
跟乐器切换同步的正太旁白太萌了 片尾简直像是交响乐团科普 完全停不下来
{片头:The Young Person's Guide To The Orchestra, Op. 34: Themes A-F
In order to show you how a big symphony orchestra is put together, Benjamin Britten has written a big piece of music, which is made up of smaller pieces that show you all the separate parts of the orchestra. These smaller pieces are called variations,which means different ways of playing the same tune.
First of all, he let us hear the theme, which is a beautiful melody by the much older British composer Henry Purcell.
Here is Purcell's theme played by the whole orchestra together.
Now Mr Britten let you hear four different families of the orchestra playing the same Purcell theme in different ways.
First, we hear the woodwind family 木管组
the flutes,the oboes,the clarinets and the bassoons 长笛 双簧管 单簧管 低音管
Here comes the brass family 铜管组
the trumpets the horns the trombones and the tubas 小号 圆号 长号和大号
now Mr. Britten arranges the Purcell theme for the string family 弦乐组
The violins, the violas the cellos and the double basses 小提琴 中提琴 大提琴 低音提琴
And of course, the harp
And finally the percussion family,all those drums and gongs and things you hit
After this you will hear the theme by Purcell played once more in its original form by all four families together. That is, the whole orchestra.
{彩蛋 :The Heroic Weather-Conditions of the Universe, Part 7: After The Storm
Now we will demonstrate the orchestration of Monsieur Desplat's musical suite.
A little electrical metronome sets the time 电子节拍器(噗
First, a harp. 竖琴
Next, pizzicato cellos 拨奏大提琴
flute and piccolo 长笛和短笛
electric guitar 电吉他
ukulele 尤克里里
classical guitar 古典吉他
Banjo 五弦琴
thin wood blocks 薄木鱼
and two more harps
B-3 organ B-3 管风琴
celesta 钢片琴
bowed vibraphone 弓形电颤琴
and piano
pizzicato violins拨奏小提琴
and double bass 低音提琴
tubular bells 管钟
and the glockenspiel 钟琴
the ride cymbal 打点钹
piatti 钹
snare drums小军鼓
gran casa低音鼓
timpani 定音鼓
sixteen baritone bass singers 十六个男中低音歌手
xylophone 木琴
bassoons 低音管
clarinet 单簧管
french horns 法国号
tenor sax 次中音萨克斯管
Trombone 长号
tuba ! 大号
trumpets 小号
triangle 三角铁
thank you very much for listening