小幸運 (Small Blessing)
我聽見雨滴 落在青青草地
I heard the sound of the raindrops falling on the fresh grassland
我聽見遠方 下課鐘聲響起
I heard the school bell tolls in distance
可是我沒有聽見你的聲音 認真呼喚我姓名
But I didn’t hear your voice calling my name
愛上你的時候 還不懂感情
When I fell in love with you, I still didn’t know what was love
離別了 才覺得刻骨銘心
It was only after our farewell did I realise that you were engraved on my heart
為什麼沒有發現 遇見了你 是生命最好的事情
Why didn’t I realise earlier that knowing you was the best thing in my life
Maybe it’s because at that time
忙著微笑和哭泣 忙著追逐天空中的流星
We were too busy smiling and weeping, chasing shooting stars across the sky
And so we took it for granted
是誰風裡 雨裡 一直默默守護在原地
That he was the guardian angel standing quietly against wind and rain
原來你是 我最想留住的幸運
It turns out you were the one small blessing I have always treasured
原來我們 和愛情曾經靠得那麼近
It turns out we were so close to love at that time
那為我對抗世界的決定 那陪我淋的雨
Your decision to stand up against the world for me, standing under the rain along with me
一幕幕都是你 一塵不染的真心
Everything was the proof of your truthful heart
與你相遇 好幸運
Meeting you was the one blessing in my life
可我也失去 為你淚流滿面的權利
But I have already lost the right to shed tears because of you
但願在我看不到的天際 你張開了雙翼
I could only hope that somewhere under the same sky, you were soaring up high with your wings spread
遇見你的註定 她會有多幸運
For your destined “Her” would be so lucky to know you
Youth was a journey of many twists and bruises
with the beauty of life understood backwards
來不及感謝 是你給我勇氣 讓我能做回我自己
Too late to thank you for the courage you have given me to become the person I am
Maybe it’s because at that time
忙著微笑和哭泣 忙著追逐天空中的流星
We were too busy smiling and weeping, chasing shooting stars across the sky
And so we took it for granted
是誰風裡 雨裡 一直默默守護在原地
That he was the guardian angel standing quietly against wind and rain
原來你是 我最想留住的幸運
It turns out you were the one small blessing I have always treasured
原來我們 和愛情曾經靠得那麼近
It turns out we were so close to love at that time
那為我對抗世界的決定 那陪我淋的雨
Your decision to stand up against the world for me, standing under the rain along with me
一幕幕都是你 一塵不染的真心
Everything was the proof of your truthful heart
與你相遇 好幸運
Meeting you was the one blessing in my life
可我也失去 為你淚流滿面的權利
But I have already lost the right to shed tears because of you
但願在我看不到的天際 你張開了雙翼
I could only hope that somewhere under the same sky, you were soaring up high with your wings spread
遇見你的註定 她會有多幸運
For your destined “Her” would be so lucky to know you
1. 一開始在猶疑歌名”小幸運“該翻成happiness還是blessing,原本參考了村上春樹的「小確幸」想翻譯成little happiness,但閨蜜說覺得「幸運」是電影裏一個很重要的梗,為了帶出那種命中註定的緣分的感覺,所以還是用blessing比較貼切。
2. 很多四字詞語挺難翻,好像「刻骨銘心」,最初很粗暴直接地翻成I can't forget about you,但仔細一想又覺得不太好,最後借用了imagery翻成engraved on my heart. 同樣的難題在「後知後覺」也出現,請教完google大神後才找到一句很美的quote "Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."
3. 真心是女主的名字,在歌詞裏也有雙關的作用,所以選擇用'truthful'代替「一塵不染」,把重點放在「真心」這兩個字上。
ps. 「原來我們 和愛情曾經靠得那麼近」翻到這一句的時候,真的很有共鳴。有些感情,錯過了就是錯過了,沒有什麼好後悔的,只是有點遺憾,我和他,終究是緣深情淺。正所謂性格決定命運,我們最愛的,終究是自己。
我聽見雨滴 落在青青草地
I heard the sound of the raindrops falling on the fresh grassland
我聽見遠方 下課鐘聲響起
I heard the school bell tolls in distance
可是我沒有聽見你的聲音 認真呼喚我姓名
But I didn’t hear your voice calling my name
愛上你的時候 還不懂感情
When I fell in love with you, I still didn’t know what was love
離別了 才覺得刻骨銘心
It was only after our farewell did I realise that you were engraved on my heart
為什麼沒有發現 遇見了你 是生命最好的事情
Why didn’t I realise earlier that knowing you was the best thing in my life
Maybe it’s because at that time
忙著微笑和哭泣 忙著追逐天空中的流星
We were too busy smiling and weeping, chasing shooting stars across the sky
And so we took it for granted
是誰風裡 雨裡 一直默默守護在原地
That he was the guardian angel standing quietly against wind and rain
原來你是 我最想留住的幸運
It turns out you were the one small blessing I have always treasured
原來我們 和愛情曾經靠得那麼近
It turns out we were so close to love at that time
那為我對抗世界的決定 那陪我淋的雨
Your decision to stand up against the world for me, standing under the rain along with me
一幕幕都是你 一塵不染的真心
Everything was the proof of your truthful heart
與你相遇 好幸運
Meeting you was the one blessing in my life
可我也失去 為你淚流滿面的權利
But I have already lost the right to shed tears because of you
但願在我看不到的天際 你張開了雙翼
I could only hope that somewhere under the same sky, you were soaring up high with your wings spread
遇見你的註定 她會有多幸運
For your destined “Her” would be so lucky to know you
Youth was a journey of many twists and bruises
with the beauty of life understood backwards
來不及感謝 是你給我勇氣 讓我能做回我自己
Too late to thank you for the courage you have given me to become the person I am
Maybe it’s because at that time
忙著微笑和哭泣 忙著追逐天空中的流星
We were too busy smiling and weeping, chasing shooting stars across the sky
And so we took it for granted
是誰風裡 雨裡 一直默默守護在原地
That he was the guardian angel standing quietly against wind and rain
原來你是 我最想留住的幸運
It turns out you were the one small blessing I have always treasured
原來我們 和愛情曾經靠得那麼近
It turns out we were so close to love at that time
那為我對抗世界的決定 那陪我淋的雨
Your decision to stand up against the world for me, standing under the rain along with me
一幕幕都是你 一塵不染的真心
Everything was the proof of your truthful heart
與你相遇 好幸運
Meeting you was the one blessing in my life
可我也失去 為你淚流滿面的權利
But I have already lost the right to shed tears because of you
但願在我看不到的天際 你張開了雙翼
I could only hope that somewhere under the same sky, you were soaring up high with your wings spread
遇見你的註定 她會有多幸運
For your destined “Her” would be so lucky to know you
1. 一開始在猶疑歌名”小幸運“該翻成happiness還是blessing,原本參考了村上春樹的「小確幸」想翻譯成little happiness,但閨蜜說覺得「幸運」是電影裏一個很重要的梗,為了帶出那種命中註定的緣分的感覺,所以還是用blessing比較貼切。
2. 很多四字詞語挺難翻,好像「刻骨銘心」,最初很粗暴直接地翻成I can't forget about you,但仔細一想又覺得不太好,最後借用了imagery翻成engraved on my heart. 同樣的難題在「後知後覺」也出現,請教完google大神後才找到一句很美的quote "Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."
3. 真心是女主的名字,在歌詞裏也有雙關的作用,所以選擇用'truthful'代替「一塵不染」,把重點放在「真心」這兩個字上。
ps. 「原來我們 和愛情曾經靠得那麼近」翻到這一句的時候,真的很有共鳴。有些感情,錯過了就是錯過了,沒有什麼好後悔的,只是有點遺憾,我和他,終究是緣深情淺。正所謂性格決定命運,我們最愛的,終究是自己。