Not for Want of Trying 人声采样

推荐Maybeshewill 的单曲《Not For Want Of Trying》,原来你什么都不想要!全曲大气激燃碉堡!人声采样来自1976年影片《电视台风云》高潮,大预言家痛斥后工业时代人类的麻木冷漠
I don't have to tell you things are bad.|Everybody knows things are bad.
It's a depression.
Everybody's out of work|or scared of losing their job.
The dollar buys a nickel's worth.|Banks are going bust.
Shopkeepers keep guns under the counter.|Punks are running wild in the street.
Nobody anywhere seems to know|what to do, and there's no end to it.
We know the air is unfit to breathe|and our food is unfit to eat.
We sit watching our TVs|while some newscaster tells us...
that today we had 15 homicides|and 63 violent crimes...
as if that's the way|it's supposed to be!
We know things are bad.|Worse than bad. They're crazy.
Everything everywhere is going crazy,|so we don't go out anymore.
We sit in the house. Slowly the world|we're living in is getting smaller.
All we say is, "Please. At least|leave us alone in our living rooms.
Let me have my toaster, my TV|my steel-belted radials.
I won't say anything|Just leave us alone. "
I'm not gonna leave you alone.|I want you to get mad!
I don't want you to protest or riot.
Don't write to your congressman.|I don't know what to tell you to write.
I don't know what to do|about depression, inflation...
the Russians,|the crime in the streets.
All I know is that first|you've got to get mad!
You've got to say,|"I'm a human being, goddamn it!
My life has value!"
So, I want you to get up now.
I want all of you to get up|out of your chairs.
I want you to get up now|and go to the window...
open it,|stick your head out and yell...
"I'm as mad as hell, and I'm|not gonna take this anymore!"
I don't have to tell you things are bad.|Everybody knows things are bad.
It's a depression.
Everybody's out of work|or scared of losing their job.
The dollar buys a nickel's worth.|Banks are going bust.
Shopkeepers keep guns under the counter.|Punks are running wild in the street.
Nobody anywhere seems to know|what to do, and there's no end to it.
We know the air is unfit to breathe|and our food is unfit to eat.
We sit watching our TVs|while some newscaster tells us...
that today we had 15 homicides|and 63 violent crimes...
as if that's the way|it's supposed to be!
We know things are bad.|Worse than bad. They're crazy.
Everything everywhere is going crazy,|so we don't go out anymore.
We sit in the house. Slowly the world|we're living in is getting smaller.
All we say is, "Please. At least|leave us alone in our living rooms.
Let me have my toaster, my TV|my steel-belted radials.
I won't say anything|Just leave us alone. "
I'm not gonna leave you alone.|I want you to get mad!
I don't want you to protest or riot.
Don't write to your congressman.|I don't know what to tell you to write.
I don't know what to do|about depression, inflation...
the Russians,|the crime in the streets.
All I know is that first|you've got to get mad!
You've got to say,|"I'm a human being, goddamn it!
My life has value!"
So, I want you to get up now.
I want all of you to get up|out of your chairs.
I want you to get up now|and go to the window...
open it,|stick your head out and yell...
"I'm as mad as hell, and I'm|not gonna take this anymore!"