The Best Song Wasn't The Single.

我觉得Frank Ocean偏爱橙色,他说他记忆中的那个下午就是美丽的橙色。Pitchfork同样给出了9.5的好评,当然是这么评价的:Frank Ocean is airborne, looking around, taking it all in. "Up above the birds, I saw the sky like I never seen before," he whispers on his major-label debut, Channel Orange, as avian chirps surround him.
此专辑依旧延续了他小清新般的风格,不知何时我听着听着都能听出股小情歌的感觉。R&B从此显得格外鲜活了,没有太多的商业味道参杂在其中。他只是一个静静的,唱着歌的,透露着丝丝缕缕情意的大男孩。回听Frank Ocean演唱的I miss U ,就是Bee的那首I miss U的细腻感觉,他做的淋漓精致。但Frank Ocean需要思考在Post-closet时代如何写出不仅仅是打动Indie乐评的朦胧文艺作品,而是触及到Real sexuality 至少是Real Love的东西了。
所以Pitchfork才会这么写: He's living in his own world, but also fascinated with what's around him. Currently, his Twitter bio reads: "i don't know anything. & neither do you." In Frank Ocean-speak, that's not a statement of ignorance but rather one of wisdom.
所以,我觉得这是个宁静的channel ORANGE的Summer。
1Sweet Life
2Bad Religion
我觉得Frank Ocean偏爱橙色,他说他记忆中的那个下午就是美丽的橙色。Pitchfork同样给出了9.5的好评,当然是这么评价的:Frank Ocean is airborne, looking around, taking it all in. "Up above the birds, I saw the sky like I never seen before," he whispers on his major-label debut, Channel Orange, as avian chirps surround him.
此专辑依旧延续了他小清新般的风格,不知何时我听着听着都能听出股小情歌的感觉。R&B从此显得格外鲜活了,没有太多的商业味道参杂在其中。他只是一个静静的,唱着歌的,透露着丝丝缕缕情意的大男孩。回听Frank Ocean演唱的I miss U ,就是Bee的那首I miss U的细腻感觉,他做的淋漓精致。但Frank Ocean需要思考在Post-closet时代如何写出不仅仅是打动Indie乐评的朦胧文艺作品,而是触及到Real sexuality 至少是Real Love的东西了。
所以Pitchfork才会这么写: He's living in his own world, but also fascinated with what's around him. Currently, his Twitter bio reads: "i don't know anything. & neither do you." In Frank Ocean-speak, that's not a statement of ignorance but rather one of wisdom.
所以,我觉得这是个宁静的channel ORANGE的Summer。
1Sweet Life
2Bad Religion