Three Courses and an Open Cano
If you lie to me by
three courses to try
If you never felt defined to
speak all your mind
Cause you know we begin
in this fortune to sin
and I see that
you know the smell my hospital brings
And I know you before
you face all the doors
And I know you before
you face all the doors
But if you could receive
in silence you leave
and love never knelt these nineteen
paces from me
And if I’d followed you
in an open canoe
and if I’d never liked the shirts with
stripes and the news
that I know you before
you face all the doors
that I know you before
you face all the doors
知道这张专辑是从这首歌开始,温柔可作为催眠曲般的声音,整张专辑并没有太花哨的地方,声音的润色也只是运用吉他配上带有磁性的男声轻声吟唱,不管是快节奏如I Want You to Know It's Now or 还是慢声若Three Courses and an Open Cano,不会带给人心上平添嘈杂,安静的发呆的时候,这张专辑不失为一个好伴侣。
If you lie to me by
three courses to try
If you never felt defined to
speak all your mind
Cause you know we begin
in this fortune to sin
and I see that
you know the smell my hospital brings
And I know you before
you face all the doors
And I know you before
you face all the doors
But if you could receive
in silence you leave
and love never knelt these nineteen
paces from me
And if I’d followed you
in an open canoe
and if I’d never liked the shirts with
stripes and the news
that I know you before
you face all the doors
that I know you before
you face all the doors
知道这张专辑是从这首歌开始,温柔可作为催眠曲般的声音,整张专辑并没有太花哨的地方,声音的润色也只是运用吉他配上带有磁性的男声轻声吟唱,不管是快节奏如I Want You to Know It's Now or 还是慢声若Three Courses and an Open Cano,不会带给人心上平添嘈杂,安静的发呆的时候,这张专辑不失为一个好伴侣。