your body is a wonderland在美剧里的出现与应用

1.摩登家庭 第四季 第六集
摩登家庭里的Haley最爱的偶像就是john mayer了。
家里准备变卖旧物的时候,haley交代妈妈千万不要luke动她的东西,然后妈妈告诉她,连john mayer都没有那样一张自己的海报。haley笑着说这是john mayer亲笔签名的,写着to haley,甚至还写上了your body is a wonderland,然后妈妈告诉她,这其实是她爸爸自己用不同颜色的笔写上去的。
2.无耻家庭 第二季 第五集
Fiona和高中时候的暗恋对象偷情被暗恋对象的妻子知道了,暗恋对象来来到Fiona家,求的Fiona和他妻子的原谅,怎样求得原谅呢?就是为她唱了一首your body is a wonderland.
your body is a wonderland应该算得上是john mayer的成名曲了,这首歌也为他赢得了第一座格莱美奖杯。
这首歌的歌词充满着情色味道,但是john mayer却用他温柔沙哑的声音演绎的让人如痴如醉。
为他唱一首your body is a wonderland吧。
John Mayer - Your Body Is A Wonderland
We got the afternoon
You got this room for two
One thing I've left to do
Discover me
Discovering you
One mile to every inch of
Your skin like porcelain
One pair of candy lips and
Your bubblegum tongue
'Cause if you want love
We'll make it
Swimming a deep sea
Of blankets
Take all your big plans
And break 'em
This is bound to be a while
Your body Is a wonderland
Your body is a wonder (I'll use my hands)
Your body Is a wonderland
Something 'bout the way the hair falls in your face
I love the shape you take
When crawling towards the pillowcase
You tell me where to go and
Though I might leave to find it
I'll never let your head hit the bed
Without my hand behind it
You want love?
We'll make it
Swimming a deep sea
Of blankets
Take all your big plans
And break 'em
This is bound to be a while
Your body Is a wonderland
Your body is a wonder (I'll use my hands)
Your body Is a wonderland
Damn baby
You frustrate me
I know you're mine all mine all mine
But you look so good it hurts sometimes
Your body Is a wonderland
Your body is a wonder (I'll use my hands)
Your body Is a wonderland
Your body Is a wonderland