peter pan情结
可能因为Patrick Wolf性取向的问题,他时常迷恋混淆性别的主题,喜欢称自己为男孩是怀念自己在母体的安全感。他时而纯真,时而苍老。
所以Patrick Wolf的歌词是一种暗示。暗示人类可以强大到没有穷尽。
I was once a boy/till I cut my penis off/and I grew a hairy skull/of stubborn fire
then I was a girl/till I sewed my hole up/and I grew a hairy heart/of dark desire
and/let no foot. mark your ground/let no hand hold you down./you were once so sad
till you cut your suffer off
now you please yourself/and fight your own wars/and you were once so weak/till you sewed your wounds up
now youve learnt to sing/about sun and shine!/be you own hero/be your own saviour/send all your suffering/into the fire
Patrick Wolf<a boy like me>
所以Patrick Wolf的歌词是一种暗示。暗示人类可以强大到没有穷尽。
I was once a boy/till I cut my penis off/and I grew a hairy skull/of stubborn fire
then I was a girl/till I sewed my hole up/and I grew a hairy heart/of dark desire
and/let no foot. mark your ground/let no hand hold you down./you were once so sad
till you cut your suffer off
now you please yourself/and fight your own wars/and you were once so weak/till you sewed your wounds up
now youve learnt to sing/about sun and shine!/be you own hero/be your own saviour/send all your suffering/into the fire
Patrick Wolf<a boy like me>