reality - richard sanderson -richard sanderson

met you by surprise i didn't realize
that my life would change forever
saw you standing there
i didn't know i cared
there was something special in the air
dreams are my realize
the only kind of real fantasy
illusions are a common thing
i try to live in dreams
it seems as it's meant to be
dreams are my reality
a different kind of reality
i dream of loving in the night
and loving seems alright
although it's only fantasy
if you do exist honey don't resist
show me a new way of loving
tell me that to do show me what to do
i feel shomething special about you
dreams are my reality
the only kind of reality
may be my foolishness has past
and may be now at last
i'll see how a real thing can be
dreams are my reality
a wonderous world where i like to be
i dream of holing you all night and holing you seem right
意外的相遇 從未想過我的生命會從此改變
看著站在面前的你 瀰漫在空氣裡的愛 已悄悄佔據了我
如夢似真 一個如此真實的美夢 幻想本是正常事
我希望能一直活在這夢裡 如果真是如此 我願意
如夢似真 一個不一樣的真實
感覺是多麼的美好 雖然這只是一個幻想
如果你的確存在 請你不要拒絕 指引我愛情的明路
告訴我一切都是真的 告訴我該怎麼樣
如夢似真 卻比真實還要真實 也許我對愛還有些懵懂