
人声的几首最喜欢的前三依次是:Slow Burn、Sea Song和Cold Blood。其实都很好听,越听越喜欢的一张。Dead Man's Eyes里穿插了几段主旋律和雨声效果音,照应上了Intro。
另外无人声的最棒的一首必须是Til Death Do Us Part。
Q1:Do you have a favorite song to play live from the new album ? (Love the album by the way)
A1:Dead man's eyes will be for sure
Q2:Terve! You're coming up on 20 years as a band in 2016. What has been the toughest moment, and the best?
Seeing as you've played all over the world, you'll have encountered a lot of different languages. Which has been your favourite(s)?
Niin iloinen näkemään teidät Montrealissa kesäkuussa!
A2:best thing is definitely every single day that we live together! it's amazing to see after all these years,what we've become and where we still can go! Tough times have occured, 2003-2004 were hard years for me personally, but then I stopped drinking and after being 11 years sober i can say life's pretty damn good!
Q3:What are your hobbies?
A3:computer games,popcorn and movies, gardening
Q4:Hey Perttu! I know you're a huge Lord of the Rings fan, so, what did you think about the Hobbit films?
Greetings from Luxembourg (looking forward to seeing you in October!)
A4:I liked them...not as much as i loved the originals but come on! it's freakin' middle-earth anyhow! <3
Q5:Hi Perttu! Hope you are enjoying the tour so far. Loving the new CD so so much and looking forward to meeting you in Silver Spring next week.
Did you write any of the songs on Shadowmaker? And, which song from Shadowmaker do you think you are looking forward to performing live the most (that you guys haven't already)? Jen
A5:ye, Till death do us Part and Dead man's Eyes :) most i look forwards bot of 'em :D
Q6:What do the Lord of The Rings writings on your tattoos say?
A6:Anar Nányë Andúril i né Narsil i macil Elendilo. Lercuvanten i móli Mordórëo. Isil
(热心网友的翻译:This means: Sun I am Andúril which was Narsil the sword of-Elendil They-will-flee-from-me the thralls of-Mordor Moon.)
Q7:Yo Perttu! I'm wondering if you have something you bring with you that's special to you when you travel? Or do you look for things of interest when touring to take back home with you? If so what would that be? One last thing..the album is amazing and I can't wait to see you guys live June 7th!!
A7:i just need my gaming computer and that's about it :) thank you!
Q8:Hey Fellow human, Myself and my friend were lucky enough to meet you all in London and hear the album last month (Thank You) which is amazing by the way :) especially enjoying Riot Lights! While talking to Mikko he said about a possible UK tour/Gig at the end of November and I was just wondering if we were any closer to that actually happening? Would really like to hear more of Shadowmaker live, it really is such a beautiful album, which is your favourite track? Also, if you could of played any character in LOTR which would you of chosen? And Thank You for making such amazing music. From Abie & Clare
A8:i would have probably been an orc (as there were pretty darn amazing actors for rest of the roles :D
Q9:Terve from Canada, Perttu! Just want to say that I love the new album, especially Slow Burn, Till Death Do Us Part and Dead Man's Eyes :) Anyway, I have two questions: 1) What's the story behind Slow Burn? 2) With all the headbanging, do you and Eicca ever get your hair caught in your cellos?
A9:oh the hair...do..not...please...ask..about...the...hair :p Slow burn is somekind of a love story (aren't they all) :D
Q10:Hi! i have seen you live 3 times (2 metalcamps and milan with rammstein) and you were always awesome. You are really avgreat player! I know you also play videogames. What do you like to play and when do you find the time?Thank you!
A10:i play mmorpg's mostly..TESO, SWTOR; Rift, Marvel Heroes, LotRO
Q11:Hi Perttu, Awesome show in Chicago last night!! <3 Thank you!!! I'd like to know with so many shows right now, what do you do to relax when and if you find any spare time?
Hugs, Pam
A11:play computer games, keeps me healthy :)
Q12:Hi Perttu ! =D I saw that you're a fan of the saga "Lord of the Rings", what movie do you prefer? You also have seem to like, "The Hobbit" who is your favorite character?
Let the music: Besides the cello, what other instruments do you like?
And finally, the food! What's your favourite French dish? (Yes... It's a stupid question )
Well, Have a nice tour, and I hope that you, and the others members, will gave a great show at the Paris's Zenith=D (And I hope to do a duet with you on the song of the Dwarves of Erebor "The Misty Moutains Cold" at the Meet & Greet in Paris :p ) Goodbye!
A12:RotK was amazing as well as whole saga, ofc i love Hobbit too..my favorite is Aragorn
(ME, TOO!)
Q13:How many pairs of gloves do you own? :)
A13:havent counted...hundreds?
Q14:Moi Perttu! How are you? First of all I would like to thank you for this Q&A, and for being such an inspiration as it's Apocalyptica :) now, I was wondering, at what age did you met the world of Marvel's superheroes and Tolkien?, What inspired you to compose Till Death Do Us Part, what crossed your mind in that moment?, and finally would you go out for a coffee next time you come back to Mexico with me? hahahaha Greetings to rest of the guys :*
A14:i read LOTR first time when i was 7...i've read comics since very young as well...i try not to drink coffee anymore
Q15:Hi Perttu!! Thank you for telling me to hurry up and play Elder Scrolls ;) Have you any other awesome games you can recommend? :D
A15:SWTOR; GTA5 , farcry+fallout series those i love ..Marvel heroes is fun, Rift
Q16:Hi Perttu!! SO happy you took the time to do this. So, here's the question: how'd you define Mikko's hair in one word?
(放过Mikko 2333)
Q17:Will you please write a waltz (intended to be danced to) for a future album? Because all there is these days are Strauss waltzes and songs that happen to be in three-something time (like Nothing Else Matters), but don't have the waltz beat structure, and so are hard to dance to.
A17:Till Death Do us Part contains a little part of a Waltz i composed for my sister's wedding. We treated the theme ofc Apocalyptic way naming it Waltz of Death etc but I planned recording the entire beautiful song later on this year for u guys!
Q18:This is going back a bit now, but which cover was the most challenging to play on cellos? I remember when I saw you live that "one" was the only song you sat down to play.
Also, will you be touring the UK again soon?
A18:we dont sit down basically to anything anymore :) especially "One" i would smash my head like there's no tomorrow :D challenge comes from lasting the speed and heavy leaks...Inq Symphony is everynight a physical challenge :)
Q19:Fav cartoon character?
人声的几首最喜欢的前三依次是:Slow Burn、Sea Song和Cold Blood。其实都很好听,越听越喜欢的一张。Dead Man's Eyes里穿插了几段主旋律和雨声效果音,照应上了Intro。
另外无人声的最棒的一首必须是Til Death Do Us Part。
Q1:Do you have a favorite song to play live from the new album ? (Love the album by the way)
A1:Dead man's eyes will be for sure
Q2:Terve! You're coming up on 20 years as a band in 2016. What has been the toughest moment, and the best?
Seeing as you've played all over the world, you'll have encountered a lot of different languages. Which has been your favourite(s)?
Niin iloinen näkemään teidät Montrealissa kesäkuussa!
A2:best thing is definitely every single day that we live together! it's amazing to see after all these years,what we've become and where we still can go! Tough times have occured, 2003-2004 were hard years for me personally, but then I stopped drinking and after being 11 years sober i can say life's pretty damn good!
Q3:What are your hobbies?
A3:computer games,popcorn and movies, gardening
Q4:Hey Perttu! I know you're a huge Lord of the Rings fan, so, what did you think about the Hobbit films?
Greetings from Luxembourg (looking forward to seeing you in October!)
A4:I liked them...not as much as i loved the originals but come on! it's freakin' middle-earth anyhow! <3
Q5:Hi Perttu! Hope you are enjoying the tour so far. Loving the new CD so so much and looking forward to meeting you in Silver Spring next week.
Did you write any of the songs on Shadowmaker? And, which song from Shadowmaker do you think you are looking forward to performing live the most (that you guys haven't already)? Jen
A5:ye, Till death do us Part and Dead man's Eyes :) most i look forwards bot of 'em :D
Q6:What do the Lord of The Rings writings on your tattoos say?
A6:Anar Nányë Andúril i né Narsil i macil Elendilo. Lercuvanten i móli Mordórëo. Isil
(热心网友的翻译:This means: Sun I am Andúril which was Narsil the sword of-Elendil They-will-flee-from-me the thralls of-Mordor Moon.)
Q7:Yo Perttu! I'm wondering if you have something you bring with you that's special to you when you travel? Or do you look for things of interest when touring to take back home with you? If so what would that be? One last thing..the album is amazing and I can't wait to see you guys live June 7th!!
A7:i just need my gaming computer and that's about it :) thank you!
Q8:Hey Fellow human, Myself and my friend were lucky enough to meet you all in London and hear the album last month (Thank You) which is amazing by the way :) especially enjoying Riot Lights! While talking to Mikko he said about a possible UK tour/Gig at the end of November and I was just wondering if we were any closer to that actually happening? Would really like to hear more of Shadowmaker live, it really is such a beautiful album, which is your favourite track? Also, if you could of played any character in LOTR which would you of chosen? And Thank You for making such amazing music. From Abie & Clare
A8:i would have probably been an orc (as there were pretty darn amazing actors for rest of the roles :D
Q9:Terve from Canada, Perttu! Just want to say that I love the new album, especially Slow Burn, Till Death Do Us Part and Dead Man's Eyes :) Anyway, I have two questions: 1) What's the story behind Slow Burn? 2) With all the headbanging, do you and Eicca ever get your hair caught in your cellos?
A9:oh the hair...do..not...please...ask..about...the...hair :p Slow burn is somekind of a love story (aren't they all) :D
Q10:Hi! i have seen you live 3 times (2 metalcamps and milan with rammstein) and you were always awesome. You are really avgreat player! I know you also play videogames. What do you like to play and when do you find the time?Thank you!
A10:i play mmorpg's mostly..TESO, SWTOR; Rift, Marvel Heroes, LotRO
Q11:Hi Perttu, Awesome show in Chicago last night!! <3 Thank you!!! I'd like to know with so many shows right now, what do you do to relax when and if you find any spare time?
Hugs, Pam
A11:play computer games, keeps me healthy :)
Q12:Hi Perttu ! =D I saw that you're a fan of the saga "Lord of the Rings", what movie do you prefer? You also have seem to like, "The Hobbit" who is your favorite character?
Let the music: Besides the cello, what other instruments do you like?
And finally, the food! What's your favourite French dish? (Yes... It's a stupid question )
Well, Have a nice tour, and I hope that you, and the others members, will gave a great show at the Paris's Zenith=D (And I hope to do a duet with you on the song of the Dwarves of Erebor "The Misty Moutains Cold" at the Meet & Greet in Paris :p ) Goodbye!
A12:RotK was amazing as well as whole saga, ofc i love Hobbit too..my favorite is Aragorn
(ME, TOO!)
Q13:How many pairs of gloves do you own? :)
A13:havent counted...hundreds?
Q14:Moi Perttu! How are you? First of all I would like to thank you for this Q&A, and for being such an inspiration as it's Apocalyptica :) now, I was wondering, at what age did you met the world of Marvel's superheroes and Tolkien?, What inspired you to compose Till Death Do Us Part, what crossed your mind in that moment?, and finally would you go out for a coffee next time you come back to Mexico with me? hahahaha Greetings to rest of the guys :*
A14:i read LOTR first time when i was 7...i've read comics since very young as well...i try not to drink coffee anymore
Q15:Hi Perttu!! Thank you for telling me to hurry up and play Elder Scrolls ;) Have you any other awesome games you can recommend? :D
A15:SWTOR; GTA5 , farcry+fallout series those i love ..Marvel heroes is fun, Rift
Q16:Hi Perttu!! SO happy you took the time to do this. So, here's the question: how'd you define Mikko's hair in one word?
(放过Mikko 2333)
Q17:Will you please write a waltz (intended to be danced to) for a future album? Because all there is these days are Strauss waltzes and songs that happen to be in three-something time (like Nothing Else Matters), but don't have the waltz beat structure, and so are hard to dance to.
A17:Till Death Do us Part contains a little part of a Waltz i composed for my sister's wedding. We treated the theme ofc Apocalyptic way naming it Waltz of Death etc but I planned recording the entire beautiful song later on this year for u guys!
Q18:This is going back a bit now, but which cover was the most challenging to play on cellos? I remember when I saw you live that "one" was the only song you sat down to play.
Also, will you be touring the UK again soon?
A18:we dont sit down basically to anything anymore :) especially "One" i would smash my head like there's no tomorrow :D challenge comes from lasting the speed and heavy leaks...Inq Symphony is everynight a physical challenge :)
Q19:Fav cartoon character?