DIE FORM - Inhuman全专辑歌词翻译

1. The Supreme Vice 至高的恶 The whitened soul is disadorned from charred over-shores. Under the blister of stones, reluctantly, the wave vibrates : walled suns. 纯白的灵魂被冲刷至烧焦的岸上 肿泡般的岩石下,勉强颤动着波浪:一个个被隔离的太阳 The bitter mescal springs like a charm from your distended belly... black hole. Thirsty earth for amber and glair, draft, chasms of glass, confined stars : hidden work, gnawed bone. 苦涩的龙舌兰之泉,如同一句咒文,从你那肿胀的肚皮中涌出……黑洞 焦渴的大地有着琥珀和乳白的黏液,气流与草壑,以及被禁锢的星辰:隐藏之作,被噬之骨 The rended girl cries at the stones the angel 's flesh : flayed. Nettle, defiled, does not live. 被撕裂的少女在石下哭喊,天使的肉身:皮开肉绽 被荨麻所蛰,被玷污的少女,无法存活 Taken in reverse by sight, stranded, riddled with anguish, he opens her unavowed flesh. The impaled girl 's sighs and worse, kinked and possessed : stiffened, raped, gives up to dementia. Sleepy lake, noiselessly passing away, fruitless belly. 视线回转,被悲痛所迷惑与绞缠,他打开了她那从未被明言的肉体 钉在尖桩上的女孩发出叹息,被愈加残酷地扭曲和宰制 在猛烈的强暴下直至痴呆 困倦的湖水无声地流过她那空洞的肚皮 MAN: Terre assoiffée de sang et de glaires, étoiles cachées, gouffres de fer... La déchirée crie aux pierres sa douleur d 'ange écorché. Criblé d 'angoisses, j 'ouvre ses chairs. Soupirs et pire de l 'empalée, vrillée et possédée : violée raidie s'ouvre à la folie. 渴求着血与黏液的土地 隐藏起光芒的明星 钢铁凝成的漩涡 撕心裂肺的哭喊落在岩石上 是那惨遭剥皮的天使的痛楚 背负着剧痛 我开启她的肉体 悲叹着 被木桩穿透 狂乱地 被卷须绞缠 僵硬地 被猛烈强暴 直至疯癫 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Ad Libitum 即兴 In the rhythm of the hammers the large vessel sinks, while the bodies struggle, chained by their desires. 在铁锤击打的节奏中,巨轮沉没 肉体仍然抗争着,被求生的欲望所束缚 The seed of the beasts, mingled with their blood like a black liquid manure milk, swallows their bodies and their reminiscences of empires. 野兽的精液混杂着它们的血,像搅和了粪便的黑色乳液 吞噬了他们的身体和他们对帝国的眷恋 In jubilation the barbarians have broken up the writing and the wizard 's books. The wounded mire swarms and pours out, in search of its angels. 这些蛮族在欢庆中撕毁了典籍和巫书 伤痕累累的泥潭,翻涌泛滥,寻觅着它的天使 The skin of their dreams is wrinkled, soiled by the work of despair. Ad libitum. 这绝望的作为,褶皱并玷污了他们梦的外衣, 这是即兴。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. In the Depths of Mania 癫狂深处 Voraphilia, 食人爱好 pictophilia, 色情物爱好 necrophilia, 死尸爱好 asphyxiophilia, 性窒息爱好 somnophilia, 睡眠爱好 chronophilia. 年龄差爱好 Statuophilia, 雕像爱好 raptophilia, 强奸爱好 phobophilia,恐惧爱好 spectrophilia. 灵体爱好 PS:这段太多专有名词,参见http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_paraphilias ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.Feerie 精灵 Where I live slumber the fairies that I would like so much to awaken. 我的居所处蛰伏着妖精 我十分渴望把它们唤醒 Under water they glide in silence between the fingers of glaucous seaweeds... 它们沉默地从水下滑过 在灰绿色海藻的指缝中穿行 which shelter larvae and relics. 幼虫与骸骨在这海藻中庇荫 The moon expires mauve trails, sleeping lake, two-way mirror, in which I lose and erase myself. 月亮散发出淡紫色的光痕 沉睡中的湖,如同双面镜 我迷失于其中并浑然忘我 Somewhere a dead child 's maimed body gnawed to the bone by invisible jaws. Somewhere a headless woman emptied of her organs. Somewhere a newborn child half -human, half -dog, devoured by his likes. 某处,一个孩子那残破的尸体 被看不见的嘴啃咬至骨 某处,一个无头的女人,将自己的内脏掏空 某处,一个半人半狗的新生儿,被自己的嗜欲所吞噬 Where I live slumber the fairies that I would like so much to awaken. The black stones of my dreams move in silence. 我的居所处蛰伏着妖精 我十分渴望把它们唤醒 我的梦之黑石在静默中悄悄挪移 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Zoopsia 动物幻视 All the damned animals of the world are howling inside your head. Eyes wide-open, you're wrapping in penumbra filled with laughter and moans. 世上所有被诅咒的动物 都在你的大脑中嚎叫 双目大睁,你被半阴影所包裹 于嘲笑与悲吟之中 Escaping from all sides and leaning over her, asleep. Under the silk veil, they are watching her beating body and following each bitter blue vein, diluting with the paleness of flesh. 从四面八方中逃离,向她倾倒,入睡 在那丝纱所掩之下,人们观看着她被鞭打的身体 追随着每一根苦痛的蓝色静脉 稀释着那苍白的血肉 Under the closed lid, her moving eye seems to wander through glooms like a disturbed compass. 在禁闭的盖子下,她双目转动,仓惶而忧郁 像一个被扰乱的罗盘 MAN: [I know your fears and your secrets, I know your tears and your prayers, I know your fears and your secrets, I know your tears and your mysteries.] [我知道你的恐惧和秘密 我知道你的泪水和祈祷 我知道你的恐惧和秘密 我知道你的泪水和神秘] The electric fur of ghost animals and the villous feelers are stiffening her limbs, 幽灵一般的动物们有着带电的皮毛 绒毛和触须使她的肢体僵硬 while a wounded orca rattle's tearing her throat. Tracked onside her dreams, they are clutching at her flanks. 她那撕裂的喉咙中发出野兽受伤般的哭号 他们追踪并越过了她的梦,抓住了她的肋下 Despite the fervour of her prayers, nobody will push them away, before one of them half-opens the door of her beauty. Nobody will push them away, before one of them creeps in her body. 无视她热切的祈祷 他们不会被任何人阻拦 直到其中一人将她的美妙之门半开 他们不会被任何人阻拦 直到其中一人爬入她的身体 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.Amnestic Disorder 失忆的混乱 The inside of fruits becomes empty of blood when the noise tears the night. The blast of bombs animates the sacrificed bodies with little fragments of pain. 果实深处的血液已经干涸 当噪声撕裂了夜晚之际 被献祭的身体在爆炸的巨响中重获生命 只有少许痛苦的碎片残存 Who will give you back her smile ? Who will give you back her light ? Who will give you back the lost time ? Who will give you back the salt of the earth ? 谁能归还你以她的微笑 谁能归还你以光明 谁能归还你以失落的时光 谁能归还你以大地之盐 You have forgotten the way of the shadow and the rose of winds is withered. You have forgotten the held out hand and the wire of the pendulum. 你已遗忘了阴影和风之玫瑰如何凋零 你已遗忘了那伸出的手和钟摆的引线 You have lost your dreams and forgotten the brightness of the sun, You have lost your story and forgotten the colour of the earth. 你已失落了自己的梦想,遗忘了太阳的光明 你已失落了自己的故事,遗忘了大地的色彩 MAN: [ I forgot the way of the shadow and the rose of winds, I forgot the held out hand and the wire of pendulum, But I will never forget, the regard of my dog.] [我已遗忘了阴影和风之玫瑰究竟如何 我已遗忘了那伸出的手和钟摆的引线 但我永远不会忘记,我的狗的忠诚。] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.Natura Obscura 阴暗的自然 Inside the deep forests Of dolor, where I Secretly hide my weepings, where I conceal my dreads... 在悲伤的丛林深处 我悄悄藏起了自己的哭泣 掩埋了自己的恐惧 The snake is slumbering Like a dead limb, I am cold in your body... 匍匐的蛇像一段干死的树枝 在你的体内我感到如此寒冷 I penetrate into your wounds where eyes are watching for me, numb gapings, threshold with no borders, oblivion of flesh and mourning... 我探索着你的伤口 被目光所追寻 界限失去了边界 遗忘了肉身与悲鸣 Small mimetic animal, I wander through your recesses tasting like salt flower... 仿佛善于模仿的小兽 我步入你的藏身之处 品着盐花一样的滋味 Flesh cathedral, I dissect your entrails, dreadful irradiated fate, where I consider the real shape of the circle, thousand times... 肉体仿若圣殿 我解剖你的内脏 这可怖而辉煌的命运 让我上千次地沉思 轮回的真相 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8.Psychic Colours 灵魂的颜色 When I open some doors, Others close in the never-ending night, When I close some doors, Others open in the dawning day. 当我打开某些门 另一些则深闭于永夜 当我关上某些门 另一些则在黎明敞开 Bluish rain, blackened blood, azure without silvering, Dark mauve destiny, scarlet orchid flesh. Atrous tear, gridelin sea, pale diffused reflection, viridian shivers, incarnadine vulva. 黛青的雨水 染黑的血液 没有镀银的蔚蓝 命运是深深的浅紫 肉体是猩红的兰紫 暗灰的眼泪 紫红的大海 回忆是漫射的苍白 浓绿的颤栗 肉粉的阴户 When I open some doors, Others close in the never-ending night, When I close some doors, Others open in the dawning day. 当我打开某些门 另一些则深闭于永夜 当我关上某些门 另一些则在黎明敞开 Flammeous sky, melanic hand, starless floating body, Ever unbridled pleasure, haematic rigid phallus. Cinereous threatening cloud, cyaneaous claw-like nails, Faraway spasma, faint scream, leucochroic fluids. 火红的天空 漆黑的手掌 漂浮的身体 没有星辰 放纵无尽的欢愉 充血硬挺的阴茎 灰蒙的乌云如同凶兆 靛蓝的指甲仿佛兽爪 恍惚的痉挛 昏厥的尖叫 白浊的液体 Floating body in the never-ending night. Viridian shivers in the dawning day. 身体在永夜中漂浮 浓绿在黎明中颤栗 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9.Diktat (Savage Peace) 绝对命令(凶残的平静) Under the dead tree of wisdom, only remain tears... 死去的智慧之树下,只残留着眼泪 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10.Fossilized Light 石化的光芒 Machines forgot this place, where the spider's threads are interlaced. Golden gleams raise the skin of water, the roots grow in shadow. Noises and breaths crack and mourn while nothing seems to move. 机器遗忘了此处 蛛丝交织 金色的微光在水面上闪耀 盘根在阴暗处生长 噪声与呼吸在碎裂和哀叹 而万物皆静止 In my heart arise icy reflections, falling dreams, falling lives. In my heart arise strange gloomy feelings, falling loves, anywhere. 我的心中升起了冰冷的回忆 梦在下坠 生命在下坠 我的心中升起了奇异的忧郁 爱在下坠 无处不然 Everywhere my gaze gets lost, bewitched by this deforming mirror. Time died out, my acrid blood spills under the ground. 我的凝视处处失焦 被这畸形的镜子所蛊惑 时间消尽 我的酸辛的血液在地底溢流 In your heart, arise icy reflections anywhere, falling dreams, falling lives... In your heart, arise strange gloomy feelings, falling loves, anywhere. 你的心中升起了冰冷的回忆 梦在下坠 生命在下坠 你的心中升起了奇异的忧郁 爱在下坠 无处不然 Deep down inside my eye, some fragments of fossil light scrape my memory. Fear has vanished, only remains the moment 我的眼眸深处 有着光芒的化石碎片 刮去了我的记忆 恐惧已经消散 只有此刻留存 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11.Disjointed World 不连续的世界 [ inert and deaf passengers, creatures with simple nervous system, or hypertrophied cerebrum animal ?>] [是迟钝而失聪的过客 是神经简单的生物 抑或是脑子肥大的动物?] Ruins and dead children, black rage, soulless stars, pelting rain of iron and mercury, the earth is burning up and writhing... Are we automata or are we humans ? Are we perfect or are we animals ? 废墟和死去的孩子 黑色的愤怒 没有灵魂的星辰 铁和水银的暴雨倾盆 大地在燃烧并扭曲 我们是自动装置,抑或我们是人? 我们是完美的造物,抑或我们只是动物? Fleshes are melting, limbs are falling apart, stone is splitting and cracking, the buckled arch is shattering... The little angel has lost his look in the ossuary with cartilages. With regret, I open my half-shut eye to stare at this blurred fading world... 血肉在融化 躯体在肢解 岩石在断裂 拱门在坍塌 小天使在尸骨罐中不复成形 在悔恨中 我睁开半闭的双眼 凝视着这个模糊的、消散中的世界 [ The machine itself knows nothing of wrong or right : no ideals to pursue. "Only (the) human is able to accomplish the impossible">] [机器本身不会辨别对错 也不会追寻什么理念 “只有人类才能完成不可能之事。”] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12.Inhuman 非人性 Like a deadened nerve which never calms down, my body's arching under this sputtering noise remains of wings mingled with bones that wind divides and scatters, in secret 像衰弱的神经一样永无平静 我的身体在疼痛 因这喷溅的噪音 羽翼的残骸混着碎骨 默默在风中剥离消散 Immured fluid beauty, in my gold casket of ruins, like a pearl, I fall asleep Between sky and earth your shadow's dissolving deep down inside me, deep down inside me 如水的美人 像一颗珍珠 被禁锢在我这废墟般的金匣中 我沉沉入眠 在天地之间 你的阴影渐渐融化 在我的体内深处 在我的体内深处 In this day-nigth slow death agony... 在这白昼之夜 缓慢的、濒死的剧痛 You give yourself up to the secret of my lips, and discover an urn to my viscera Long floating strings lost in black waters, sweeping away our memories 你已委身于我双唇的隐秘 发现了一瓮我的脏器 绵长而漂浮的丝弦 迷失于乌黑的水中 将我们的回忆冲刷殆尽 Remorse is like this clear noise of the ink shunning me Half-moon eye, where to hide myself? I give myself up to the driving rain while my teeth are squeezing you Remorse is like this dull noise of the hammer hitting you There, beauty takes form only at dead of night. 悔恨恰似这清晰的噪音 如墨一般 回避着我 半月似的眼睛 何处能让我隐藏自己? 我委身于这倾盆大雨 并用牙齿将你榨干 悔恨恰似这呆滞的噪音 如铁锤般 击打着你 那儿 唯当夜已销亡之时 美才得以具形