滚史最野心乐队期待第四专一飞冲天 [Kerrang!]

LAST MONTH, Jared Leto, the captain of a spaceship that constantly finds itself half a minute away from a planet, came to London. Sequestered in the kind of high-end hotel that is part Downton Abbey and part Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory, he was in town to drum up excitement for Love Lust Fatih + Dreams, his band’s forthcoming fourth album. Upon learning that the person to whom he had consented to be interviewed by was also set to review his latest collection of songs, the 30 Seconds To Mars frontman had some words. He offered up a sentence that was both a plea for understanding and an instruction that his art be regarded with care. “Remember,” he said, “that this [album] is two years of my life.”
Jared Leto,这位掌舵了一艘总是与某星球半分钟之隔的星舰的舰长,上个月为了给即将发行的第四张专辑捧场而现身伦敦,低调入住于一座融合了唐顿庄园和威利王卡巧克力工厂风格的高档酒店。当得知即将采访他的记者也要给他们的新专辑 [Love Lust Faith + Dreams] 写乐评时,这位主唱在恳求理解的同时建议记者对待他的作品要手下留情,“记住啊,这(指专辑)可是我生命里两年的心血呢。”
That the process of writing and recording a dozen songs occupies this much time is a universal truth for bands of a significant stature. Even so, some bands spend two years making albums that sound as if they were thrown together in two days. As befits a trio led by a man whose attention to detail is never less than obsessive, here on Love Lust Faith + Dreams, this time and effort can be heard throughout a collection of songs that are by turns anthemic –lead-off single Up In The Air is a song of sufficient authority to find its listeners down on the dance floor, for one—unusual (the strange and aching Northern Lights) and rousing (the emphatic Conquistador).
其实对 30 Seconds to Mars(以下简称 30STM) 这样的“天团”来讲,需要两年甚至更长时间来编写录制十几首歌不足为怪,然而就算这样,很多乐队殚精竭虑两年后拿出的“大作”听起来仍可能像两天写就的仓促之作。万幸的是, 30STM 的主脑 Jared 是一位十足的细节控。在他的调教下,乐队这两年的辛勤付出在新专辑中历历可见,各种刺激性元素被轮番运用:首单[Up in the Air]足够煽动齐一舞池的忠实听众;听起来凄惨怪异的[Northern Lights]极具吸引力;节奏感强烈、力度非凡的[Conquistador]更能轻易撩动起听者的心弦。
Throughout, there’s a lightness of touch to 30 Seconds To Mars’ music –a sense of finesse that has the self-confidence to express itself in flashes of stark originality. Closing track Depuis Le Début is lovely enough in its neo-country strum; the song, though, is made even better by the introduction of the stabbing sounds of a string section and then, remarkably, by an ending made up of nothing more (or less) than the sound of a child’s wind-up musical jewellery box.
30STM 制作起音乐来有种贯穿始终的驾轻就熟——他们有信心能够轻巧地在荒唐而突兀的创意间进行娴熟的自我表达。辑末曲目[Depuis Le Début] 在新式乡村乐扫弦的衬托下已经足够动听,之后弦乐部尖利音效的加入更是锦上添花。最后,整张专辑在一段由一个孩子的手摇八音盒奏出的清澈乐声中徐徐结束,十分惊艳。
As its title suggests, Love Lust Faith + Dreams is an album delivered on the largest of canvases. For 30 Seconds To Mars, this is not new, and is a quality that has often been the subject of some mockery from listeners not partial to the band’s cause. That the trio are able to remain entirely uninhibited by the detractors’ efforts to drain their energies speaks highly of their sense of creative self-identity. Wedded to musical talent and artistic curiosity, this fearless streak is afforded full rein on the band’s latest album. Less aggrieved and confrontational than its predecessor, 2009’s This Is War, 30 Seconds To Mars’ latest collection is lavish but not cloying, expansive yet often economical, approachable without being familiar. Love Lust Faith + Dreams is a release that defies genre. It is a grand achievement befitting this most grandiose of bands.
正如专辑名所暗示,《Love Lust Faith + Dreams》是一张涉猎极广的专辑。过广的涉猎面已成为 30STM 音乐的特点,他们也因此常为那些对公益事业无爱的听众所诟病。然而就算有很多尖酸评论想吸走他们的正能量,30STM 从未因此畏首畏尾,这恰恰体现了他们高度的自我认知。在音乐天赋和艺术好奇心的支撑下,他们用这张最新唱片对唱衰者发起了无畏的追击。相比于 2009 年发行的第三张专辑《This Is War》,《LLF + D》明显少了很多乖戾的愤青色彩。它奢华却不令人腻烦,涉猎极广而不铺张,平易近人又不可亵玩。你很难拿一个流派来定义《Love Lust Faith + Dreams》,它是与一支伟大乐队相称的宏伟之作。
LAST MONTH, Jared Leto, the captain of a spaceship that constantly finds itself half a minute away from a planet, came to London. Sequestered in the kind of high-end hotel that is part Downton Abbey and part Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory, he was in town to drum up excitement for Love Lust Fatih + Dreams, his band’s forthcoming fourth album. Upon learning that the person to whom he had consented to be interviewed by was also set to review his latest collection of songs, the 30 Seconds To Mars frontman had some words. He offered up a sentence that was both a plea for understanding and an instruction that his art be regarded with care. “Remember,” he said, “that this [album] is two years of my life.”
Jared Leto,这位掌舵了一艘总是与某星球半分钟之隔的星舰的舰长,上个月为了给即将发行的第四张专辑捧场而现身伦敦,低调入住于一座融合了唐顿庄园和威利王卡巧克力工厂风格的高档酒店。当得知即将采访他的记者也要给他们的新专辑 [Love Lust Faith + Dreams] 写乐评时,这位主唱在恳求理解的同时建议记者对待他的作品要手下留情,“记住啊,这(指专辑)可是我生命里两年的心血呢。”
That the process of writing and recording a dozen songs occupies this much time is a universal truth for bands of a significant stature. Even so, some bands spend two years making albums that sound as if they were thrown together in two days. As befits a trio led by a man whose attention to detail is never less than obsessive, here on Love Lust Faith + Dreams, this time and effort can be heard throughout a collection of songs that are by turns anthemic –lead-off single Up In The Air is a song of sufficient authority to find its listeners down on the dance floor, for one—unusual (the strange and aching Northern Lights) and rousing (the emphatic Conquistador).
其实对 30 Seconds to Mars(以下简称 30STM) 这样的“天团”来讲,需要两年甚至更长时间来编写录制十几首歌不足为怪,然而就算这样,很多乐队殚精竭虑两年后拿出的“大作”听起来仍可能像两天写就的仓促之作。万幸的是, 30STM 的主脑 Jared 是一位十足的细节控。在他的调教下,乐队这两年的辛勤付出在新专辑中历历可见,各种刺激性元素被轮番运用:首单[Up in the Air]足够煽动齐一舞池的忠实听众;听起来凄惨怪异的[Northern Lights]极具吸引力;节奏感强烈、力度非凡的[Conquistador]更能轻易撩动起听者的心弦。
Throughout, there’s a lightness of touch to 30 Seconds To Mars’ music –a sense of finesse that has the self-confidence to express itself in flashes of stark originality. Closing track Depuis Le Début is lovely enough in its neo-country strum; the song, though, is made even better by the introduction of the stabbing sounds of a string section and then, remarkably, by an ending made up of nothing more (or less) than the sound of a child’s wind-up musical jewellery box.
30STM 制作起音乐来有种贯穿始终的驾轻就熟——他们有信心能够轻巧地在荒唐而突兀的创意间进行娴熟的自我表达。辑末曲目[Depuis Le Début] 在新式乡村乐扫弦的衬托下已经足够动听,之后弦乐部尖利音效的加入更是锦上添花。最后,整张专辑在一段由一个孩子的手摇八音盒奏出的清澈乐声中徐徐结束,十分惊艳。
As its title suggests, Love Lust Faith + Dreams is an album delivered on the largest of canvases. For 30 Seconds To Mars, this is not new, and is a quality that has often been the subject of some mockery from listeners not partial to the band’s cause. That the trio are able to remain entirely uninhibited by the detractors’ efforts to drain their energies speaks highly of their sense of creative self-identity. Wedded to musical talent and artistic curiosity, this fearless streak is afforded full rein on the band’s latest album. Less aggrieved and confrontational than its predecessor, 2009’s This Is War, 30 Seconds To Mars’ latest collection is lavish but not cloying, expansive yet often economical, approachable without being familiar. Love Lust Faith + Dreams is a release that defies genre. It is a grand achievement befitting this most grandiose of bands.
正如专辑名所暗示,《Love Lust Faith + Dreams》是一张涉猎极广的专辑。过广的涉猎面已成为 30STM 音乐的特点,他们也因此常为那些对公益事业无爱的听众所诟病。然而就算有很多尖酸评论想吸走他们的正能量,30STM 从未因此畏首畏尾,这恰恰体现了他们高度的自我认知。在音乐天赋和艺术好奇心的支撑下,他们用这张最新唱片对唱衰者发起了无畏的追击。相比于 2009 年发行的第三张专辑《This Is War》,《LLF + D》明显少了很多乖戾的愤青色彩。它奢华却不令人腻烦,涉猎极广而不铺张,平易近人又不可亵玩。你很难拿一个流派来定义《Love Lust Faith + Dreams》,它是与一支伟大乐队相称的宏伟之作。