乐评,从Myths and Legends听见Tears Of Magdalena,

不过今天,个人所介绍的,不是上面两支众望所归的乐队,而是同样出自芬兰、却鲜为人知的Tears Of Magdalena。
作为一支旋律力量、歌特金属乐队,成立至今13年,时间不短,可惜乐团发表的专辑却是寥寥。从06年出版第一张样板唱片,到前几年推出的单曲“You Are Not Alone”,仔细汇总一下,只有一张全长专辑“Myths and Legends”,典型的少而精。
乐队成员方面,四人组——女主唱Magdalena Lee(兼职键盘、小提琴),黑嗓Vasstago Archipelagus,鼓手Peuge,吉他兼贝斯Tomi。这里重点说一下Magdalena Lee,身为乐队的灵魂人物,她的存在被许多业内人士及众多乐迷视为"后Tarja“时代的旗帜(当然通过时间证明,这个论调明显过于偏颇,言过其实)。
谈了些乐队的过往,接下来进入正题,赏析专辑——Myths and Legends(2008年出版)。谈两点,主唱与编曲。
主唱方面,Magdalena Lee演绎戏剧女高音,绝对的主导地位,她的完美声线(时而优雅、时而文静、时而虚无缥缈、时而高亢,戏剧感十足)拓宽了歌曲的意境,增加了作品的戏剧性。Vasstago Archipelagus演绎黑嗓,“哥特系”的标配(老生常谈,不多赘述)。两者声线的鲜明对比,营造了华贵、美艳的传统式哥特曲目,虽然”老套“,却十分令人着迷。
编曲方面,仍然由Magdalena Lee一手操办,从谱曲到编曲,一气呵成,打造梦幻、多彩的哥特世界。以”Immortal Love“为例,键盘构筑了完美的古典氛围,结合”星星点缀般“教堂的钟声,神圣感、戏剧感、哥特感一下子凸显了出来。这种浓郁、纯正的哥特风味弥漫于整张专辑里。
推荐曲目,专辑第三首Immortal Love,上乘之作。主唱与和声方面——美声+黑嗓(清澈、高亢结合低沉、咆哮),编曲与配乐方面——古典旋律+激昂节奏(营造非凡意境),歌词方面——深情款款+朗朗上口(与曲调相得益彰)。
It's a long time ago
Do you remember the place
where we first time met and now again
Our love lit like a flame
You told me I'm your light
in the dark side of your life
and your heart will burn for me
in eternity
Even if nightstars would fall or sun would rise no more
My heart and my soul belongs to you
Even if mountains would fall or storms would break the walls
My love and my life belongs to you
I don't want to live
without your love that I need
I want to soar like a seagull
You are the wind under my wings
Forever we dare to try
Together we learn to fly
searching peaceful place of world
for better life
Even if nightstars would fall or sun would rise no more
My heart and my soul belongs to you
Even if mountains would fall or storms would break the walls
My love and my life belongs to you
Let me show you my world
Let me sail across the seas
with you to the eternal land
somewhere there is promised island
and there we will find peace and love
away form sorrow and despair
and our love will be evergreen
in the paradise you've never seen
My darling can't you see
Oh darling you must believe me
Our love is immortal and it is real...
Even if nightstars would fall or sun would rise no more
My heart and my soul belongs to you
Even if mountains would fall or storms would break the walls
My love and my life belongs to you
不过今天,个人所介绍的,不是上面两支众望所归的乐队,而是同样出自芬兰、却鲜为人知的Tears Of Magdalena。
作为一支旋律力量、歌特金属乐队,成立至今13年,时间不短,可惜乐团发表的专辑却是寥寥。从06年出版第一张样板唱片,到前几年推出的单曲“You Are Not Alone”,仔细汇总一下,只有一张全长专辑“Myths and Legends”,典型的少而精。
乐队成员方面,四人组——女主唱Magdalena Lee(兼职键盘、小提琴),黑嗓Vasstago Archipelagus,鼓手Peuge,吉他兼贝斯Tomi。这里重点说一下Magdalena Lee,身为乐队的灵魂人物,她的存在被许多业内人士及众多乐迷视为"后Tarja“时代的旗帜(当然通过时间证明,这个论调明显过于偏颇,言过其实)。
谈了些乐队的过往,接下来进入正题,赏析专辑——Myths and Legends(2008年出版)。谈两点,主唱与编曲。
主唱方面,Magdalena Lee演绎戏剧女高音,绝对的主导地位,她的完美声线(时而优雅、时而文静、时而虚无缥缈、时而高亢,戏剧感十足)拓宽了歌曲的意境,增加了作品的戏剧性。Vasstago Archipelagus演绎黑嗓,“哥特系”的标配(老生常谈,不多赘述)。两者声线的鲜明对比,营造了华贵、美艳的传统式哥特曲目,虽然”老套“,却十分令人着迷。
编曲方面,仍然由Magdalena Lee一手操办,从谱曲到编曲,一气呵成,打造梦幻、多彩的哥特世界。以”Immortal Love“为例,键盘构筑了完美的古典氛围,结合”星星点缀般“教堂的钟声,神圣感、戏剧感、哥特感一下子凸显了出来。这种浓郁、纯正的哥特风味弥漫于整张专辑里。
推荐曲目,专辑第三首Immortal Love,上乘之作。主唱与和声方面——美声+黑嗓(清澈、高亢结合低沉、咆哮),编曲与配乐方面——古典旋律+激昂节奏(营造非凡意境),歌词方面——深情款款+朗朗上口(与曲调相得益彰)。
It's a long time ago
Do you remember the place
where we first time met and now again
Our love lit like a flame
You told me I'm your light
in the dark side of your life
and your heart will burn for me
in eternity
Even if nightstars would fall or sun would rise no more
My heart and my soul belongs to you
Even if mountains would fall or storms would break the walls
My love and my life belongs to you
I don't want to live
without your love that I need
I want to soar like a seagull
You are the wind under my wings
Forever we dare to try
Together we learn to fly
searching peaceful place of world
for better life
Even if nightstars would fall or sun would rise no more
My heart and my soul belongs to you
Even if mountains would fall or storms would break the walls
My love and my life belongs to you
Let me show you my world
Let me sail across the seas
with you to the eternal land
somewhere there is promised island
and there we will find peace and love
away form sorrow and despair
and our love will be evergreen
in the paradise you've never seen
My darling can't you see
Oh darling you must believe me
Our love is immortal and it is real...
Even if nightstars would fall or sun would rise no more
My heart and my soul belongs to you
Even if mountains would fall or storms would break the walls
My love and my life belongs to you

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