Carry On

听Fun.的歌,最直接的感觉就是,还是有人在认真地搞音乐,热爱音乐,即便是流行。主唱Nate一副屌丝样,键盘手Andrew像是年幼时得过孤僻症的大男生,吉他手Jack有点大舌头,难怪有人叫Fun.是“屌丝乐队”。 其实相比于最火的两首歌,我最喜欢的还是Why Am I The One和Carry on.
先来说Why Am I The One, 讲述一个屌丝如何被爱的女人冷落抛弃的事实。(根据歌词大意)开始是吉他和钢琴,14秒后Nate歌声进入。歌曲的风格经常是小清新开头,在一半的时候混入电音,但是主唱Nate的声音一直都是歌曲的核心。Paramore的主唱hayley的嗓音也不错,可惜当下乐坛里这样的嗓音并不少,而且新歌词和编曲都不出彩,过多运用其他元素让hayley声音的辨识度大大降低。 Fun.的歌曲融入的元素也不少,只是多有节制。就像你喜欢吃一个cupcake,最重要的还是这个蛋糕好吃不好吃而非装饰的如何好看。其实抛却多变的风格和精心的编曲,我最喜欢的还是歌词。Fun.的歌词都是很长的段落,副歌部分会跟歌曲主题分离。看外国评论说歌词经常confused,不过此特点却极合我胃口。因为人的思绪在非理性状态下是游荡的。比如why am I the one前一句歌词说" Oh, darling if you love me, would you let me know?" 下面的副歌就唱“oh go on go on go on, if you were thinking the worst is yet to come, why am I the one always packing all my stuff" 其实恰恰描述了一个男人矛盾的心态。
Carry On 毋庸置疑地成为我最喜欢的歌。我再一次没有那么喜欢高潮部分,反而觉得高潮部分来得突然,前半段让人意犹未尽。此处为前半段的歌词:
Well I woke up to the sound of silence
And cries were cutting like knives in a fist fight
And I found you with a bottle of wine
Your head in the curtains
And heart like the Fourth of July
You swore and said,
"We are not,
We are not shining stars"
This I know,
I never said we are
Though I've never been through hell like that
I've closed enough windows to know you can never look back
钢琴配合Nate沉稳流畅的声调,可以循环一百遍。后面一段写"so I met up with some friends at the edge of the night. At a bar off 75. And we talked and talked about how our parents will die,All our neighbours and wives"总让我想到凯鲁亚克《在路上》里描写的那段: because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirious of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn burn burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes" Awww!" 假如Jack kerouac, Allen Ginberg, William S. Burroughs聚在75号街的小酒吧听Fun.唱一曲,这样是多么完美的事。(纯粹臆想)
当然我对Pink和钱妞的爱还是有的,特别是Pink的嗓音和个性。但是干干净净的歌词,不浮夸的声音,振奋人心的旋律,充沛的感情只在Fun.这里得到最好的诠释。无怪乎格莱美最后会选他们,既有销量,有口碑又登得上“大雅之堂”。可惜的是我对高雅古典音乐的感情一直未被调动起来,现在却翻遍了滚石杂志的所有旧刊寻找关于rock, pop的各种痕迹。从一个连mick jagger是谁都不清楚的路人丁到终于分清楚Linkin Park 原来不是 Lincoln Park,学习成果还是值得肯定(really?).总之,只要是可以与自身产生共鸣的音乐那就是最好的音乐,无需在乎别人的评论如何。
先来说Why Am I The One, 讲述一个屌丝如何被爱的女人冷落抛弃的事实。(根据歌词大意)开始是吉他和钢琴,14秒后Nate歌声进入。歌曲的风格经常是小清新开头,在一半的时候混入电音,但是主唱Nate的声音一直都是歌曲的核心。Paramore的主唱hayley的嗓音也不错,可惜当下乐坛里这样的嗓音并不少,而且新歌词和编曲都不出彩,过多运用其他元素让hayley声音的辨识度大大降低。 Fun.的歌曲融入的元素也不少,只是多有节制。就像你喜欢吃一个cupcake,最重要的还是这个蛋糕好吃不好吃而非装饰的如何好看。其实抛却多变的风格和精心的编曲,我最喜欢的还是歌词。Fun.的歌词都是很长的段落,副歌部分会跟歌曲主题分离。看外国评论说歌词经常confused,不过此特点却极合我胃口。因为人的思绪在非理性状态下是游荡的。比如why am I the one前一句歌词说" Oh, darling if you love me, would you let me know?" 下面的副歌就唱“oh go on go on go on, if you were thinking the worst is yet to come, why am I the one always packing all my stuff" 其实恰恰描述了一个男人矛盾的心态。
Carry On 毋庸置疑地成为我最喜欢的歌。我再一次没有那么喜欢高潮部分,反而觉得高潮部分来得突然,前半段让人意犹未尽。此处为前半段的歌词:
Well I woke up to the sound of silence
And cries were cutting like knives in a fist fight
And I found you with a bottle of wine
Your head in the curtains
And heart like the Fourth of July
You swore and said,
"We are not,
We are not shining stars"
This I know,
I never said we are
Though I've never been through hell like that
I've closed enough windows to know you can never look back
钢琴配合Nate沉稳流畅的声调,可以循环一百遍。后面一段写"so I met up with some friends at the edge of the night. At a bar off 75. And we talked and talked about how our parents will die,All our neighbours and wives"总让我想到凯鲁亚克《在路上》里描写的那段: because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirious of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn burn burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes" Awww!" 假如Jack kerouac, Allen Ginberg, William S. Burroughs聚在75号街的小酒吧听Fun.唱一曲,这样是多么完美的事。(纯粹臆想)
当然我对Pink和钱妞的爱还是有的,特别是Pink的嗓音和个性。但是干干净净的歌词,不浮夸的声音,振奋人心的旋律,充沛的感情只在Fun.这里得到最好的诠释。无怪乎格莱美最后会选他们,既有销量,有口碑又登得上“大雅之堂”。可惜的是我对高雅古典音乐的感情一直未被调动起来,现在却翻遍了滚石杂志的所有旧刊寻找关于rock, pop的各种痕迹。从一个连mick jagger是谁都不清楚的路人丁到终于分清楚Linkin Park 原来不是 Lincoln Park,学习成果还是值得肯定(really?).总之,只要是可以与自身产生共鸣的音乐那就是最好的音乐,无需在乎别人的评论如何。