Gemini Feed-BANKS 歌词&Genius.com网站解析翻译

6.希望大家喜欢这首歌的制作人S O H N,他也参与了BANKS其他歌曲的制作(Waiting Game/Alibi),风格独特。本身他也是一个很棒的音乐人啦:)
“Gemini Feed” details Banks' relationship with a man who doesn’t love her back.
《Gemini Feed》这首歌描述的是BANKS和一个她所爱但不爱她的男人的关系。
The track is the first promo single from Banks' sophomore album, The Altar, out September 30th. The song is alternative-pop with a heavy bass and electro influences.
这首歌是BANKS 9月10号发行的二专《The Altar》的第一首宣传单曲。这首歌风格为alternative-pop,有着强重音和电子音效。
[Verse 1]
【Open up your eyes】
—— Jillian could be referring to herself or to her partner in this line. In either case, she’s telling herself/her partner to wake up and see the state of their relationship clearly. Jillian is not happy and something has to change.
这句歌词里BANKS(Jillian Rose Banks) 可能在指她自己或是她的爱人。不论是哪一种情况,她的意思是,她或者她的爱人应该醒过来,好好看看他们现在的关系状态。她不开心了,现状需要改变。
【There's nothing on my body left to see】
——Jillian and her man have been together for a while, and have completely explored each other. There is no part of her body that he has not been exposed to already. He is familiar with her, and this could be the start of Jillian’s man getting bored of her.
【I tried a thousand times】
【I tried to say 'I love you', but you didn't hear me】
—— Every time Jillian attempted to take the relationship further, she was shut down. She wanted to make the relationship real and official, yet her man ‘didn’t hear her’. This most likely means that he ignored her or didn’t see eye to eye with her. Jillian has set out that the relationship is one sided from the start – with her man not wanting to take things further.
【And you're passive-aggressive】
【Convinced me other people didn't care about me】
——Jillian’s man is causing her harm. He played malicious emotional games on Jillian to make her believe that no one cares for her but him – essentially trying to make her dependent on him.
【And you're passive-aggressive】
【You're passive-aggressive】
【You're passive-aggressive】
——In these lines, Banks alludes to obvious tensions between her and her partner. Her partner’s passive aggressive behavior is leading to the demise of their relationship.
Passive aggressive behaviour itself generally takes the form of non-verbal aggression. For example, being angry with someone but not telling them and instead acting differently towards that person. It may also involve indirectly resisting requests from others by evading or creating confusion around the issue. Not going along with things.
【And to think you would get me to the altar】
——A wedding altar, perhaps. She was ready to devote herself to him.
【Like I follow you around like a dog that needs water】
——Jillian acted like a lapdog towards her partner. She was at his mercy, to say the least, and was emotionally dependant on him.
【But admit it that you wanted me smaller】
【If you would have let me grow】
【You could have kept my love】
——The Goddess strikes again. A significant percentage of men feel intimidated by women who are “bigger” than them, whether in terms of career, fame, recognition or ambition. He most likely wanted Jillian to play tame wife instead of chasing her dreams.And the thing is, she wanted their love to work out.
[Verse 2]
【Ode to my two thighs】
【I still want you to kiss 'em cause they're lonely】
——Her two thighs stands for Banks' lust. After the breakup, she’s without sex. Cruelly enough, she yearns for the one who has deserted her.No matter how much better she knows herself nowadays, she finds herself missing that certain someone who did her wrong too many times, purely in a sexual manner, even.
【And why you so surprised?】
【And when I said I miss, you you never believed me?】
——He was too distrustful to give in to her genuine acts of affection.
This distrust probably stems from the aforementioned passive aggressiveness and the resulting grievances that characterized the relationship.
【And we were so depressive】
【You and me together we were gemini feed】
——It is said that couples who are too similar to each other are less likely to last.
Jillian and her significant other were destructive to each other, perhaps too proud, to make it work.
And we were so depressive
We were so depressive
We were so depressive, hey
——Banks again uses a mental disorder to describe her relationship. Here, the use of ‘depressive’ adequately describes how each member of the relationship is detrimental to the other – bringing each other down, and in the process destroying the strength of their relationship.
And to think you would get me to the altar
Like I follow you around like a dog that needs water
But admit it that you wanted me smaller
If you would have let me grow
You could have kept my love
And to think you would get me to the altar
Like I follow you around like a dog that needs water
But admit it that you wanted me smaller
If you would have let me grow
You could have kept my love
And to think you would get me to the altar
Like I follow you around like a dog that needs water
But admit it that you wanted me smaller
If you would have let me grow
You could have kept my love
6.希望大家喜欢这首歌的制作人S O H N,他也参与了BANKS其他歌曲的制作(Waiting Game/Alibi),风格独特。本身他也是一个很棒的音乐人啦:)
“Gemini Feed” details Banks' relationship with a man who doesn’t love her back.
《Gemini Feed》这首歌描述的是BANKS和一个她所爱但不爱她的男人的关系。
The track is the first promo single from Banks' sophomore album, The Altar, out September 30th. The song is alternative-pop with a heavy bass and electro influences.
这首歌是BANKS 9月10号发行的二专《The Altar》的第一首宣传单曲。这首歌风格为alternative-pop,有着强重音和电子音效。
[Verse 1]
【Open up your eyes】
—— Jillian could be referring to herself or to her partner in this line. In either case, she’s telling herself/her partner to wake up and see the state of their relationship clearly. Jillian is not happy and something has to change.
这句歌词里BANKS(Jillian Rose Banks) 可能在指她自己或是她的爱人。不论是哪一种情况,她的意思是,她或者她的爱人应该醒过来,好好看看他们现在的关系状态。她不开心了,现状需要改变。
【There's nothing on my body left to see】
——Jillian and her man have been together for a while, and have completely explored each other. There is no part of her body that he has not been exposed to already. He is familiar with her, and this could be the start of Jillian’s man getting bored of her.
【I tried a thousand times】
【I tried to say 'I love you', but you didn't hear me】
—— Every time Jillian attempted to take the relationship further, she was shut down. She wanted to make the relationship real and official, yet her man ‘didn’t hear her’. This most likely means that he ignored her or didn’t see eye to eye with her. Jillian has set out that the relationship is one sided from the start – with her man not wanting to take things further.
【And you're passive-aggressive】
【Convinced me other people didn't care about me】
——Jillian’s man is causing her harm. He played malicious emotional games on Jillian to make her believe that no one cares for her but him – essentially trying to make her dependent on him.
【And you're passive-aggressive】
【You're passive-aggressive】
【You're passive-aggressive】
——In these lines, Banks alludes to obvious tensions between her and her partner. Her partner’s passive aggressive behavior is leading to the demise of their relationship.
Passive aggressive behaviour itself generally takes the form of non-verbal aggression. For example, being angry with someone but not telling them and instead acting differently towards that person. It may also involve indirectly resisting requests from others by evading or creating confusion around the issue. Not going along with things.
【And to think you would get me to the altar】
——A wedding altar, perhaps. She was ready to devote herself to him.
【Like I follow you around like a dog that needs water】
——Jillian acted like a lapdog towards her partner. She was at his mercy, to say the least, and was emotionally dependant on him.
【But admit it that you wanted me smaller】
【If you would have let me grow】
【You could have kept my love】
——The Goddess strikes again. A significant percentage of men feel intimidated by women who are “bigger” than them, whether in terms of career, fame, recognition or ambition. He most likely wanted Jillian to play tame wife instead of chasing her dreams.And the thing is, she wanted their love to work out.
[Verse 2]
【Ode to my two thighs】
【I still want you to kiss 'em cause they're lonely】
——Her two thighs stands for Banks' lust. After the breakup, she’s without sex. Cruelly enough, she yearns for the one who has deserted her.No matter how much better she knows herself nowadays, she finds herself missing that certain someone who did her wrong too many times, purely in a sexual manner, even.
【And why you so surprised?】
【And when I said I miss, you you never believed me?】
——He was too distrustful to give in to her genuine acts of affection.
This distrust probably stems from the aforementioned passive aggressiveness and the resulting grievances that characterized the relationship.
【And we were so depressive】
【You and me together we were gemini feed】
——It is said that couples who are too similar to each other are less likely to last.
Jillian and her significant other were destructive to each other, perhaps too proud, to make it work.
And we were so depressive
We were so depressive
We were so depressive, hey
——Banks again uses a mental disorder to describe her relationship. Here, the use of ‘depressive’ adequately describes how each member of the relationship is detrimental to the other – bringing each other down, and in the process destroying the strength of their relationship.
And to think you would get me to the altar
Like I follow you around like a dog that needs water
But admit it that you wanted me smaller
If you would have let me grow
You could have kept my love
And to think you would get me to the altar
Like I follow you around like a dog that needs water
But admit it that you wanted me smaller
If you would have let me grow
You could have kept my love
And to think you would get me to the altar
Like I follow you around like a dog that needs water
But admit it that you wanted me smaller
If you would have let me grow
You could have kept my love