这首歌儿啊!—The Flaming Lips-Race For The Prize!。。

没错!! 美国队The Flaming Lips的Race For The Prize!! 原来最早是因为“theScoff”乐队主唱 李贺 在“joyside年轻帮”小组推荐过的MV 最近又无意中听到 便不忍心停下来。。 上网搜了The Flaming Lips的资料 知道这首出自他们1999年的The Soft Bulletin专辑 并在驴中找到专辑下载 里面附上的专辑介绍也很到位 最后看乐评作者 乃是袁智聪 缘来!:)。。 慢慢看着那乐评 不禁泪流满面 我知道一定和他们是 80后(83年成立)有关 但是 难道只为我的 八〇年代 情结缘故么? 还是我曾经错过了多少优秀的美国队儿?! 记得当时李贺推荐这首Race For The Prize的MV时用的标题好像是“原来我们谁都错过了”?!可当时并没太在意 但是现在 我想我理解这句话了:)。。 但是现在再去“年轻帮”小组找那个帖子好像早已经不存在了?!我不知道为啥?:(。。 李贺推荐的Race For The Prize现场MV地址: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuRyrcjBX7M Race For The Prize原版MV地址: http://v.mdbchina.com/detail/4419555/ 两个都很好!:P。。 The Flaming Lips-Race For The Prize 歌词: Two scientists were racing For the good of all mankind Both of them side by side So determined Locked in heated battle For the cure that is their prize But it's so dangerous But they're determined Theirs is to win If it kills them They're just humans With wives and children Upwards to the vanguard Where the pressure is too high Under the microscope Hope against hope Forging for the future But to sacrifice their lives Both of them side by side So determined Theirs is to win If it kills them They're just humans With wives and children Theirs is to win It will kill them They're just humans With wives and children 抓紧你现在手头拥有的吧! 别tmd再错过了!! :)。。