Whisper in your ear, nobody know, just we two.

Please Please Me, 1963.3.22 I saw her standing here. 我喜欢这样的节奏 好想让人舞动身体 我看到她站在那里 她看起来无与伦比(the way she looked was beyond compare) 我怎么还能与其他人跳舞 这大概是世上最美的一见钟情了吧 【我看见你 再也无法与他人舞蹈】 Anna 我把anna的歌词抄写在本子上 太喜欢set you free了 【Just one more thing, girl, You give back your ring to me, and I will set you free】你把翅膀还给我 我让你自由 翻译成这样感觉又有点变味 感觉就像是 虽然口头让你自由但不想让你go with him, 又似乎是即使你把你的翅膀给我 你跟他离去 你不再自由 因为you love him All of my life, I've been searchin for a girl, To love me like I love you. Breaks my heart and leave me sad. 我越听越爱 每次听都是不同感受>< Go with him, set you free Baby its you What can I do, and its true. 在听整张专辑 身体还不时地摇晃>< 觉得一整天都不会听腻 每个音调都温柔无比 You know what I mean 尤其是把Anna单曲循环了好久啊 整张专辑都与爱情有关 爱情本身是欺骗 但令人忽略不好的地方 看到甜蜜的地方 baby its you里面不管外界如何评论你 我都相信你是真实的 Its ture, coz baby its you.