Deceiver of the Gods的背景
Amon Amarth发行了这么多专辑,终于轮到了洛基了。十首歌基本都与洛基有关。
Deceiver Of The Gods 众神的背叛者:洛基
As Loke Falls 洛基倒下的时候
Father Of The Wolf 芬利尔狼的父亲:洛基
Shape Shifter Asgard会七十二变的洛基
Under Siege 因洛基而起的诸神之黄昏,Asgard被围攻
Blood Eagle 严酷的刑罚“血鹰”
We Shall Destroy
Hel 洛基的女儿:死神赫尔
Coming Of The Tide 诸神之黄昏来临之前的巨浪,洛基的儿子世界之蛇尤蒙刚德掀起的
Warriors Of The North
1、Deceiver of the God
Since I was born, they have kept me down,
They have forced me to conform.
I will tear down the holy crown in a vengeful thunderstorm,
I loathe their bloody righteous ways
It fills me with despise,
Fueling flames of violent rage,
I will be their world's demise.
Asgard's always been my home
But I'm of different blood
I will overthrow their throne
Deceiver, deceiver of the gods
All this rage, and all this hate,
It burns me deep inside,
And still it is, the only thing, keeping me alive.
Dark ambition within my heart and it's aching to break free
The one true nature of my soul, the giant lives in me.
You all shall kneel to me!
Or death will set you free!
You all shall kneel to me!
You all shall fall to me!
Vengeance will be sweet!
You all shall fall to me!
Asgard's always been my home
But I'm of different blood
I will overthrow their throne
Deceiver of the gods
Asgard's always been my home
I'm of a different blood
I've come to overthrow their throne
Deceiver, deceiver of the gods!
洛基与Asgard中的其他诸神不同,他拥有霜巨人的血统,也就是歌词里的“Asgard's always been my home,but I'm of different blood”。虽然很多影视作品把它表现为奥丁的儿子、雷神托尔的兄弟,但很多诗歌里把他说成是奥丁的兄弟,或者并无亲戚关系,甚至在奥丁出生之前就存在了。所以不难理解洛基总也不被Asgard里的诸神待见,渐渐的变得心理扭曲而邪恶起来,甚至杀死了光明之神巴尔德并拒绝流泪使他无法从冥界回归(Surter Rising里的第二首Töck's Taunt - Loke's Treachery Part II的背景)。
充满愤怒的洛基最终成了Deceiver of the god,成为了诸神之黄昏的导火索,完成了他的复仇。
2、As Loki Falls
Heimdall gazes east 守护Asgard的虹桥的门神
A sail has caught his eye
He lifts his hand and sounds the horn
The undead army has arrived
Here comes Nagelfar Nagelfar是命运之船,洛基带着火焰巨人在这条船上
With Laufey's son on board
He brings chaos, hate and wrath
He brings the war to end all wars
Heimdall knows his fate
The end of all nine worlds
It's what the Vala has foreseen
He knows that everything shall burn
Facing Lopt's deceit
Now they finally meet
The champion and his enemy
On Vigrid's plains they'll find defeat
Their swords meet in a mighty clash
War cries sound, horns they blast
Their eager weapons whip and thrash
This day when all shall end
The lords of war are equal strong
This battle frantic and forlorn
The blades sing a macabre song
This day when all shall end
Heimdall's blade bites burning sharp
As it cuts through flesh and bone
Blood comes gushing from the wound
As Loke's head falls tumbling 门神砍死了洛基,但他也身负重伤死掉了
Rolling to the burning ground 燃烧的大地,Surter在发威
3、Father of the Wolf
So he found the heart in barren land
It was beating, still alive
He held it gently in his hand
And looked up to the sky 芬利尔狼的出生
With evil thoughts of vicious kind
And sinister disdain
His thoughts of bringing back to life
The witch that died in flames
Serpent's kin 芬利尔狼的弟弟,世界之蛇尤蒙刚德,还有个妹妹死亡女生赫尔(Hel)
Born of sin
Dark within
Father of the wolf!
He then devoured Gullveig's heart
And she was born again
They brought to life an evil force
A beast that can't be tamed
With dark deception in his soul
Betrayal of the gods
The bane of Oden now is born
Born of evil blood
Serpent's kin
Born of sin
Dark within
Father of the wolf!
They brought to life a malicious force
A vile beast that cannot be tamed 诸神两次建造大型的铁链,结果都被芬利尔给挣脱了
Fimbultyr's nemesis now is born
A vile beast that can't be restrained
Deception is his
Betrayal of the
Oden's bane is 奥丁最后就是被他吃掉的
Born of evil blood!
Serpent's kin
Born of sin
Dark within
Father of the wolf
诸神乃派遣史基尔尼尔(Skirnir)到地下去找侏儒们造一条链子。侏儒们就用猫的脚步声、石中的树根、女人的胡子、鱼的呼吸、熊的警觉、鸟的唾液,这些古怪的东西,造成一条比丝线还细的绳子,名为格莱普尼尔(Gleipnir,纠缠者 or 欺诈者)。可是这绳子比什么都结实,而且越拉越结实。【因为造这绳子用去了所有的材料,所以世界上从此就没有猫的脚步声、石中的树根,等等……了。】
4、Shape Shifter
I was born of giant's blood
Raised in Asgård, the home of gods
I am the master of disguise 伪装的大师
For this trait I've gained your prize
Fast in thought, quicker tongue
Brawl with me and you'll get stung
I am the master of deceit
My words bind or set you free
I am the walker on the wind
The shape shifter
Two-faced words
And a lying grin
The shape shifter
You call me evil; curse my name
But you only have yourselves to blame
Order need its anarchy
Balance through calamity
We mixed our blood in olden days
Now I wander like a stray
We were brothers, now estranged
I will have my sweet revenge
My words are poison to your ears
I say the words you fear
Still you know it is the truth you hear
Ragnarök is drawing near
There you sit in Aegir's hall
Waiting for the coming fall
Council of the now condemned
Twilight of both gods and men
Face the facts; you're old and weak
Empty words are all you speak
No escape, there's no return
The universe shall bleed and burn
I am the eagle in the sky
The shape shifter
Vicious wolf
Howling in the night
The shape shifter
I am the walker on the wind
The shape shifter
Two-faced words
And a lying grin
The shape shifter
I am the eagle in the sky
The vicious wolf
Howling in the night
I am the walker on the wind
Lying words,
With an honest grin
The shape shifter
5、Under Siege
Outside these walls
An army awaits
But in these halls
We feel safe
Countless attacks
We have repelled
They won't turn back
They cannot be quelled
Supplies are running low
Starvation now awaits
Reinforcements will not show
The day is much too late
Broken and weak
Never give in
Prospects are bleak
We can't win
There is no hope
No time for lament
End of the rope
Our lives are spent
We have held out for months
Hoping for relief
Our fortress now our tomb
And salvation now our grief
We have held out for months
Waiting for relief
Our fortune's now our own
This is destiny
Supplies are running low
Starvation now awaits
Reinforcements never showed
As the daylight starts to fade
There's nothing left to lose
We have run out of time
There is nothing left to choose
Expect how we shall die
Open the gates!
Now we attack!
Ride into fate!
No turning back!
Stand by the King!
To glory we ride!
Weapons and shield!
Together we die!
All is lost now!
Show no fear now!
All the world shall know our bravery!
All is lost now!
Show no fear now!
One last charge for death or victory!
6,Blood Eagle
Look to my burning eyes
Plead for your worthless life
All remorse I had has died
And all I have is hate inside
You took my soul from me
You took my family
You killed them all ferociously
Now this is what I give to thee
Carved upon your naked back
Blood eagle!
Skinned alive your ribs are cracked
Blood eagle!
Still alive you gasp for air
As panic strikes your eyes they stare
Terror grips your dying heart
Blood eagle!
Helpless on the ground
Hands and feet tightly bound
In my eyes no mercy found
My sharp knife starts to carve around
Penetrate your naked skin
Rip flesh and dig within
With a pleased and twisted grin
I spread your lungs like eagle's wings
The burning grief is tormenting me
The hate I feel is destroying me
Only vengeance will give me peace
Only vengeance will set my spirit free
Carved upon your naked back
Blood eagle!
Skinned alive your ribs will crack
Blood eagle!
Still alive you gasp for air
As panic strikes your eyes will stare
Slow death grips your tortured heart
Blood eagle!
7、We Shall Destroy
Sword and spear
Wall of shields
Standing strong
On this their chosen battle field
Form the lines
Shield by shield
Side by side
We're marching into destiny
March as one
Don't look back
Oden's sons
Unleash hell! Do not repent!
Warfare grants us no lament
Let your weapons slash and tear
This is no place for fear
Hold the lines! Move as one!
In unity our victory's won
Our shields will form a mighty wall
United we shall never fall
Fear will not pierce our hearts
Though swords and arrows will
Victory is our reward
For all the blood we spill
We didn't come to waste our lives
Like pawns in savage game
Our spirits, spears
And shields are linked
In a much stronger chain
March as one
Don't look back
Oden's sons
All are one
And one is all
Side by side
The battle calls
All are one
And one is all
Shield by shield
We'll never fall
Unleash hell! Do not repent!
Warfare grants us no lament
Let your weapons slash and tear
This is no place for fear
Charge with force! Break their ranks!
No remorse, crush their flanks!
Pulverize their human wall!
We shall destroy!
Welcome to my humble home
Your soul is mine to keep
There are no walls of rock and stone
Yet no one ever leaves
Those who die of age and plague
Are welcomed in my court
Murderers, miscreants
Will linger here and rot
Those who die inglorious
And those who die in shame
They are all sent to my dark halls
They all shall fear my name
Here hunger is your plate
Here famine is your knife
Here you will forever dwell
I welcome you to Hel
I welcome you to Hel
Now here you are in my cold realm
You are my honoured guest
At the banquette of the dead
Your soul will never rest
Here sickness is your bed
Here ruin is your fell
Here you will forever dwell
I welcome you to
Here hunger is your plate
Here famine is your knife
Here you will forever dwell
I welcome you to Hel
赫尔的国度,即所谓冥国,北欧人以为是在地下,须在极北的寒冷黑暗之地走上九天九夜的崎岖道路,方能到达。冥国的大门离人间极远,有名的速行之神赫尔莫德骑了奥丁的八足天马史莱普尼尔,尚且跑了九个日夜才到达吉欧尔(Gjoll)河。这条河是尼弗尔海姆的边界,河上有镀金的水晶桥,用一根头发吊住。守桥的是狰狞的枯骨莫德古德(Modgud,战狂 or 厌战者),凡要过桥者,须先让他吸血,作为通行税。死后的鬼魂大多是骑马或坐车通过此桥,这些马和车是火葬时随同一起烧了的。北欧人通常在死者脚上穿一双特别坚固的靴子,因为到冥国的九天九夜的崎岖道路须得有一双好靴子才能对付。这靴子特名为“赫尔靴”。
9、Coming of the Tide
Racing 'cross the arctic lands
A mounted legion
Under my command
We're a brutal force
No men can withstand
Total havoc is at hand
See the black crows circle high
Waiting for brave men to die
They sense the coming of the tide
When opposition's swept aside
The fateful message
Reached us months ago
That our home was under siege
And since that day
We've been heading north
Our kinsmen needed our relief
As we near our fortress walls
Black smoke is rising to the sky
Burnt black ruins
Of our father's halls
And corpses greet our tired eyes
What madness led them to attack
Victory could not be won
They must've known
There was no turning back
And now they all are gone
No woman, child or man was spared
Their bodies lying where they fell
Suffering, anguish and despair
As they went through living hell
So now we're on the ride again
And vengeance is
Our newfound path
We draw our strength
From grief and pain
These bastards shall know
Our endless wrath
See the black crows circle high
Waiting for brave men to die
They sense the coming of the tide
When opposition's swept aside
10、Warriors of the North
We were the warriors of the north
Notorious and brave
We'd never lost a fight in war
We feared not the grave
The ruler of this northern court
My brother, lord, king
He always had our loyal swords
But we would feel his sting
The ageing king had no decendants
No heir to take his throne
It filled his soul with fear
That next in line was my first-born
The king's heart grew
Full of dark deception
Full of foul conspiracy
This was when dark days
Had their inception
And we fell to his vile deceit
Robbed of arms, robbed of pride
But he spared our lives
The fear he had of Oden's wrath
Held his vengeful knife
With hearts so cold we left our homes
Banished from our land
A life in shame, a life in grief
Until we rise again
Winters come, winters pass
Twenty wasted years
We're ageing men, our youth is gone
We will shed no tears
Winters come and winters pass
Tenty years have gone
Like a dream we fade away
Into oblivion
We are the warriors of the north
Notorious and brave
We're old but strong as before
And we don't fear the grave
From the south an army rises
They ride under cross of gold
From the shades we're called
In a time of crisis
To defend the king now weak and old
As the flames of warfare rage higher
We feel our destiny's embrace
We are ageing men of an old empire
Now we can see Valhalla's gates
March again
First in line
To reach Valhalla's mighty gates
March again
March to fight
To reach Valhalla's mighty
March again
Give our lives
To reach Valhalla's
Mighty royal gates
Deceiver Of The Gods 众神的背叛者:洛基
As Loke Falls 洛基倒下的时候
Father Of The Wolf 芬利尔狼的父亲:洛基
Shape Shifter Asgard会七十二变的洛基
Under Siege 因洛基而起的诸神之黄昏,Asgard被围攻
Blood Eagle 严酷的刑罚“血鹰”
We Shall Destroy
Hel 洛基的女儿:死神赫尔
Coming Of The Tide 诸神之黄昏来临之前的巨浪,洛基的儿子世界之蛇尤蒙刚德掀起的
Warriors Of The North
1、Deceiver of the God
Since I was born, they have kept me down,
They have forced me to conform.
I will tear down the holy crown in a vengeful thunderstorm,
I loathe their bloody righteous ways
It fills me with despise,
Fueling flames of violent rage,
I will be their world's demise.
Asgard's always been my home
But I'm of different blood
I will overthrow their throne
Deceiver, deceiver of the gods
All this rage, and all this hate,
It burns me deep inside,
And still it is, the only thing, keeping me alive.
Dark ambition within my heart and it's aching to break free
The one true nature of my soul, the giant lives in me.
You all shall kneel to me!
Or death will set you free!
You all shall kneel to me!
You all shall fall to me!
Vengeance will be sweet!
You all shall fall to me!
Asgard's always been my home
But I'm of different blood
I will overthrow their throne
Deceiver of the gods
Asgard's always been my home
I'm of a different blood
I've come to overthrow their throne
Deceiver, deceiver of the gods!
洛基与Asgard中的其他诸神不同,他拥有霜巨人的血统,也就是歌词里的“Asgard's always been my home,but I'm of different blood”。虽然很多影视作品把它表现为奥丁的儿子、雷神托尔的兄弟,但很多诗歌里把他说成是奥丁的兄弟,或者并无亲戚关系,甚至在奥丁出生之前就存在了。所以不难理解洛基总也不被Asgard里的诸神待见,渐渐的变得心理扭曲而邪恶起来,甚至杀死了光明之神巴尔德并拒绝流泪使他无法从冥界回归(Surter Rising里的第二首Töck's Taunt - Loke's Treachery Part II的背景)。
充满愤怒的洛基最终成了Deceiver of the god,成为了诸神之黄昏的导火索,完成了他的复仇。
2、As Loki Falls
Heimdall gazes east 守护Asgard的虹桥的门神
A sail has caught his eye
He lifts his hand and sounds the horn
The undead army has arrived
Here comes Nagelfar Nagelfar是命运之船,洛基带着火焰巨人在这条船上
With Laufey's son on board
He brings chaos, hate and wrath
He brings the war to end all wars
Heimdall knows his fate
The end of all nine worlds
It's what the Vala has foreseen
He knows that everything shall burn
Facing Lopt's deceit
Now they finally meet
The champion and his enemy
On Vigrid's plains they'll find defeat
Their swords meet in a mighty clash
War cries sound, horns they blast
Their eager weapons whip and thrash
This day when all shall end
The lords of war are equal strong
This battle frantic and forlorn
The blades sing a macabre song
This day when all shall end
Heimdall's blade bites burning sharp
As it cuts through flesh and bone
Blood comes gushing from the wound
As Loke's head falls tumbling 门神砍死了洛基,但他也身负重伤死掉了
Rolling to the burning ground 燃烧的大地,Surter在发威
3、Father of the Wolf
So he found the heart in barren land
It was beating, still alive
He held it gently in his hand
And looked up to the sky 芬利尔狼的出生
With evil thoughts of vicious kind
And sinister disdain
His thoughts of bringing back to life
The witch that died in flames
Serpent's kin 芬利尔狼的弟弟,世界之蛇尤蒙刚德,还有个妹妹死亡女生赫尔(Hel)
Born of sin
Dark within
Father of the wolf!
He then devoured Gullveig's heart
And she was born again
They brought to life an evil force
A beast that can't be tamed
With dark deception in his soul
Betrayal of the gods
The bane of Oden now is born
Born of evil blood
Serpent's kin
Born of sin
Dark within
Father of the wolf!
They brought to life a malicious force
A vile beast that cannot be tamed 诸神两次建造大型的铁链,结果都被芬利尔给挣脱了
Fimbultyr's nemesis now is born
A vile beast that can't be restrained
Deception is his
Betrayal of the
Oden's bane is 奥丁最后就是被他吃掉的
Born of evil blood!
Serpent's kin
Born of sin
Dark within
Father of the wolf
诸神乃派遣史基尔尼尔(Skirnir)到地下去找侏儒们造一条链子。侏儒们就用猫的脚步声、石中的树根、女人的胡子、鱼的呼吸、熊的警觉、鸟的唾液,这些古怪的东西,造成一条比丝线还细的绳子,名为格莱普尼尔(Gleipnir,纠缠者 or 欺诈者)。可是这绳子比什么都结实,而且越拉越结实。【因为造这绳子用去了所有的材料,所以世界上从此就没有猫的脚步声、石中的树根,等等……了。】
4、Shape Shifter
I was born of giant's blood
Raised in Asgård, the home of gods
I am the master of disguise 伪装的大师
For this trait I've gained your prize
Fast in thought, quicker tongue
Brawl with me and you'll get stung
I am the master of deceit
My words bind or set you free
I am the walker on the wind
The shape shifter
Two-faced words
And a lying grin
The shape shifter
You call me evil; curse my name
But you only have yourselves to blame
Order need its anarchy
Balance through calamity
We mixed our blood in olden days
Now I wander like a stray
We were brothers, now estranged
I will have my sweet revenge
My words are poison to your ears
I say the words you fear
Still you know it is the truth you hear
Ragnarök is drawing near
There you sit in Aegir's hall
Waiting for the coming fall
Council of the now condemned
Twilight of both gods and men
Face the facts; you're old and weak
Empty words are all you speak
No escape, there's no return
The universe shall bleed and burn
I am the eagle in the sky
The shape shifter
Vicious wolf
Howling in the night
The shape shifter
I am the walker on the wind
The shape shifter
Two-faced words
And a lying grin
The shape shifter
I am the eagle in the sky
The vicious wolf
Howling in the night
I am the walker on the wind
Lying words,
With an honest grin
The shape shifter
5、Under Siege
Outside these walls
An army awaits
But in these halls
We feel safe
Countless attacks
We have repelled
They won't turn back
They cannot be quelled
Supplies are running low
Starvation now awaits
Reinforcements will not show
The day is much too late
Broken and weak
Never give in
Prospects are bleak
We can't win
There is no hope
No time for lament
End of the rope
Our lives are spent
We have held out for months
Hoping for relief
Our fortress now our tomb
And salvation now our grief
We have held out for months
Waiting for relief
Our fortune's now our own
This is destiny
Supplies are running low
Starvation now awaits
Reinforcements never showed
As the daylight starts to fade
There's nothing left to lose
We have run out of time
There is nothing left to choose
Expect how we shall die
Open the gates!
Now we attack!
Ride into fate!
No turning back!
Stand by the King!
To glory we ride!
Weapons and shield!
Together we die!
All is lost now!
Show no fear now!
All the world shall know our bravery!
All is lost now!
Show no fear now!
One last charge for death or victory!
6,Blood Eagle
Look to my burning eyes
Plead for your worthless life
All remorse I had has died
And all I have is hate inside
You took my soul from me
You took my family
You killed them all ferociously
Now this is what I give to thee
Carved upon your naked back
Blood eagle!
Skinned alive your ribs are cracked
Blood eagle!
Still alive you gasp for air
As panic strikes your eyes they stare
Terror grips your dying heart
Blood eagle!
Helpless on the ground
Hands and feet tightly bound
In my eyes no mercy found
My sharp knife starts to carve around
Penetrate your naked skin
Rip flesh and dig within
With a pleased and twisted grin
I spread your lungs like eagle's wings
The burning grief is tormenting me
The hate I feel is destroying me
Only vengeance will give me peace
Only vengeance will set my spirit free
Carved upon your naked back
Blood eagle!
Skinned alive your ribs will crack
Blood eagle!
Still alive you gasp for air
As panic strikes your eyes will stare
Slow death grips your tortured heart
Blood eagle!
7、We Shall Destroy
Sword and spear
Wall of shields
Standing strong
On this their chosen battle field
Form the lines
Shield by shield
Side by side
We're marching into destiny
March as one
Don't look back
Oden's sons
Unleash hell! Do not repent!
Warfare grants us no lament
Let your weapons slash and tear
This is no place for fear
Hold the lines! Move as one!
In unity our victory's won
Our shields will form a mighty wall
United we shall never fall
Fear will not pierce our hearts
Though swords and arrows will
Victory is our reward
For all the blood we spill
We didn't come to waste our lives
Like pawns in savage game
Our spirits, spears
And shields are linked
In a much stronger chain
March as one
Don't look back
Oden's sons
All are one
And one is all
Side by side
The battle calls
All are one
And one is all
Shield by shield
We'll never fall
Unleash hell! Do not repent!
Warfare grants us no lament
Let your weapons slash and tear
This is no place for fear
Charge with force! Break their ranks!
No remorse, crush their flanks!
Pulverize their human wall!
We shall destroy!
Welcome to my humble home
Your soul is mine to keep
There are no walls of rock and stone
Yet no one ever leaves
Those who die of age and plague
Are welcomed in my court
Murderers, miscreants
Will linger here and rot
Those who die inglorious
And those who die in shame
They are all sent to my dark halls
They all shall fear my name
Here hunger is your plate
Here famine is your knife
Here you will forever dwell
I welcome you to Hel
I welcome you to Hel
Now here you are in my cold realm
You are my honoured guest
At the banquette of the dead
Your soul will never rest
Here sickness is your bed
Here ruin is your fell
Here you will forever dwell
I welcome you to
Here hunger is your plate
Here famine is your knife
Here you will forever dwell
I welcome you to Hel
赫尔的国度,即所谓冥国,北欧人以为是在地下,须在极北的寒冷黑暗之地走上九天九夜的崎岖道路,方能到达。冥国的大门离人间极远,有名的速行之神赫尔莫德骑了奥丁的八足天马史莱普尼尔,尚且跑了九个日夜才到达吉欧尔(Gjoll)河。这条河是尼弗尔海姆的边界,河上有镀金的水晶桥,用一根头发吊住。守桥的是狰狞的枯骨莫德古德(Modgud,战狂 or 厌战者),凡要过桥者,须先让他吸血,作为通行税。死后的鬼魂大多是骑马或坐车通过此桥,这些马和车是火葬时随同一起烧了的。北欧人通常在死者脚上穿一双特别坚固的靴子,因为到冥国的九天九夜的崎岖道路须得有一双好靴子才能对付。这靴子特名为“赫尔靴”。
9、Coming of the Tide
Racing 'cross the arctic lands
A mounted legion
Under my command
We're a brutal force
No men can withstand
Total havoc is at hand
See the black crows circle high
Waiting for brave men to die
They sense the coming of the tide
When opposition's swept aside
The fateful message
Reached us months ago
That our home was under siege
And since that day
We've been heading north
Our kinsmen needed our relief
As we near our fortress walls
Black smoke is rising to the sky
Burnt black ruins
Of our father's halls
And corpses greet our tired eyes
What madness led them to attack
Victory could not be won
They must've known
There was no turning back
And now they all are gone
No woman, child or man was spared
Their bodies lying where they fell
Suffering, anguish and despair
As they went through living hell
So now we're on the ride again
And vengeance is
Our newfound path
We draw our strength
From grief and pain
These bastards shall know
Our endless wrath
See the black crows circle high
Waiting for brave men to die
They sense the coming of the tide
When opposition's swept aside
10、Warriors of the North
We were the warriors of the north
Notorious and brave
We'd never lost a fight in war
We feared not the grave
The ruler of this northern court
My brother, lord, king
He always had our loyal swords
But we would feel his sting
The ageing king had no decendants
No heir to take his throne
It filled his soul with fear
That next in line was my first-born
The king's heart grew
Full of dark deception
Full of foul conspiracy
This was when dark days
Had their inception
And we fell to his vile deceit
Robbed of arms, robbed of pride
But he spared our lives
The fear he had of Oden's wrath
Held his vengeful knife
With hearts so cold we left our homes
Banished from our land
A life in shame, a life in grief
Until we rise again
Winters come, winters pass
Twenty wasted years
We're ageing men, our youth is gone
We will shed no tears
Winters come and winters pass
Tenty years have gone
Like a dream we fade away
Into oblivion
We are the warriors of the north
Notorious and brave
We're old but strong as before
And we don't fear the grave
From the south an army rises
They ride under cross of gold
From the shades we're called
In a time of crisis
To defend the king now weak and old
As the flames of warfare rage higher
We feel our destiny's embrace
We are ageing men of an old empire
Now we can see Valhalla's gates
March again
First in line
To reach Valhalla's mighty gates
March again
March to fight
To reach Valhalla's mighty
March again
Give our lives
To reach Valhalla's
Mighty royal gates