about the reality about the past

“It's not that I am dishonest, it's just that I loathe reality...It's sort of like my past in an unfinished painting, and as the artist of that painting, I must fill in all the ugly holes and make it beautiful again...”
from: Lady GaGa‘s MV ---marry the night
将近十四分钟的MV, 当时看一分半“trailer”的时候就有预感会是个比较有情节的MV。
Beethoven's Piano Sonata No.8 in C minor, "Pathetique" 1. Grave - Allegro di molto e con brio
gaga 前两张专辑讲述的大多数是love,sex,fame, vanity。这些都是在她还未成名时作的曲子,也是后来令她的声音席卷全球的曲子。当赢得金钱名誉后,她选择走向自己的过去,然后便有了《born this way》。
《marry the night》将gaga不堪回首的过去展现出来。绝望的气息,残酷的真实,崩溃的边缘。。。。极度的绝望和崩溃后,她说“I am gonna to be a star, cause I have nothing left to lose”. 然后便是疯狂的努力,再然后就是我们知道的gaga了。。。(这是她首次独立做MV的导演)
非常喜欢MV中车场的片段。像是表达她被残酷的现实撕碎,然后带着溃烂的上伤口put herself together。引用adele的一句歌词儿就是”I'll be braver, I'll be my own savior.“
aggressive?Crazy?messy?druger? tramp?不管怎么说,我总能从她身上感受一种积极的力量,那就是为梦想不屑努力着,不断突破着。
挫折就像是“tickets to ride”桌游中你抽中的tickets。它本身无所谓好坏,the harder the route, the higher chance u will fail on it and lose the points; but when u finally make it, u will get your bonus at the end.
from: Lady GaGa‘s MV ---marry the night
将近十四分钟的MV, 当时看一分半“trailer”的时候就有预感会是个比较有情节的MV。
Beethoven's Piano Sonata No.8 in C minor, "Pathetique" 1. Grave - Allegro di molto e con brio
gaga 前两张专辑讲述的大多数是love,sex,fame, vanity。这些都是在她还未成名时作的曲子,也是后来令她的声音席卷全球的曲子。当赢得金钱名誉后,她选择走向自己的过去,然后便有了《born this way》。
《marry the night》将gaga不堪回首的过去展现出来。绝望的气息,残酷的真实,崩溃的边缘。。。。极度的绝望和崩溃后,她说“I am gonna to be a star, cause I have nothing left to lose”. 然后便是疯狂的努力,再然后就是我们知道的gaga了。。。(这是她首次独立做MV的导演)
非常喜欢MV中车场的片段。像是表达她被残酷的现实撕碎,然后带着溃烂的上伤口put herself together。引用adele的一句歌词儿就是”I'll be braver, I'll be my own savior.“
aggressive?Crazy?messy?druger? tramp?不管怎么说,我总能从她身上感受一种积极的力量,那就是为梦想不屑努力着,不断突破着。
挫折就像是“tickets to ride”桌游中你抽中的tickets。它本身无所谓好坏,the harder the route, the higher chance u will fail on it and lose the points; but when u finally make it, u will get your bonus at the end.