Gentle petting on some soft parts

20130716 19:30-21:30
地点: 上海 浦东新区 陆家嘴中心绿地
Preisner & 上海交响乐团
Conduct: Zbigniew Preisner
Soprano: Elżbieta Towarnicka
Piano: Konrad Mastyło
Recorder: Jacek Ostaszewski
Cello: Adam Klocek
I sat on the meadow at the beginning, as I used to during last week of MISA festival.
Opened with recorder from far away, then low and deep cello came in and spreaded out. Fishs of memories were hooked up by the melody, then turned into waves, washed the mind shore over and over again.
Preisner was quiet, gentle, somehow shy, as I imagined and expected. No wild strokes appeared in his conducting. Seldom communicated with audience. I watched him through glass from out side of the hall, found silence within.
Van Den Budenmayer - Concerto En Mi Mineur (la Double Vie De Véronique)
O voi che siete in piccioletta barca
desiderosi d'ascoltar sguiti
dietro al moi legno che cantando varca
Non vi mettete in pelago che forse
perdento me rimarreste smarriti
L'acque ch'io prendo gia mai non si corse
Minerva spira e conducemi Appollo
e nove Muse mi dimostran I'Orse
跟随我歌唱中 驶向彼岸的木筏
请 回到你们所熟悉的故土
不要随我冒险进入茫茫的大海 因万一失去我 而迷失
但我有密列瓦女神的吹送 阿波罗的引航
地点: 上海 浦东新区 陆家嘴中心绿地
Preisner & 上海交响乐团
Conduct: Zbigniew Preisner
Soprano: Elżbieta Towarnicka
Piano: Konrad Mastyło
Recorder: Jacek Ostaszewski
Cello: Adam Klocek
I sat on the meadow at the beginning, as I used to during last week of MISA festival.
Opened with recorder from far away, then low and deep cello came in and spreaded out. Fishs of memories were hooked up by the melody, then turned into waves, washed the mind shore over and over again.
Preisner was quiet, gentle, somehow shy, as I imagined and expected. No wild strokes appeared in his conducting. Seldom communicated with audience. I watched him through glass from out side of the hall, found silence within.
Van Den Budenmayer - Concerto En Mi Mineur (la Double Vie De Véronique)
O voi che siete in piccioletta barca
desiderosi d'ascoltar sguiti
dietro al moi legno che cantando varca
Non vi mettete in pelago che forse
perdento me rimarreste smarriti
L'acque ch'io prendo gia mai non si corse
Minerva spira e conducemi Appollo
e nove Muse mi dimostran I'Orse
跟随我歌唱中 驶向彼岸的木筏
请 回到你们所熟悉的故土
不要随我冒险进入茫茫的大海 因万一失去我 而迷失
但我有密列瓦女神的吹送 阿波罗的引航
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