In a catastrophic year we spare yet another chance for the oh-so-talented Christina Aguilera only to get disappointed. Which is hardly surprising. I mean, what else would you expect? This woman has been making passable lengthy albums for over a decade. As listeners we're supposed to be thankful she doesn't strech the whole thing into doulbe-CD lenghth this time. Other boons including a Linda Perry-free production team that finally holds up a whole album while coughing up some fair songs, like the self-empowerment anthem done parody style "Army of Me"("thousand faces of me rising", how creepy is that) ,an inspired Deeelite ripe-off awfully named "Red Hot Kinda Love" and the cheeky but well-detailed "Circles"(heard the "motherf*ler round ,round and round" part yet?).
With all the production consistency, above-average tracks and "exciting collaborations" with her The Voice co-judges, you would think Lotus-tina might have a shot. Too bad all of those only drastically reveals her inability as a singer. People have been raving about what a grrrreat instrument she's endowed with for too long to remember the fact that she debuted as a Celine Dion/Whitney Houston alternate back then. At some level it's safe to say she never learned how to sing properly, the melisma and vocal runs on "Sing For Me" might be exhilarating to common talent show enthusiasts, but they simply don't make it worth listening let alone a hit. On one of the highlights of this album, miss Aguilera bravely challenged a Rihanna-styled ballad, "Cease Fire", only to find herself totally defeated flat in gutter. In fact, the best vocal performance here is inevitably delivered by the Voice's Blake Sheldon (or Shelton, like I'd care). There goes our "voice of the generation".
Sad thing is that vocal limitation is barely the biggest turn-off here, it's about time that X-tina realize what's been impairing her career most is her bad taste and bitchy attitude. This album should've called "UNAPOLOGETIC" cause she has showed no sign of personal progression what-so-ever, she's still unattractivly yupping about "being ahead of time" "introspective" "the unbreable lotus" and "love doing something different" as if she's still the little girl dying to seperate herself from Micky Mouse Club. On the craftily hooked "Make the World Move", Aguilera once again take a chance to convince us that she's got the superpower to "Move the world" but only ends up sounding like "MOO MOO MOO MOO".
You want consolation, Aguilera fans will tell you the bad attitude is why they love her, but then most X-tina fans are incorrigible delusional creatures that feed on false hype and empty hope, ---which the rest of us can surely do without.
Cut: "Circles" "Army of Me"
我就不给CA迷说“I told you so”了,等首周预测出来再说
Christina Aguilera - Lotus intro
--虽然她自已依然觉得“I am so ahead of time”
这样一个氛围小曲还是挺不容易的, love the tribal beat,
甚至连她2分33秒的招牌吼叫也有了“new age”般的借口。
Christina Aguilera - Blank Page
半星送给“im scared im unprepared”的authenticity。
Christina Aguilera - Army of Me
仿Marry the Night的编曲有自己的charm,
拼命三娘般的vocal performance表现出一位艺人挣扎在flop边缘的决心;
唯一一个漏了老底的地方是第二段主歌“welcome to my revolution”
this is where Cal Lightman would say,“now that’s a LIE”
“thousand faces of me”,
of course,有不太肥的,比较肥的,特别肥的,和现在的。
CA大妈又让人听一耳就感到“饱了”,这丝毫不稀奇~你能对CA大妈期待什么?上一个十年里她做了几张不三不四的专辑。作为听众这一次我们感到庆幸CA大妈没有照搬《Backto basic》的包装套路,把N首废柴充成两张CD故作高深。除了这个惊喜,XX的团队帮CA从她那垃圾堆里掏出了几首勉强上的了台面的歌曲,像立意为自我开发的却做的拙劣无比的“我的野战部队”--- 好多个侏在天上飞呀~***搞笑的低能歌词~从三人组合Deelite那里抄袭来的 实际效果糟糕的“RHKL”,内容详实的道德败坏的“马戏团” (注意歌词没 好多个“操X妈”绕呀绕呀 )
CA压根不会唱歌。对于那些看选秀的平庸听众来说 CA在“sing for me”里拙劣的装饰音 鬼嘶已经足够让他们激动的颤抖了,其实全部都是废柴(@Light_darkness 说的就是你 )。想成为热门?做你的春秋大梦~
侏掉进坑了 CA的选秀搭档XXX无可争议的称为这张专辑里的声音亮点!(参赛三人 2人晕倒 你是冠军!) 叫什么来着 XX还是XX? 本小姐没注意看~
CA演唱上黔驴技穷不是关键,而是她的低级品味和彪子作风。这张专辑不应该叫做《莲花》,《就这么婊下去》才是恰如其分。看看歌词,能感觉到CA的灵魂升华了?什么“前卫”啦“洞察力”啦“我爱做不同的音乐”啦“灵花绽开 不可阻挡”啦 全部是放P。老大不小的女人还以为自己是要挣脱迪斯尼俱乐部的小女孩。还算有点旋律可言的“让地球动起来”里,CA发出了猪叫,其实我明白她是想传达积极的力量。
是个better than average的effort
Enya intro,后面的Army of Me,Red Hot Kinda Love(highlight),
Make the world move,Let There Be Love(hilight)
都维持在了一种90年代euro pop(光芒b-side)的氛围里,
虽然Sing for me,Blank Page难以避免的走上了抒情路,
另外后面几个还是euro pop,Circles,best of me(snow patrol stuff)
而且Just a fool和Light up the sky似乎是全专的songwriting peak
Linda Perry的滚蛋显然是一件好事,
然后最satisfying的事情是Your Body似乎是里面唯一一个sell-out
虽然意味着这个专辑不会再有任何“hit”(如果Your Body也算hit)
但是在临死之前做一个质量过得去的专辑 也算对自己歌手生涯负责任
这次最让人“担心”的是 歌迷反而会感到非常不满意。
“我们要Not myself tonight”“我们要linda perry”
我觉得是3星吧 主流乐评肯定没闲情去救助CA。
她现在的状况是即使稍微好一点 也不会有人注意
In a catastrophic year we spare yet another chance for the oh-so-talented Christina Aguilera only to get disappointed. Which is hardly surprising. I mean, what else would you expect? This woman has been making passable lengthy albums for over a decade. As listeners we're supposed to be thankful she doesn't strech the whole thing into doulbe-CD lenghth this time. Other boons including a Linda Perry-free production team that finally holds up a whole album while coughing up some fair songs, like the self-empowerment anthem done parody style "Army of Me"("thousand faces of me rising", how creepy is that) ,an inspired Deeelite ripe-off awfully named "Red Hot Kinda Love" and the cheeky but well-detailed "Circles"(heard the "motherf*ler round ,round and round" part yet?).
With all the production consistency, above-average tracks and "exciting collaborations" with her The Voice co-judges, you would think Lotus-tina might have a shot. Too bad all of those only drastically reveals her inability as a singer. People have been raving about what a grrrreat instrument she's endowed with for too long to remember the fact that she debuted as a Celine Dion/Whitney Houston alternate back then. At some level it's safe to say she never learned how to sing properly, the melisma and vocal runs on "Sing For Me" might be exhilarating to common talent show enthusiasts, but they simply don't make it worth listening let alone a hit. On one of the highlights of this album, miss Aguilera bravely challenged a Rihanna-styled ballad, "Cease Fire", only to find herself totally defeated flat in gutter. In fact, the best vocal performance here is inevitably delivered by the Voice's Blake Sheldon (or Shelton, like I'd care). There goes our "voice of the generation".
Sad thing is that vocal limitation is barely the biggest turn-off here, it's about time that X-tina realize what's been impairing her career most is her bad taste and bitchy attitude. This album should've called "UNAPOLOGETIC" cause she has showed no sign of personal progression what-so-ever, she's still unattractivly yupping about "being ahead of time" "introspective" "the unbreable lotus" and "love doing something different" as if she's still the little girl dying to seperate herself from Micky Mouse Club. On the craftily hooked "Make the World Move", Aguilera once again take a chance to convince us that she's got the superpower to "Move the world" but only ends up sounding like "MOO MOO MOO MOO".
You want consolation, Aguilera fans will tell you the bad attitude is why they love her, but then most X-tina fans are incorrigible delusional creatures that feed on false hype and empty hope, ---which the rest of us can surely do without.
Cut: "Circles" "Army of Me"
我就不给CA迷说“I told you so”了,等首周预测出来再说
Christina Aguilera - Lotus intro
--虽然她自已依然觉得“I am so ahead of time”
这样一个氛围小曲还是挺不容易的, love the tribal beat,
甚至连她2分33秒的招牌吼叫也有了“new age”般的借口。
Christina Aguilera - Blank Page
半星送给“im scared im unprepared”的authenticity。
Christina Aguilera - Army of Me
仿Marry the Night的编曲有自己的charm,
拼命三娘般的vocal performance表现出一位艺人挣扎在flop边缘的决心;
唯一一个漏了老底的地方是第二段主歌“welcome to my revolution”
this is where Cal Lightman would say,“now that’s a LIE”
“thousand faces of me”,
of course,有不太肥的,比较肥的,特别肥的,和现在的。
CA大妈又让人听一耳就感到“饱了”,这丝毫不稀奇~你能对CA大妈期待什么?上一个十年里她做了几张不三不四的专辑。作为听众这一次我们感到庆幸CA大妈没有照搬《Backto basic》的包装套路,把N首废柴充成两张CD故作高深。除了这个惊喜,XX的团队帮CA从她那垃圾堆里掏出了几首勉强上的了台面的歌曲,像立意为自我开发的却做的拙劣无比的“我的野战部队”--- 好多个侏在天上飞呀~***搞笑的低能歌词~从三人组合Deelite那里抄袭来的 实际效果糟糕的“RHKL”,内容详实的道德败坏的“马戏团” (注意歌词没 好多个“操X妈”绕呀绕呀 )
CA压根不会唱歌。对于那些看选秀的平庸听众来说 CA在“sing for me”里拙劣的装饰音 鬼嘶已经足够让他们激动的颤抖了,其实全部都是废柴(@Light_darkness 说的就是你 )。想成为热门?做你的春秋大梦~
侏掉进坑了 CA的选秀搭档XXX无可争议的称为这张专辑里的声音亮点!(参赛三人 2人晕倒 你是冠军!) 叫什么来着 XX还是XX? 本小姐没注意看~
CA演唱上黔驴技穷不是关键,而是她的低级品味和彪子作风。这张专辑不应该叫做《莲花》,《就这么婊下去》才是恰如其分。看看歌词,能感觉到CA的灵魂升华了?什么“前卫”啦“洞察力”啦“我爱做不同的音乐”啦“灵花绽开 不可阻挡”啦 全部是放P。老大不小的女人还以为自己是要挣脱迪斯尼俱乐部的小女孩。还算有点旋律可言的“让地球动起来”里,CA发出了猪叫,其实我明白她是想传达积极的力量。
是个better than average的effort
Enya intro,后面的Army of Me,Red Hot Kinda Love(highlight),
Make the world move,Let There Be Love(hilight)
都维持在了一种90年代euro pop(光芒b-side)的氛围里,
虽然Sing for me,Blank Page难以避免的走上了抒情路,
另外后面几个还是euro pop,Circles,best of me(snow patrol stuff)
而且Just a fool和Light up the sky似乎是全专的songwriting peak
Linda Perry的滚蛋显然是一件好事,
然后最satisfying的事情是Your Body似乎是里面唯一一个sell-out
虽然意味着这个专辑不会再有任何“hit”(如果Your Body也算hit)
但是在临死之前做一个质量过得去的专辑 也算对自己歌手生涯负责任
这次最让人“担心”的是 歌迷反而会感到非常不满意。
“我们要Not myself tonight”“我们要linda perry”
我觉得是3星吧 主流乐评肯定没闲情去救助CA。
她现在的状况是即使稍微好一点 也不会有人注意