多少可以改变世界。 What about all these children and all their children's children And why am I even wondering that today? Maybe my contribution could be as small as hoping That words could turn to birds and birds would send my thoughts your way 这位被媒体千万次批评是反女权主义者的小女子,这回正面反击,她愿意牺牲自己的名利,去责问上帝,为什么如今世界是这个样子?为什么如今社会是这个样子?我就问,你怕了吗? I'd trade it all for a stairway to heaven (a stairway, stairway to heaven) I'd take my time for the climb up to the top of it (a stairway) I'd trade the fame and the fortune and the legend (a stairway) I'd give it all away if you give me just one day to ask him one question I'd give it all away if you give me just one day to ask him one question 然后顺便谈谈下面三首,歌名宛如新闻报纸头条的歌曲。Del Rey就好像生怕别人看不出她在关注这个蓝色星球,以及这个地球上发生的时事。 《God Bless America - And All the Beautiful Women In It》 God bless America, and all the beautiful women in it God bless America, and all the beautiful women in it May you stand proud and strong Like Lady Liberty shining all night long God bless America 不用解释了吧,女权主义。等等,Lana Del Rey et Feminism?仿佛是打开方式不对? 《When the World Was At War We Kept Dancing》 Is it the end of an era? Is it the end of America? Is it the end of an era? Is it the end of America? No, it's only the beginning If we hold on to hope, we'll have a happy ending When the world was at war before We just kept dancing When the world was at war before We just kept dancing 暗喻了世界大战、肯尼迪总统被暗杀、嬉皮士文化运动,放在现在说,就是在怼川普啊!等等Lana Del Rey et Resistance? 仿佛是官方人设崩塌? 《Beautiful People Beautiful Problems》 Blue is the color of the planet from the view above Long live our reign, long live our love Green is the planet from the eyes of a turtle dove 'Til it runs red, runs red with blood We get so tired and we complain 'Bout how it's hard to live It's more than just a video game Beautiful people with beautiful problems, yeah Beautiful problems, God knows we've got them Beautiful people with beautiful problems, yeah Beautiful problems, God knows we got them 继续否定自己的过去,继续强调自己在关注国家大事,继续抛出问题。Lana Del Rey et Superwoman?总觉得仿佛是哪里不对! 最后,既然LDR发现了问题、提出了问题,那么她给出答案了吗? 当然有啊,《LOVE》,All you kids just need love。 我就问,够不够嬉皮士? 我就问,这张专辑,你真的听懂了吗? 以上 To all the people in my life who talked a good game but couldn’t show up - Fuck you. And thank you for motivating me.