They see people come,They see people go... 寻常言人来人往缘起缘收 This particular diamond is extra special 你却似沧海遗珠独为我有 I know you might be gone 早已知斗转星移白云苍狗 And the world may not know 有道是山河不语往复春秋 Still I see you celestial 仍见你闪烁星河兀自凝眸 Like a lion you ran,Goddess you rolled 随灵狮翩跹奈何难攫襟袖 Like an eagle you circle ,In perfect purple 逐雄鹰逡巡终觉海市蜃楼 So how come things move on? How come cars don’t slow? 为何会此去经年车辕不休 When it feels like the end of the world 良辰好景化一派残月枯柳 When I should but I can’t let you go 应离愁别绪怎还多情执手 But when I’m cold, cold,When I’m cold, cold 难堪那冷落清秋夜半凉透 There’s a light that you give me,When I’m in shadow 虽星星之火相伴彻骨苦愁 There's a feeling you give me, an everglow 于我如火树银花绽放悠久 Like brothers in blood, sister who ride 忆年少青梅竹马兄弟同仇 and we swore on that night we’d be friends til we die 烛下起誓相濡以沫伴左右 but the changing of winds,And the way waters flow 到头来逝水如斯风转云走 Life is shortest in fall, in the snow 逢寒蝉凄切方知情深不寿 and now I’m gonna miss you I know 又何妨灯火阑珊蓦然回首 But when I’m cold, cold 惊坐起布衾似铁冷月如钩 in water rolled, salt 曾遍尝人间五味随波逐流 And I know that you’re with me,and the way you will show 任时光荏苒犹现厮守依旧 when you’re with me it’s everglow 长风破浪对酌几壶得意酒 But you give me this feeling, it’s everglow 虎落平阳捧出半盏续命粥 Oh, what I wouldn’t give for just a moment to hold 纵天涯芳草谁怕如鲠在喉 Yeah, I live for this feeling, it’s everglow 莫笑我病入膏肓无药可救 So if you love someone, you should let them know 花开堪折直须折切不能羞 Oh, the light that you left me will everglow 此情可待成追忆几世消受